1626570864 M * Bertl_oO off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1626570865 N * Bertl_oO Bertl_zZ 1626586356 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl1.aqueos.com 1626597008 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1626598541 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl1.aqueos.com 1626607475 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1626610508 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1626610569 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1626610571 M * Bertl morning folks! 1626624915 M * Bertl off for now ... bbl 1626624916 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1626632959 J * Ghislain ~ghislain@adsl1.aqueos.com 1626633707 J * Aiken ~Aiken@2001:44b8:2168:1000:b26e:bfff:fe2a:b951 1626649973 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving.