1430957647 J * jrklein ~cloud@proxy.dnihost.net 1430967003 Q * derjohn_mobi Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1430967115 Q * jrayhawk Quit: upgrading 1430968429 J * jrayhawk ~jrayhawk@nursie.omgwallhack.org 1430969008 J * derjohn_mobi ~aj@fw.gkh-setu.de 1430969785 Q * jrayhawk Quit: irssi sure hates me 1430969811 J * jrayhawk ~jrayhawk@nursie.omgwallhack.org 1430971042 Q * jrayhawk Quit: leaving 1430971045 J * jrayhawk ~jrayhawk@nursie.omgwallhack.org 1430975689 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1430975691 M * Bertl morning folks! 1430977878 J * wicope ~wicope@0001fd8a.user.oftc.net 1430978463 J * Ghislain ~aqueos@adsl1.aqueos.com 1430980385 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1430982783 J * nikolayK ~nikolay.k@ 1430985832 J * Gremble ~Gremble@cpc29-aztw22-2-0-cust128.18-1.cable.virginm.net 1430985923 Q * BlackPanx Remote host closed the connection 1430997192 J * tokkee tokkee@osprey.tokkee.org 1430999958 Q * fstd Remote host closed the connection 1430999970 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-87-78-80-94.netcologne.de 1431007344 Q * Gremble Quit: I Leave 1431014697 Q * nikolayK Quit: Leaving 1431014982 J * bonbons ~bonbons@ppp-156-27.adsl.restena.lu 1431015658 Q * dustinm` Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1431015837 J * dustinm` ~dustinm`@105.ip-167-114-152.net 1431015918 Q * derjohn_mobi Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1431017404 J * derjohn_mobi ~aj@vpn09.freefii.com 1431024426 Q * wicope Remote host closed the connection 1431032221 Q * csh-harmful Quit: leaving 1431032466 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1431034876 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1431040322 M * Bertl_oO off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1431040330 N * Bertl_oO Bertl_zZ 1431043160 Q * fstd Remote host closed the connection 1431043171 J * fstd ~fstd@xdsl-87-78-16-64.netcologne.de