1734252516 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1734258604 M * gnarface Bertl: i also suspect the latter. bummer. :( 1734259364 M * Guy- I don't see how a "hostile takeover" would work -- if they have updated patches they can just release them without Bertl's review and "take over" future development without speaking here 1734263114 M * gnarface that's true but they have to change the name then 1734263154 M * gnarface and the domain 1734266402 M * Guy- they could start a github project and call it vserver-ng or whatever 1734268356 M * gnarface sure, but that's not the same thing if you're trying to do something shady 1734268424 M * Guy- I understand; what I don't understand is how the shady thing would have worked 1734268436 M * Guy- ask Bertl to hand over the domain? 1734268469 M * gnarface 1: show up and say you have all the next gen patches, expecting weak leadership 1734268477 M * gnarface 2: everyone presumably votes you to be the new leader 1734268488 M * gnarface 3: take control and then sneak something shady in the code 1734268503 M * gnarface or just steal all the street cred, or whatever 1734268514 M * Guy- OK, I suppose, but isn't linux-vserver already too niche for that? 1734268520 M * gnarface you can hide your pedigree by taking over a project from the inside 1734268548 M * gnarface indeed, i suppose it does seem like they must not have done their research, or had some special target in mind... 1734268599 M * gnarface or maybe they were just hoping to be offered money, i dunno 1734268638 M * gnarface maybe they just got busy and they'll still show up with patches at some future date? 1734268683 M * Guy- fingers crossed 1734274298 M * Bertl also, if the project were abandoned, nobody could check the content of said patches 1734274343 M * Bertl which opens a lot of options to introduce bad code or similar 1734274379 M * Bertl but yeah, it's all speculation and maybe dzk still shows up with a present :) 1734278802 Q * gnarface Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1734279148 J * gnarface ~gnarface@108-227-52-42.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net 1734283471 Q * Hurga Remote host closed the connection 1734283504 J * Hurga ~hurga@000131c9.user.oftc.net 1734293079 Q * sladen 1734298670 Q * Ghislain