1692423640 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1692437108 Q * Ghislain 1692442053 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1692457169 M * yang3 What are the recommended flags for transfering files from A to B ? I use: rsync -axXHSD --numeric-ids -e 'ssh -p 22' ... 1692457179 M * yang3 for preserving all files 1692457639 M * Bertl sounds good to me, I usually have -axXHPSD (i.e. additional P) not sure this changes much, but otherwise it should be fine 1692457775 Q * Ghislain 1692458621 M * yang3 thanks Bertl , how are you ? 1692458660 M * Bertl I've been better, but things are normalizing now ... 1692458670 M * Bertl how are you? 1692458737 M * yang3 Yeah, we had massive floods here, you probably saw the news from Carinthia...homes were flooded. I was lucky, capital city wasn't flooded. 1692458749 M * yang3 So I guess it could end up worse... 1692458760 M * Bertl yeah, terrible ... 1692458982 M * yang3 so these flags -axXHPSD , they don't delete anything? even if the order goes A->B or B->A ? 1692459388 M * Bertl no if you want to delete stuff you need to add --delete or --remove-source-files (depending on where you want to delete stuff) 1692459446 M * yang3 ok 1692459450 M * yang3 thanks 1692459461 M * Bertl the --numeric-ids part is only required if you are moving stuff between different systems and ids do not match, but it doesn't hurt either 1692459487 M * yang3 what perserves the dates on the remote machine, and sets the ssame backward dates on the new machine? 1692459559 M * Bertl there are a number of options related to various times (atime, ctime, etc) 1692459580 M * yang3 I mean flags withing rsync, that would preserve that? 1692459595 M * Bertl the -a option is for archive and basically preserves everything 1692459609 M * yang3 ok 1692460493 M * yang3 Bertl: is rsync from server A to rsync on server B sent encrypted? I just use -e 'ssh -p 22' to connect through ssh, maybe not the best way to use rsync like that? 1692461823 J * gratuxri ~gratuxri@vhost26.jugra.de 1692461921 M * yang3 I mean when using default "rsync" from client to rsync server 1692461928 M * yang3 is that encryprted 1692464690 M * Bertl ssh is encryped