1383784213 Q * treaki Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383784275 J * treaki be845be877@p4FF4BDC9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 1383785712 N * l0kit Guest4791 1383785717 J * l0kit ~1oxT@0001b54e.user.oftc.net 1383786115 Q * Guest4791 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383800283 M * Bertl off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1383800299 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1383807664 J * Ghislain ~aqueos@adsl1.aqueos.com 1383812262 Q * ncopa Quit: Leaving 1383812414 J * ncopa ~test@ 1383814531 J * thierryp ~thierry@2a01:e35:2e2b:e2c0:3442:ebd:6f28:9c87 1383814801 Q * fisted Remote host closed the connection 1383814822 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-17-244.netcologne.de 1383822041 Q * ircuser-1 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383824557 J * ircuser-1 ~ircuser-1@35.222-62-69.ftth.swbr.surewest.net 1383825045 J * beng_ ~BenG@cpc35-aztw23-2-0-cust207.18-1.cable.virginm.net 1383826819 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1383828747 M * aurel42 Hey, http://linux-vserver.org/Multicast <--- I *think* the interface is also necessary when a multicast user (like a UPnP server) wants to be seen by other multicast users in different vservers on the same machine? 1383829091 Q * guerby Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383829141 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1383829161 M * Bertl morning folks! 1383830820 J * guerby ~guerby@ip165-ipv6.tetaneutral.net 1383831158 J * VirMan ~VirMan@www.nowhere-else.org 1383831234 M * VirMan Hi 1383831244 M * VirMan got probably quick question 1383831275 M * VirMan i'm trying to compile util-vserver from latest sources or from ebuilds, but i got error: 1383831290 M * VirMan >> /usr/diet/lib-x86_64/libc.a(assert_fail.o): In function `__assert_fail': (.text+0x19a): undefined reference to `stpcpy' 1383831338 M * VirMan i'm using gentoo vserver sources on 64 bit platform - actually current gentoo 1383831342 M * VirMan freshly installed 1383831359 M * daniel_hozac sounds like your dietlibc is broken. 1383831368 M * VirMan hm. 1383831390 M * distemper yeah, either use <=gcc-4.6 or dietlibc from cvs, it's fixed there 1383831397 M * VirMan how to fix it ? i got them as they fetched autmatically with emerge 1383831403 M * VirMan ok.. 1383831420 M * VirMan will try - thanks 1383831430 M * distemper i could provide you a cvs ebuild for dietlibc, if you want 1383831463 M * VirMan that would be very nice of you 1383831472 M * VirMan i wonder why it isnot in portage 1383831485 M * distemper http://bpaste.net/show/147563/ 1383831491 M * VirMan or no one actually compiles vserver from portage by unmasking ;) 1383831510 M * distemper because nobody filed a bug and the maintainer seems to be short on time ;) 1383831641 M * VirMan hehe 1383831657 M * VirMan on e should reming him while it is on - whoever he is ;) 1383831670 M * VirMan what would be version so i can name ebuild properly :P 1383831702 M * distemper dietlibc-9999.ebuild - normally cvs/git whatever has version 9999 1383832109 Q * rootard Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383835744 M * VirMan hm 1383835776 M * VirMan tried this but getting error : 1383835779 M * VirMan Calculating dependencies - * Missing digest for '/usr/portage/dev-libs/dietlibc/dietlibc-9999.ebuild' 1383835786 M * VirMan when emerging by ebuild 1383835839 M * VirMan File "/usr/lib64/portage/pym/_emerge/depgraph.py", line 5350, in _pkg metadata = zip(db_keys, db.aux_get(cpv, db_keys, myrepo=myrepo)) File "/usr/lib64/portage/pym/portage/dbapi/porttree.py", line 518, in aux_get raise eyError(mycpv) KeyError: 'dev-libs/dietlibc-9999' 1383835863 M * distemper ebuild /usr/portage/dev-libs/dietlibc/dietlibc-9999.ebuild manifest 1383836172 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1383836225 M * VirMan thx :) 1383836229 M * distemper but maybe you should google about to set up a local overlay 1383836230 J * Ghislain ~aqueos@adsl1.aqueos.com 1383836357 M * VirMan i'm anyway late few days with deployment because of super-duper software pseudo raid on c602 chipsed of supermicro mainboard i needed to make initrd and software mdadm (of course after wondering half day why it is not raided by hw.. ) it has even it's own bios which.. aaah - c602 and supermicro it is a world of it's own - so - sure - but once i deploy this :):) 1383836435 M * Bertl haven't had a chipset which does hardware raid (on a mainboard) for many years 1383836467 M * VirMan funny thing is they advertise it as raid with bios and else - one can be fooled .. 1383836513 M * VirMan i always used hp or dell hw.. and i was deceived by friend of mine fascinated by supermicro :P 1383836533 M * daniel_hozac i always do software RAID. 1383836566 J * treaki_ 7fd1757899@p4FDF6379.dip0.t-ipconnect.de 1383836569 M * VirMan did you ever managed to get it hot swap automated ? 1383836594 M * VirMan like blackplane blinks faied drive and replace and sync is going automated ? 1383836620 M * VirMan i was never able to do this 1383836660 M * daniel_hozac wouldn't be too hard to do, but i haven't had a reason to automate it. 1383836671 M * daniel_hozac my drives don't fail that often. 1383836705 M * daniel_hozac (knock on wood) 1383836711 M * VirMan well drives don;t ail often if they are not an medium grade ssds ;) and if you have relativelly small amount of them ;) 1383836757 M * VirMan in my 5-6 towers it is usually one a month to replace 1383836770 M * VirMan i imagine biger deployments have way more maintenance 1383836795 M * daniel_hozac or just buy higher quality gear... 1383836845 M * renihs well, nothing todo against the MTTF 1383836853 M * renihs if you have enough disks they will fail :) 1383836855 M * VirMan true.. just prices are crazy - paying 4 times more for the same performance in exchange for twice lifetime ? :) and it depends on drives - some are lasting very long , and some shorter. 1383836876 M * renihs 120 disks -> at least one per month on average :) 1383836927 Q * undefined Quit: Closing object 1383836935 M * VirMan if someone would add a way for software raid to detect (or bond) sas/sata channel instead of drive itself - it would be easy way to make hot swap 1383836941 Q * treaki Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383836969 M * renihs ? 1383836973 M * daniel_hozac that's local policy, not really up to mdadm. 1383836978 M * VirMan dream scenario is to have it nativelly in mdadm 1383836980 M * daniel_hozac a few udev rules should be able to do that. 1383836996 M * VirMan i'm not that hacky yet ;) 1383837076 J * undefined ~undefined@ 1383837084 M * VirMan got work of my own and not that much time to develop sth.. but maybe in future.. - or someone will be merciful enough to add this to mdadm - at that point i'm dropping lsi and doing software raids everywhere - it is simply faster. 1383837092 M * renihs VirMan, also fyi, i am gentoo having no issues compiling util-vserver or similar 1383837099 M * renihs i dont use dietlibc-9999 though 1383837103 M * VirMan hm. 1383837120 M * VirMan but do you have fresh install or upgraded ? 1383837142 M * renihs upgraded 1383837150 M * renihs well, like 6 years or like old system :) 1383837161 M * VirMan on thiose i also have no issues 1383837164 M * renihs not sure how that relates :) 1383837174 M * renihs um, at home, or in my vms 1383837177 M * renihs its fresh installed 1383837190 M * renihs dont understand how that would differ though? 1383837200 M * VirMan well - probably you don;t have newest gcc and else as mentioned previously 1383837210 M * VirMan or you have resident files 1383837216 M * VirMan dietlibc working 1383837233 M * VirMan so - no need for newer ones and it compiles fine 1383837246 M * renihs kk 1383837258 M * renihs not entirely catching your drift, but "compiles fine now" sounds good 1383837267 M * VirMan hehe :D 1383837447 M * renihs VirMan, if you are in the process or going through software raids, you might wanna look at ZOL too :) 1383838814 M * VirMan other thing - i'm trying to mount reiserfs with tagxid option but it blows up yelling about superblock (which is of course fake cause it mounts properly without tagxid option) - am i missing something ? 1383838834 M * VirMan do i need to format it with option or sth ? 1383838889 M * VirMan i have extended atributes in kernel compiled 1383838901 M * daniel_hozac what does dmesg say? 1383838920 M * daniel_hozac if it's a recent kernel, you probably want the tag option. 1383838961 M * VirMan [10371.694415] REISERFS warning (device md1): super-6502 reiserfs_getopt: unknown mount option "tagxid" 1383838982 M * VirMan hm checking .config 1383839093 M * VirMan REISERFS_FS_XATTR [=y] 1383839099 M * VirMan i got this already 1383839192 M * VirMan is there anything else i should enable ? 1383839230 M * daniel_hozac what version is it? 1383839245 M * VirMan 3.9.10-vs2.3.6.5 1383839991 M * daniel_hozac so you want -o tag 1383840149 M * VirMan to be able to do chxid 1383840188 M * daniel_hozac yes. the option hasn't been tagxid for years. 1383840310 M * VirMan ok.. 1383840315 M * VirMan so now it calls tag 1383840325 M * VirMan it is called tag 1383840360 M * VirMan mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md1 1383840422 M * VirMan on old system i have : 1383840432 M * VirMan >> /dev/sda3<-----><------>/vservers<----->reiserfs<------>noatime,attrs,tagxid 1383840457 M * VirMan this is no-one-knows how old 1383840695 M * VirMan mount /dev/md1 /vservers -t reiserfs -o notail,noatime,tag 1383840697 M * VirMan it fails 1383841743 M * VirMan so anyone have idea why ? 1383841794 Q * thierryp Quit: ciao folks 1383842024 M * mnemoc fsck ? 1383842085 M * VirMan eemm this is freshly formatted ? 1383842094 M * daniel_hozac what does dmesg say? 1383842108 M * daniel_hozac also, if it's a fresh system, why are you putting reiserfs on it? 1383842120 M * VirMan [12823.749202] REISERFS warning (device md1): super-6502 reiserfs_getopt: unknown mount option "tag" 1383842121 M * mnemoc also, on one part you say /dev/sda3, on another /dev/md1 1383842145 M * VirMan well i always used reiserfs on vservers 1383842159 M * VirMan sda3 is ooooold machine where it works 1383842170 M * VirMan i'm installing new one 1383842179 M * VirMan probably i can use ext4 i guess 1383842186 M * mnemoc try without tagxid 1383842195 M * daniel_hozac reiserfs isn't supported for tagging in recent kernels. 1383842227 M * VirMan okkk thanks - i know why it fails now 1383842246 M * VirMan too bad - it is really fast with zilion small files 1383842508 M * VirMan k. works on ext4 noatime,tag 1383842785 M * Bertl off for dinner now ... bbl 1383843126 M * VirMan ok - i know tagxid worked on reiserfs with 3.4.0-vs2.3.3.4 - it was upgraded from or sth some time ago - it says up 374 days, ;) 1383843178 M * VirMan it is ancient dell r300h with 24 gb ram :D - 2009 installed- oldest still runing box - respect to vserver ;) 1383843343 M * VirMan ok - going to replace failed drive :D thanks guys :) 1383843350 Q * VirMan Remote host closed the connection 1383843545 J * thierryp ~thierry@home.parmentelat.net 1383843547 Q * thierryp 1383843814 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:a18:224:2e01:68f4:3770:fdde:78c7 1383844420 J * thierryp ~thierry@2a01:e35:2e2b:e2c0:3442:ebd:6f28:9c87 1383844944 Q * beng_ Quit: I Leave 1383847140 J * beng_ ~BenG@cpc35-aztw23-2-0-cust207.18-1.cable.virginm.net 1383847331 J * VirMan ~VirMan@www.nowhere-else.org 1383847346 M * VirMan :) 1383847368 M * VirMan init-vserver.sh missing - aborting while starting first freshly brewed guest 1383847727 M * Bertl off for now .. bbl 1383847731 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1383848221 M * VirMan ok it worked by initstyle plain 1383848260 M * VirMan funny it does not show system booting as it used to before - after you type vserver start 1383848280 M * VirMan i think i was not running new vserver boxes for looong time 1383848517 M * daniel_hozac with initstyle plain you never got output. 1383849668 Q * beng_ Quit: I Leave 1383849697 M * daniel_hozac to use initstyle gentoo you have to use -d gentoo when building the guest. 1383851746 Q * thierryp Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383851874 J * thierryp ~thierry@home.parmentelat.net 1383855110 Q * fisted Remote host closed the connection 1383855462 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-17-244.netcologne.de 1383855751 N * Bertl_oO Bertl 1383855755 M * Bertl back now ... 1383856361 J * Aiken ~Aiken@2001:44b8:2168:1000:21f:d0ff:fed6:d63f 1383857326 J * rootard ~rootard@pirlshell.lpl.arizona.edu 1383858002 Q * fisted Remote host closed the connection 1383858030 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-84-44-220-119.netcologne.de 1383858789 Q * thierryp Remote host closed the connection 1383858811 J * thierryp ~thierry@2a01:e35:2e2b:e2c0:20af:d63c:b4a7:49f3 1383859296 Q * thierryp Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383860641 J * thierryp ~thierry@2a01:e35:2e2b:e2c0:d4f1:9808:323a:7155 1383861138 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1383861325 Q * guerby Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383861338 J * guerby ~guerby@ip165-ipv6.tetaneutral.net 1383862210 Q * VirMan Remote host closed the connection 1383862866 Q * thierryp Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383863723 J * thierryp ~thierry@home.parmentelat.net 1383864206 Q * thierryp Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383864951 N * l0kit Guest4887 1383864956 J * l0kit ~1oxT@0001b54e.user.oftc.net 1383865346 Q * Guest4887 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1383866249 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1383867323 J * thierryp ~thierry@2a01:e35:2e2b:e2c0:f11f:489e:16d8:6b15