1734134583 Q * Ghislain 1734155835 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1734156126 Q * Ghislain 1734163221 J * s1aden ~paul@starsky.19inch.net 1734171772 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1734171941 Q * Ghislain 1734172062 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1734197580 M * Hurga Bertl: did you hear back from dzk and thei patches? 1734197694 M * Bertl nah, unfortunately not ... I presume it was either a bad joke or some hostile take over attempt 1734198350 M * Hurga aww :( 1734201929 Q * Hurga Remote host closed the connection 1734201946 J * Hurga ~hurga@000131c9.user.oftc.net 1734204771 Q * Ghislain