1695964435 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1695964504 Q * Ghislain 1695964600 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@93-116-190-109.dsl.ovh.fr 1695965221 Q * Ghislain Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1695965254 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1695975842 Q * Hurga Remote host closed the connection 1695975849 Q * fstd_ Remote host closed the connection 1695975849 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-195-14-198-234.nc.de 1695975856 J * Hurga ~hurga@000131c9.user.oftc.net 1695981964 J * fstd_ ~fstd@xdsl-89-0-43-68.nc.de 1695982409 Q * fstd Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1695983879 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-89-0-42-170.nc.de 1695983923 J * fstd__ ~fstd@xdsl-89-0-42-179.nc.de 1695983967 J * fstd___ ~fstd@xdsl-89-0-42-181.nc.de 1695984146 J * fstd____ ~fstd@xdsl-89-0-42-192.nc.de 1695984327 Q * fstd_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1695984362 Q * fstd Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1695984407 Q * fstd__ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1695984517 Q * fstd___ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1695999586 Q * gnarface Remote host closed the connection 1696000491 J * gnarface ~gnarface@108-227-52-42.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net 1696003892 J * arekmx ~arekm@phobos.pld-linux.org 1696003892 Q * arekm Read error: Connection reset by peer 1696004174 Q * mcp Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1696004223 J * mcp ~mcp@ 1696004255 N * mcp Guest1678 1696004403 Q * yang3 Read error: Connection reset by peer 1696004407 J * yang3__ ~yang@ 1696017024 Q * Ghislain 1696030578 Q * fstd____ Read error: Connection reset by peer 1696030601 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-89-0-42-192.nc.de