1728960434 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-78-35-216-117.nc.de 1728960882 Q * fstd_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1728997609 M * yang These are my processes on the virtualized Debian machine, currently logged in over serial console in "repair mode"...it seems i cannot ssh to it? https://paste.debian.net/hidden/a168ebf9/ 1728997634 M * yang I think that systemd from bookworm took over sysvinit... 1728997643 M * yang and maybe it has problem booting properly? 1728997744 M * yang netstat -plontu return no hits 1728999304 M * yang from dmesg - systemd[1]: Warning! Reported kernel version 4.9.115-vs2.3.9.7 is older than systemd's required baseline kernel version 4.15. Your mileage may vary. 1729000058 M * yang systemd[1]: dev-cgroup.mount: Failed with result 1729000708 M * yang ok, so this is partially solved, commenting the last line vserver /dev/cgroups will make system boot 1729000711 M * yang https://paste.debian.net/hidden/20aeea05/ 1729000724 M * yang but how to fix this now? 1729000790 M * yang i have removed a lot of v_* files , which were vserver-related 1729000806 M * yang because the upgrade didn't let me continue without solving that yestrerday 1729001855 M * gnarface did you use vps for that process list or just regular ps? 1729001868 M * gnarface only thing i can think of is maybe starting order again 1729001907 M * yang Is there a way to migrate this server from Vserver to LXC ? 1729001917 M * yang LXC uses the newer kernel 1729001926 M * gnarface dunno, but every ssh instance binds to all ip addresses by default, if you don't change that in the config and you have more than one on the system they might fight 1729001930 M * yang I have about 2 guest systems in it 1729002123 M * yang OpenAI gave me some instructions about migration, like preparing containers for migration 1729002632 M * gnarface i think it would be easier for you to migrate to devuan instead 1729020135 M * yang too late for that 1729029525 Q * Ghislain