1691625901 Q * CcxWrk Remote host closed the connection 1691629844 J * CcxWrk ~CcxWrk@mail.te2000.cz 1691630116 Q * guerby Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1691630230 J * guerby ~guerby@ip165.tetaneutral.net 1691631788 Q * CcxWrk Remote host closed the connection 1691631865 J * CcxWrk ~CcxWrk@mail.te2000.cz 1691632322 Q * CcxWrk Remote host closed the connection 1691632398 J * CcxWrk ~CcxWrk@mail.te2000.cz 1691637925 Q * CcxWrk Remote host closed the connection 1691639506 J * guerby_ ~guerby@ip165.tetaneutral.net 1691639517 Q * guerby Read error: Connection reset by peer 1691646327 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1691649319 J * CcxWrk ~CcxWrk@mail.te2000.cz 1691649542 Q * CcxWrk Remote host closed the connection 1691657630 J * CcxWrk ~ccx@asterix.te2000.cz 1691657696 J * CcxWrk_ ~CcxWrk@mail.te2000.cz 1691657743 Q * CcxWrk_ Remote host closed the connection 1691697751 Q * Ghislain 1691703174 J * CcxWrk_ ~CcxWrk@mail.te2000.cz