1721100244 J * guerby_ ~guerby@2001:861:5202:bfe0::102 1721100476 Q * guerby Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1721103649 Q * gnarface resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1721103653 J * gnarface ~gnarface@108-227-52-42.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net 1721103757 Q * ntrs_ resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1721103757 Q * jrayhawk resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1721103760 J * jrayhawk ~jrayhawk@0001f8f9.user.oftc.net 1721103760 J * ntrs_ ~ntrs@ 1721103814 Q * mcp charon.oftc.net coulomb.oftc.net 1721103814 Q * DoberMann_ charon.oftc.net coulomb.oftc.net 1721103814 Q * sladen charon.oftc.net coulomb.oftc.net 1721103818 J * mcp ~mcp@wolk-project.de 1721103818 J * sladen ~paul@starsky.19inch.net 1721103818 J * DoberMann_ ~james@2a01:e0a:8d6:38e0::2 1721103892 Q * ntrs_ charon.oftc.net resistance.oftc.net 1721103892 Q * jrayhawk charon.oftc.net resistance.oftc.net 1721103892 Q * gnarface charon.oftc.net resistance.oftc.net 1721103892 Q * FloodServ charon.oftc.net resistance.oftc.net 1721103905 J * ntrs_ ~ntrs@ 1721103905 J * jrayhawk ~jrayhawk@0001f8f9.user.oftc.net 1721103905 J * gnarface ~gnarface@108-227-52-42.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net 1721103905 J * FloodServ services@services.oftc.net 1721104642 T * * linux-vserver.org identify to talk |4.4.x|4.9.x|0.30.216-pre3131| He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who doesn't ask is a fool for a lifetime -- share the gained knowledge on the Wiki, and we forget about the minute. 1721104642 T * ChanServ - 1721104721 Q * FloodServ synthon.oftc.net resistance.oftc.net 1721104836 J * FloodServ services@services.oftc.net 1721105396 Q * FloodServ singleton.oftc.net resistance.oftc.net 1721105397 J * FloodServ services@services.oftc.net 1721105445 P * FloodServ 1721105502 T * ChanServ linux-vserver.org identify to talk |4.4.x|4.9.x|0.30.216-pre3131| He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who doesn't ask is a fool for a lifetime -- share the gained knowledge on the Wiki, and we forget about the minute. 1721105502 J * FloodServ services@services.oftc.net 1721111338 Q * Bertl Server closed connection 1721111343 J * Bertl herbert@IRC.13thfloor.at 1721111824 Q * Jb_boin Server closed connection 1721111836 J * Jb_boin ~dedior@195-144-11-160.phpnet.fr 1721117571 Q * DLange Server closed connection 1721117580 J * DLange ~DLange@dlange.user.oftc.net 1721120388 J * fstd_ ~fstd@xdsl-78-35-202-247.nc.de 1721120595 Q * fstd Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1721130770 Q * _are_ Server closed connection 1721130781 J * _are_ ~quassel@jabber.lihas.de 1721132146 Q * dustinm` Server closed connection 1721132295 J * dustinm` ~dustinm`@static. 1721144123 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-78-35-202-247.nc.de 1721144150 J * Hurga_ ~hurga@kabelmarder.de 1721144178 J * bzed_ ~bzed@bzed.user.oftc.net 1721144288 J * guerby__ ~guerby@2001:861:5202:bfe0::102 1721144354 J * nikolay_ ~nikolay@178-169-191-169.parvomai.ddns.bulsat.com 1721144376 J * DLange_ ~DLange@dlange.user.oftc.net 1721144415 Q * dustinm` reticulum.oftc.net helix.oftc.net 1721144415 Q * fstd_ reticulum.oftc.net helix.oftc.net 1721144415 Q * DLange reticulum.oftc.net helix.oftc.net 1721144415 Q * guerby_ reticulum.oftc.net helix.oftc.net 1721144415 Q * Hurga reticulum.oftc.net helix.oftc.net 1721144415 Q * hjckr reticulum.oftc.net helix.oftc.net 1721144415 Q * bzed reticulum.oftc.net helix.oftc.net 1721144416 N * bzed_ bzed 1721144443 N * DLange_ DLange 1721144573 J * dustinm` ~dustinm`@static. 1721171599 Q * yang2 Quit: Reconnecting 1721171902 J * yang2 ~yang@ 1721172122 Q * yang2 1721172124 J * yang2 ~yang@ 1721172627 Q * yang2 1721172629 J * yang2 ~yang@