1709857668 M * Bertl we have bans? 1709857735 M * gnarface maybe the server went down and they were just reinstating old mans 1709857738 M * gnarface old bans* 1709857746 M * gnarface here, i'll paste it: 1709857755 M * gnarface http://paste.debian.net/1309841/ 1709857796 M * Bertl ah, yeah, could be 1709857816 M * gnarface basically just got disconnected "connection reset by peer" and came back to that, and then shortly later saw that nickserv had been down and i had to reconnect again manually to get my registration back 1709857858 M * gnarface but usually when i see that many bans happen at once it's following some sort of SPAM flood 1709857916 M * gnarface but the last two bans are at *.oftc.net domains? i dunno, seems like some sort of serious drama 1709857929 M * gnarface last 3 actually, 4 in total 1709859439 Q * gnarface Remote host closed the connection 1709860545 J * gnarface ~gnarface@108-227-52-42.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net 1709879769 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1709932176 Q * Ghislain