1519114075 M * Ghislain Le_Coyote: /etc/vservers/vserver-name/apps/init in there you define start order with the 'mark' 'depends' etc.. 1519114105 M * Ghislain here my guest start in parralelle, i think 4 at a time 1519114350 M * Ghislain never counted it but i got at less 4 of them started at the same time as long as their mark is the same 1519115096 J * nikolay ~nikolay@ 1519115320 M * Ghislain daniel_hozack: i just saw /etc/vservers/vserver-name/spaces/pid, does this mean i can use pid namespace in guest ? or is that the defaut pid change for init ? 1519115498 M * Ghislain i was thinking like the user namespace that you didnt used them but use a vserver alternative 1519115867 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1519115871 M * Bertl morning folks! 1519115922 M * Ghislain morning 1519115948 M * Ghislain well the /proc/xx/ns seems to say they all are in the same pid namespace so 1519116029 M * daniel_hozac pid namespaces would require rewriting some rather significant parts of util-vserver 1519116056 M * daniel_hozac so not supported right now 1519116120 M * Ghislain ok :) 1519120261 M * Bertl off for now ... bbl 1519120263 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1519123072 J * click click@ice.vcon.no 1519125311 M * Le_Coyote Ghislain: among the 12 or so VServers that I run, they don't always end up on the same physical host 1519125323 M * Le_Coyote So I cannot make one depend on another that might be or not be running at all 1519129242 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1519130424 Q * romster Quit: Leaving 1519132660 J * romster ~romster@ 1519134877 M * Ghislain then just put the same mark on all and they will start by batch of 4 simultaneously i think 1519134886 M * Ghislain at least this is how i see this working here 1519136119 J * obeardly ~obeardly@ 1519136579 M * AlexanderS I think the number is configurable. I see a "NUMPARALLEL" variable in the debian init script. 1519136848 M * Ghislain ah! i searched that in the flower page but didnt saw it 1519137954 M * Le_Coyote Ghislain: I managed to get a lock with just 2 vs starting simultaneously 1519138002 M * Ghislain then its on your configuration because i dont have this issue at all here. Where does it lock at ? 1519138368 M * Le_Coyote I use iptables in the pre-start script to set a few rules (for pre-vserver IP traffic accounting) 1519138397 M * Le_Coyote Concurrent iptables are prone to locking 1519138408 M * Le_Coyote So I ended up using -w 1519138417 M * Le_Coyote But a non-parallel startup option would be nice 1519138424 M * Le_Coyote Along with its documentation, of course 1519138436 M * Ghislain well it is easy 1519138443 M * Ghislain in the TAG name just put the context 1519138460 M * Ghislain then each will be started at its turn i htink 1519138495 M * Le_Coyote Uh, come again? 1519138676 M * Ghislain /etc/vservers/vserver-name/apps/init 1519138713 M * Ghislain in that put a file named "mark" 1519138718 M * Ghislain put the context in it 1519138729 M * Ghislain mark 1519138729 M * Ghislain This file is used to mark group of vservers which shall be started/stopped together by the initscript. Content is a simple string like 'default'. 1519138799 M * Le_Coyote Oh, I see 1519138828 M * Le_Coyote Yeah so if each VS is in itw own group, then they will be started up in a sequence, gotcha 1519138830 M * Le_Coyote Cheers :) 1519138983 M * Ghislain should be yes 1519138994 M * Ghislain by default they have no tag so they start at the same time 1519139018 M * Le_Coyote I get it now. I'd never questioned the "default" keyword there before 1519139057 M * Ghislain in doubt i reread the flower page. this is how i saw i could say my debian start at level 2 not level3 etc... 1519139069 M * Ghislain Bertl: i think i have another host ip leakage 1519139088 M * Ghislain /sbin/ip route ls, it show me the ip of the host 1519139111 M * Ghislain i saw it using 'facter' the utility of puppet that gather informations about the system 1519139127 M * Ghislain i tracked it down and it seems to come from the routes 1519139137 M * Le_Coyote I read it too, but I was looking for words such as "sequence" or "parallel" 1519139378 M * Ghislain https://pastebin.com/raw/2Mr5htfn 1519139417 M * Guy- Le_Coyote: the supplied initscript only starts guests marked as 'default'; you can use something like "MARK=foo NUMPARALLEL=42 LOCKFILE=vserver-foo /path/to/util-vserver/vserver-wrapper start" to start guests marked as "foo", with 42 of them starting in parallel 1519139448 M * Le_Coyote Ghislain: confirmed. Never noticed that before 1519139486 M * Le_Coyote Guy-: huh, alright thanks, where is that documented though? 1519139535 M * Ghislain not that i know but you can edit the wiki to add it 1519139555 M * Guy- Le_Coyote: good question -- I think I came up with this by looking at the supplied initscript 1519139580 M * Guy- adding it to the wiki would be a good idea, but I don't know where it belongs 1519139604 M * Le_Coyote The Gentoo initscript doesn't seem to use those variables though 1519139981 M * Ghislain Guy-: do you have used and see xwhat you tell here worked ? 1519140015 M * Guy- Ghislain: yes, I actually use this (with a different MARK) 1519140053 M * Guy- Le_Coyote: not the initscript -- the vserver-wrapper script uses them 1519140055 M * Guy- it has this: 1519140056 M * Guy- test -n "$MARK" || MARK=default 1519140145 M * Ghislain Guy-: cool thanks 1519140194 M * Ghislain could you not just add MARK=foo NUMPARALLEL=42 LOCKFILE=vserver-foo to the /etc/vservers/vserver-name/apps/init/environement ? 1519140239 M * Guy- Ghislain: you could, but I don't see what that would do 1519140267 M * Ghislain thsi will not need to chnage the wrapper thing and just a normal start would work 1519140619 M * Le_Coyote Guy-: ah, ok, noted 1519140642 M * Le_Coyote At any rate, I figured it was better to use a non-locking pre-start script, too 1519140652 M * Le_Coyote But I learned something :) 1519140687 M * Le_Coyote Hm, the Xeon 3500 series are not listed as affected by Spectre/Meltdown 1519140714 M * Guy- Ghislain: why would a normal start work? during a "normal start", the wrapper only iterates over guests marked "default" 1519140812 M * Le_Coyote Ghislain: I lsot track, are the virt_mem/virt_load solved in the latest 4.9 patch ? 1519140816 M * Le_Coyote lost* 1519140994 M * Ghislain yes your right i was thinking bad, you just have to do it the normal way by cp /etc/init.d/vservers-default /etc/init.d/vservers-newmark and edit the later to change the variables in it 1519140994 M * Ghislain 1519141165 M * Ghislain so for all the default mark you update /etc/default/vservers-default, if you want to have sevveral marks you duplicate the iit script and change the variables in it 1519141201 M * Le_Coyote Yeah, so taggig won't work either 1519141207 M * Le_Coyote NUMPARALLEL seems to be the way 1519141220 M * Le_Coyote I guess "1" turns off parallel startup 1519141400 M * Ghislain Guy-: does this seems accurate to you: https://pastebin.com/raw/sMyaMaYa 1519141412 M * Ghislain Le_coyote: yes 1519141470 M * Guy- Ghislain: " by default all guest have 'default' mark but you can setup one here to have different groups starting 1519141473 M * Guy- " 1519141473 M * Guy- this is inaccurate 1519141478 M * Guy- by default guests have *no* mark 1519141505 M * Guy- otherwise it's OK but not terribly clear :) 1519141513 M * Guy- if you find a good place for this info in the wiki I'll add it 1519141556 M * Ghislain i was bout to add this to the cheatsheet 1519141575 M * Ghislain http://linux-vserver.org/index.php?title=util-vserver:Cheatsheet 1519141610 M * Le_Coyote Ghislain: any thoughts about my question regarding 4.9/VIRT_MEM/LOAD 1519141612 M * Le_Coyote ? 1519141649 M * Guy- Ghislain: this looks like a random page to dump random stuff on :) 1519141669 M * Ghislain all is working on 4.9, there is a leak of ip and udp socket you can seee the udp socket of all guest in a guest 1519141897 M * Le_Coyote Darn 1519141908 M * Ghislain i created it years ago to put all i could not find that was usefull to newcomers, so yes 1519141968 M * Guy- Ghislain: I think http://linux-vserver.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions might be a better place 1519142004 M * Ghislain or http://linux-vserver.org/util-vserver:InitStyles, i feel this is more a util-vserver thing but be my guess 1519142036 M * Guy- no, this is a page about the internal init of the guest 1519142041 M * Ghislain in the start/stop section of the FAQ then yes 1519142518 M * Guy- Le_Coyote: it's documented here: http://linux-vserver.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions#How_do_I_start_all_vservers_with_a_mark_value_of_something_other_than_.22default.22.3F :) 1519142822 M * Ghislain you can add that for the default it can just be edited in the default files /etc/default/vservers-default|/etc/sysconfig/vservers-default 1519142897 M * Ghislain this is for debian and redhat 1519143471 M * Guy- I don't think that warrants explicit documentation 1519143483 M * Guy- it's like the any other package that has an initscript 1519143903 M * Ghislain ok 1519146415 Q * nikolay Quit: Leaving 1519154060 J * Aiken ~Aiken@2001:44b8:2168:1000:b26e:bfff:fe2a:b951 1519158396 Q * obeardly Remote host closed the connection 1519159847 J * obeardly ~obeardly@ 1519159910 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:a18:265:4401:6cde:2dd:d4f2:918e 1519160219 Q * obeardly Remote host closed the connection 1519163861 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1519164465 Q * zerick Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds. 1519164528 J * zerick ~zerick@irc.quassel.zerick.io 1519165979 J * Ghislain1 ~ghislain@ 1519165979 Q * Ghislain Read error: Connection reset by peer 1519168775 M * Bertl_oO off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1519168776 N * Bertl_oO Bertl_zZ