1441498763 M * Bertl_oO arch seems to be getting more and more attention 1441499585 M * gnarface Bertl_oO: arch is a systemd distro though, no? 1441499602 M * gnarface i am hearing of more and more people using it lately though, that's true 1441499616 M * gnarface generally the people i'd expect to know what they're doing 1441499641 M * gnarface i like the idea of using pacman instead of just bolting together their own stuff like distros used to 1441499672 M * gnarface *like most distros do 1441500014 M * Bertl_oO well, the first step (on most distros) is a "de-poettering" 1441500031 M * Bertl_oO i.e. get rid of pulse audio and systemd :) 1441500191 M * gnarface indeed 1441500193 M * gnarface for sure 1441500216 M * gnarface pulseaudio and network-manager were always easy for me to avoid though 1441500224 M * gnarface i'm scared of systemd :( its like cancer 1441500249 M * gnarface i don't get how the conflict of interest here isn't obvious to the debian maintainers though 1441500252 M * gnarface they really let me down there 1441500256 M * gnarface he's a REDHAT EMPLOYEE 1441500260 M * gnarface he's THE COMPETITION 1441500265 M * gnarface how could they be so short sighted? 1441500267 A * gnarface sighs 1441500465 M * gnarface maybe i should just stick with debian and see how badly pinning systemd out breaks stuff 1441500480 M * gnarface or see if they start getting really shady by changing the package name to trick people into installing it 1441502140 J * xavinemer ~xavinemer@1J2AABRP6.tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net 1441502248 M * xavinemer http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/satans_library.htm 1441502249 P * xavinemer 1441514561 Q * Aiken Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1441514694 J * Aiken ~Aiken@quarry.jbmb.net 1441516852 M * Bertl_oO off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1441516854 N * Bertl_oO Bertl_zZ 1441517346 Q * webhat Read error: Connection reset by peer 1441517371 J * webhat ~quassel@ 1441527082 Q * derjohn_mobi Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1441527728 J * derjohn_mobi ~aj@x4db10ee7.dyn.telefonica.de 1441528090 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:a18:20c:4701:f191:ec8e:965c:e402 1441535516 M * Guy- gnarface: devuan works for me, fwiw 1441535534 M * gnarface its installable now, Guy- ? 1441535548 M * Guy- I don't know - I always use debootstrap anyway 1441535552 M * gnarface ah 1441535565 M * gnarface but the repos are up and it debootstraps, that's good to know 1441535569 M * Guy- yes 1441535591 M * Guy- there is a 'merged' repository that contains all of debian, with some packages overridden by devuan ones 1441535630 M * gnarface neat 1441537142 M * daniel_hozac cool, might be good to add that to util-vserver. 1441537155 M * daniel_hozac Guy-: you wouldn't happen to have a .distributions for it? 1441539568 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1441540761 Q * fstd Remote host closed the connection 1441540772 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-87-78-9-248.netcologne.de 1441542717 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1441542721 M * Bertl morning folks! 1441542746 M * Bertl hey daniel_hozac, did you find some time to look into the COW stuff for 4.x? 1441549124 M * Guy- daniel_hozac: no; I have never actually used that mechanism and have no idea how it even works 1441550803 Q * padde Remote host closed the connection 1441552621 J * padde ~padde@patrick-nagel.net 1441555200 M * Bertl off for now ... bbl 1441555202 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1441562519 Q * derjohn_mobi Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1441563011 M * Guy- daniel_hozac: incidentally, where is it documented? "distributions" is not a word that helps with googling 1441563052 M * daniel_hozac http://www.nongnu.org/util-vserver/doc/conf/configuration.html 1441563064 M * daniel_hozac Bertl_oO: haven't looked at it yet unfortunately. 1441564680 J * derjohn_mobi ~aj@tmo-112-211.customers.d1-online.com 1441565257 J * backo ~user@62SAABL85.tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net 1441566705 M * Guy- daniel_hozac: that's a reference; I wouldn't call it "documentation" as such (but it's more than nothing, to be sure) 1441568567 J * Aiken ~Aiken@d63f.h.jbmb.net 1441572238 J * user__ ~user@torsrvs.snydernet.net 1441572677 Q * backo Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1441573183 Q * user__ Remote host closed the connection 1441576121 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1441578132 Q * id Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1441583960 Q * fstd Remote host closed the connection 1441583971 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-84-44-224-98.netcologne.de