1721367608 Q * yang2 Server closed connection 1721367912 J * yang2 ~yang@gnulinux.si 1721372905 Q * daniel_hozac Server closed connection 1721372927 J * daniel_hozac ~m-46jobf@2001:470:df7e:200::82 1721373849 Q * Guy- Server closed connection 1721373855 J * Guy- ~korn@0002809d.user.oftc.net 1721376633 Q * transacid Server closed connection 1721376654 J * transacid ~transacid@transacid.de 1721383374 T * * linux-vserver.org identify to talk |4.4.x|4.9.x|0.30.216-pre3131| He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who doesn't ask is a fool for a lifetime -- share the gained knowledge on the Wiki, and we forget about the minute. 1721383374 T * ChanServ - 1721390232 Q * fstd Server closed connection 1721390235 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-78-35-202-247.nc.de 1721401770 Q * guerby__ Server closed connection 1721401933 J * guerby__ ~guerby@2001:861:5202:bfe0::102 1721409700 Q * dustinm` 1721410145 J * dustinm` ~dustinm`@static.