1679531701 Q * jrayhawk Remote host closed the connection 1679531713 J * jrayhawk ~jrayhawk@0001f8f9.user.oftc.net 1679547485 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1679562054 M * Ghislain hi Bertl ! Hope everything is okay for you . Do you have any news about 6.X patches ? 1679584646 M * Ghislain the question that should not be asked ;D 1679584664 M * Guy- -names 1679584710 M * Guy- Ghislain: I would hazard that Bertl would share any such noteworthy news without prompting :) 1679584757 M * Ghislain yes but i am the Tick Fly 1679584778 M * Ghislain i am here as a little devil on the should picking in the neck every so often 1679584801 M * Ghislain s/should/shoulder/ 1679607681 Q * transacid Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1679608452 J * transacid ~transacid@transacid.de 1679611698 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving.