1707636017 J * bzed ~bzed@bzed.user.oftc.net 1707636135 Q * bzed Remote host closed the connection 1707636198 J * bzed ~bzed@bzed.user.oftc.net 1707636316 Q * bzed Remote host closed the connection 1707636378 J * bzed ~bzed@bzed.user.oftc.net 1707636603 Q * bzed Remote host closed the connection 1707636616 J * bzed ~bzed@bzed.user.oftc.net 1707636733 Q * bzed Remote host closed the connection 1707636797 J * bzed ~bzed@bzed.user.oftc.net 1707636914 Q * bzed Remote host closed the connection 1707636978 J * bzed ~bzed@bzed.user.oftc.net 1707637096 Q * bzed Remote host closed the connection 1707637158 J * bzed ~bzed@bzed.user.oftc.net 1707637272 Q * bzed Remote host closed the connection 1707637338 J * bzed ~bzed@bzed.user.oftc.net 1707637388 Q * bzed autokilled: Your IRC client is having issues; please fix it and poke us once you have (2024-02-11 07:43:07) 1707638255 J * nikolay_ ~nikolay@178-169-191-169.parvomai.ddns.bulsat.com 1707638390 Q * hjckr Ping timeout: 480 seconds