1740121614 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1740123432 Q * guerby_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1740134907 J * guerby ~guerby@88-121-5-229.subs.proxad.net 1740135946 Q * guerby Remote host closed the connection 1740136093 J * guerby ~guerby@2a01:e0a:441:7940:8fab:af3a:f46:4903 1740136690 Q * guerby Read error: Connection reset by peer 1740136753 J * guerby ~guerby@2a01:e0a:441:7940:8fab:af3a:f46:4903 1740172149 Q * Hurga Remote host closed the connection 1740172170 J * Hurga ~hurga@000131c9.user.oftc.net 1740174257 N * yang40 yang 1740178561 Q * Ghislain