1577059858 M * Bertl_oO off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1577059860 N * Bertl_oO Bertl_zZ 1577078339 Q * railleries Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1577086704 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-78-34-255-3.nc.de 1577087171 Q * fstd_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1577092503 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1577092505 M * Bertl morning folks! 1577094571 M * Bertl off for now ... bbl 1577094572 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1577098484 J * Ghislain ~Ghislain@adsl1.aqueos.com 1577100543 M * Guy- 1577097233.572742 name_to_handle_at(AT_FDCWD, "/srv/old-pi", {handle_bytes=128}, 0x7fff94a628dc, 0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) <4.993423> 1577100548 M * Guy- any idea why this could be so slow? 1577100562 M * Guy- it's not *always* slow, only some of the time, and only when hitting ENOENT 1577100580 M * Guy- (may not be vserver related; sorry about hijacking the channel, but since nobody's talking anyway...) 1577107276 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1577128528 J * Aiken ~Aiken@b951.h.jbmb.net 1577131576 Q * Hurga Quit: Verlassend 1577132161 J * Hurga ~hurga@000131c9.user.oftc.net 1577143242 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving.