1359506776 Q * ntrs Server closed connection 1359506777 J * ntrs ~ntrs@vault08.rosehosting.com 1359507199 Q * AlexanderS Server closed connection 1359507232 J * AlexanderS ~alex@v1.fob.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de 1359507421 Q * ccxCZ Server closed connection 1359507451 J * ccxCZ ~ccxCZ@156.200.broadband11.iol.cz 1359507657 Q * ivan` Server closed connection 1359507666 J * ivan` ~ivan`@000130ca.user.oftc.net 1359507741 Q * Vudumen Server closed connection 1359507744 J * Vudumen ~vudumen@perverz.hu 1359508036 J * jrklein_ ~osx@2001:470:1f0f:572::250:160 1359508132 J * PowerKe ~tom@94-226-105-17.access.telenet.be 1359508145 J * xe ~ex@valis.net.pl 1359508147 J * brambles_ lechuck@s0.barwen.ch 1359508168 J * ensc_ ~irc-ensc@p54ADEC71.dip.t-dialin.net 1359508176 Q * ensc synthon.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1359508176 Q * Aiken synthon.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1359508176 Q * wmp synthon.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1359508176 Q * jrklein synthon.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1359508176 Q * PowerKe_ synthon.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1359508176 Q * ex synthon.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1359508176 Q * brambles synthon.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1359508176 Q * mcp synthon.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1359508176 N * xe ex 1359508298 J * wmp ~wmp@2001:41d0:1:8616::1 1359508406 J * mcp ~mcp@wolk-project.de 1359508799 J * Aiken ~Aiken@2001:44b8:2168:1000:21f:d0ff:fed6:d63f 1359512049 Q * sannes Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359512832 J * sannes ~ace@2a02:fe0:c120:330:224:1dff:fe14:d26 1359522853 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:beae:c5ff:fe01:b647 1359523251 Q * Romster Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359523422 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359526938 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1359527788 J * Aiken ~Aiken@2001:44b8:2168:1000:21f:d0ff:fed6:d63f 1359528419 Q * Aiken Quit: Leaving 1359529512 J * Romster ~romster@ 1359529513 J * nkukard_ ~nkukard@196-210-205-18.dynamic.isadsl.co.za 1359529662 Q * nkukard Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359535747 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc35-aztw23-2-0-cust207.18-1.cable.virginmedia.com 1359537477 Q * transacid Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359538030 J * transacid ~transacid@transacid.de 1359538056 N * transacid Guest6219 1359538158 J * vspas ~vspas@ 1359538176 P * vspas 1359539206 Q * mcp Server closed connection 1359539306 J * mcp ~mcp@wolk-project.de 1359539583 Q * fosco Server closed connection 1359539586 J * fosco fosco@ 1359539817 Q * mcp Server closed connection 1359539876 J * mcp ~mcp@wolk-project.de 1359542254 T * * http://linux-vserver.org/ |stable 3.6.x-vs2.3.x|util-vserver-0.30.216-pre3038| He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who doesn't ask is a fool for a lifetime -- share the gained knowledge on the Wiki, and we forget about the minute. 1359542254 T * Bertl - 1359542258 J * nox ~bnc@2a01:4f8:140:40a2:6667::952 1359542264 J * _br_ ~bjoern_of@static.88-198-57-152.clients.your-server.de 1359542296 J * macmaN ~chezburge@ 1359542296 J * wurtel__ ~paul@gw-office.telegraaf.net 1359542296 J * padde ~padde@patrick-nagel.net 1359542298 J * nou Chaton@causse.larzac.fr.eu.org 1359542306 J * mcp ~mcp@wolk-project.de 1359542450 Q * fisted resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542450 Q * Hunger resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542450 Q * tolkor resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542450 Q * BWare resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542450 Q * Ghislain resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542450 Q * cuba33ci resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542450 Q * eyck resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542450 Q * yang resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542450 Q * harry resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542450 Q * Wonka resistance.oftc.net larich.oftc.net 1359542451 J * harry_ ~harry@enzoverder.be 1359542452 J * yang yang@jazz.as199071.net 1359542452 J * Wonka produziert@chaos.in-kiel.de 1359542452 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-234-148.netcologne.de 1359542452 J * eyck ~eyck@nat08.nowanet.pl 1359542461 J * BWare ~itsme@ 1359542461 J * tolkor ~rj@tdream.lly.earlham.edu 1359542463 J * cuba33ci ~cuba33ci@114-36-226-131.dynamic.hinet.net 1359542476 J * Hunger hunger@proactivesec.com 1359542481 J * Ghislain ~aqueos@adsl1.aqueos.com 1359542532 J * DoberMann ~james@2a01:e35:8b44:84c0::2 1359542532 J * micah ~micah@micah.riseup.net 1359542733 T * * http://linux-vserver.org/ |stable 3.6.x-vs2.3.x|util-vserver-0.30.216-pre3038| He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who doesn't ask is a fool for a lifetime -- share the gained knowledge on the Wiki, and we forget about the minute. 1359542733 T * Bertl - 1359542734 J * Rockj rockj@pi.geekrevolution.net 1359542760 J * sannes ~ace@2a02:fe0:c120:330:224:1dff:fe14:d26 1359542766 J * ser ~ser@host1.tldp.ibiblio.org 1359543002 J * morrigan morrigan@IRC.13thfloor.at 1359543034 F * kinetic.oftc.net +nt 1359543050 F * reticulum.oftc.net -o Pinky 1359543050 J * ircuser-1 ~ircuser-1@35.222-62-69.ftth.swbr.surewest.net 1359543050 J * BlackPanx ~alen@77-111-2-36.ipv4.tusmobil.si 1359543050 J * hijacker ~hijacker@ 1359543050 J * DLange ~DLange@sixtina.faster-it.de 1359543050 J * theocrite ~Hubert@ 1359543050 J * MooingLemur ~troy@phx-pnap.pinchaser.com 1359543050 J * ensc ~irc-ensc@p54ADEC71.dip.t-dialin.net 1359543050 J * harry ~harry@enzoverder.be 1359543050 J * imachine ~imachine@robot.greenhost24.pl 1359543050 J * Jb_boin ~dedior@proxad.eu 1359543050 J * sladen ~paul@starsky.19inch.net 1359543050 J * grobie ~grobie@ 1359543050 J * _Shiva_ shiva@whatcha.looking.at 1359543050 J * click click@ice.vcon.no 1359543050 J * tokkee tokkee@osprey.tokkee.org 1359543050 J * morrigan morrigan@IRC.13thfloor.at 1359543050 J * ser ~ser@host1.tldp.ibiblio.org 1359543050 J * sannes ~ace@2a02:fe0:c120:330:224:1dff:fe14:d26 1359543050 J * Rockj rockj@pi.geekrevolution.net 1359543050 J * Defaultti defaultti@lakka.kapsi.fi 1359543050 J * nyerup irc@jespernyerup.dk 1359543050 J * Bertl herbert@IRC.13thfloor.at 1359543050 J * aurel42 ~aurel@sid.a42.de 1359543050 J * bzed ~bzed@bzed.netrep.oftc.net 1359543050 J * ensc|w ~ensc@www.sigma-chemnitz.de 1359543050 J * guerby ~guerby@nc10d-ipv6.tetaneutral.net 1359543050 J * brambles lechuck@s0.barwen.ch 1359543050 J * nox ~bnc@2a01:4f8:140:40a2:6667::952 1359543050 J * Guy- ~korn@elan.rulez.org 1359543050 J * sid3windr luser@bastard-operator.from-hell.be 1359543050 J * DelTree_ ~deplagne@2a00:c70:1:213:246:39:115:2 1359543050 J * micah ~micah@micah.riseup.net 1359543050 J * DoberMann ~james@2a01:e35:8b44:84c0::2 1359543050 J * Ghislain ~aqueos@adsl1.aqueos.com 1359543050 J * Hunger hunger@proactivesec.com 1359543050 J * cuba33ci ~cuba33ci@114-36-226-131.dynamic.hinet.net 1359543050 J * tolkor ~rj@tdream.lly.earlham.edu 1359543050 J * BWare ~itsme@ 1359543050 J * eyck ~eyck@nat08.nowanet.pl 1359543050 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-234-148.netcologne.de 1359543050 J * Wonka produziert@chaos.in-kiel.de 1359543050 J * yang yang@yang.netrep.oftc.net 1359543050 J * mcp ~mcp@wolk-project.de 1359543050 J * nou Chaton@causse.larzac.fr.eu.org 1359543050 J * padde ~padde@patrick-nagel.net 1359543050 J * wurtel__ ~paul@gw-office.telegraaf.net 1359543050 J * macmaN ~chezburge@ 1359543050 J * m_ueberall dircproxy4@2a01:4f8:100:80e3:0:bc28:af65:5 1359543050 J * fichte` ~fichte@bashpipe.de 1359543050 J * jrayhawk ~jrayhawk@nursie.omgwallhack.org 1359543050 J * FloodServ services@services.oftc.net 1359543050 J * swenTjuln ~Marko@ 1359543050 J * _nono_ ~gomes@licencieux.ircam.fr 1359543050 J * _are_ ~quassel@2a01:238:4325:ca00:f065:c93c:f967:9285 1359543050 J * trippeh atomt@t-1000.ugh.no 1359543050 J * quasisane ~sanep@0001267b.user.oftc.net 1359543050 J * daniel_hozac ~daniel@h149n2-spaa-a12.ias.bredband.telia.com 1359543050 J * karasz ~karasz@00015555.user.oftc.net 1359543050 J * mnemoc ~amery@geeks.cl 1359543050 J * kshannon ~kris@kris.shannon.id.au 1359543050 J * ard ~ard@shell2.kwaak.net 1359543050 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1359543050 J * ntrs ~ntrs@vault08.rosehosting.com 1359543050 J * AlexanderS ~alex@v1.fob.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de 1359543050 J * ccxCZ ~ccxCZ@156.200.broadband11.iol.cz 1359543050 J * ivan` ~ivan`@000130ca.user.oftc.net 1359543050 J * Vudumen ~vudumen@perverz.hu 1359543050 J * jrklein_ ~osx@2001:470:1f0f:572::250:160 1359543050 J * PowerKe ~tom@94-226-105-17.access.telenet.be 1359543050 J * wmp ~wmp@2001:41d0:1:8616::1 1359543050 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:beae:c5ff:fe01:b647 1359543050 J * Romster ~romster@ 1359543050 J * nkukard_ ~nkukard@196-210-205-18.dynamic.isadsl.co.za 1359543050 J * Guest6219 ~transacid@transacid.de 1359543050 J * fosco fosco@ 1359543050 J * ex ~ex@valis.net.pl 1359543050 J * disposable disposable@shell.websupport.sk 1359543050 F * reticulum.oftc.net +bbbb *!*tor@*.tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net *!*siren@*.tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net *!*@test.dnsbl.oftc.net *!*josen@*.106.113.82.net.de.o2.com 1359543050 F * reticulum.oftc.net +bbbb *!*@webchat.mibbit.com *!*sonicvari@158.37.56.* *!*hujhuhj@92.49.11.* *!*bip@62.123.8.* 1359543050 F * reticulum.oftc.net +bbbb *!*bono@*.dynamic.hinet.net *!*melina@*.dnsbl.oftc.net *!*Feletacio@*.160.239.17.cable.dyn.cableonline.com.mx *!*PC@201.170.83.* 1359543050 F * reticulum.oftc.net +bbbb *!*Delphi@*.user.veloxzone.com.br *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ 1359543050 F * reticulum.oftc.net +b *!*@ 1359543050 F * reticulum.oftc.net +bbb *!*Jigfische@*.171.57.206.dsl.dyn.telnor.net *!*ChorizoGr@*.171.75.127.dsl.dyn.telnor.net *!*satu_sd@*.Red-81-32-147.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net 1359543050 T * reticulum.oftc.net http://linux-vserver.org/ |stable 3.6.x-vs2.3.x|util-vserver-0.30.216-pre3038| He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who doesn't ask is a fool for a lifetime -- share the gained knowledge on the Wiki, and we forget about the minute. 1359543055 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc35-aztw23-2-0-cust207.18-1.cable.virginmedia.com 1359543067 J * geb ~geb@mars.gebura.eu.org 1359543074 J * _br_ ~bjoern_of@static.88-198-57-152.clients.your-server.de 1359543201 Q * AlexanderS resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * ntrs resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * kshannon resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * mnemoc resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * karasz resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * daniel_hozac resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * quasisane resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * DelTree_ resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * Rockj resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * click resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * trippeh resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * _are_ resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543201 Q * hparker resistance.oftc.net charm.oftc.net 1359543202 J * trippeh atomt@t-1000.ugh.no 1359543204 J * kshannon ~kris@kris.shannon.id.au 1359543205 J * click click@ice.vcon.no 1359543211 J * _are_ ~quassel@h1417489.stratoserver.net 1359543214 J * karasz ~karasz@chewbacca.easy-cloud.net 1359543216 J * quasisane ~sanep@c-24-218-184-186.hsd1.nh.comcast.net 1359543216 J * ntrs ~ntrs@vault08.rosehosting.com 1359543220 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:beae:c5ff:fe01:b647 1359543232 J * Rockj rockj@rockj.net 1359543232 J * AlexanderS ~alex@v1.fob.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de 1359543237 M * Bertl off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1359543248 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1359543351 J * mnemoc ~amery@geeks.cl 1359543352 J * AndrewLee ~andrew@n201.enc.hlc.edu.tw 1359543355 J * disposab1e disposable@shell.websupport.sk 1359543356 J * fisted_ ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-234-148.netcologne.de 1359543356 J * jrklein ~osx@2001:470:1f0f:572::250:160 1359543357 Q * disposable resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * ex resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * Romster resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * wmp resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * PowerKe resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * jrklein_ resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * Vudumen resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * fisted resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * BWare resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * MooingLemur resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * cuba33ci resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * brambles resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543357 Q * ivan` resistance.oftc.net graviton.oftc.net 1359543365 J * WiuEmPe ~wmp@2001:41d0:1:8616::1 1359543366 J * BWare ~itsme@ 1359543371 N * fisted_ fisted 1359543373 J * fosco_ fosco@ 1359543373 J * micah_ ~micah@micah.riseup.net 1359543374 J * jrayhawk_ ~jrayhawk@nursie.omgwallhack.org 1359543377 Q * WiuEmPe resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * mnemoc resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * AlexanderS resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * Rockj resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * hparker resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * fosco resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * Guest6219 resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * nkukard_ resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * ncopa resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * ard resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * swenTjuln resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * jrayhawk resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * fichte` resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * m_ueberall resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * nyerup resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * _nono_ resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * ccxCZ resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 Q * micah resistance.oftc.net weber.oftc.net 1359543377 J * Swen__ ~Marko@ 1359543378 N * Swen__ swenTjuln 1359543378 J * ivan` ~ivan`@li125-242.members.linode.com 1359543380 J * Romster ~romster@ 1359543383 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1359543384 J * _nono_ ~gomes@licencieux.ircam.fr 1359543385 J * nyerup_ irc@jespernyerup.dk 1359543388 J * ard ~ard@shell2.kwaak.net 1359543390 J * ccxCZ_ ~ccxCZ@156.200.broadband11.iol.cz 1359543390 J * cuba33ci ~cuba33ci@114-36-226-131.dynamic.hinet.net 1359543392 J * transacid ~transacid@transacid.de 1359543392 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:beae:c5ff:fe01:b647 1359543396 J * wmp ~wmp@2001:41d0:1:8616::1 1359543403 J * Rockj rockj@pi.geekrevolution.net 1359543404 N * ccxCZ_ ccxCZ 1359543405 J * AlexanderS ~alex@v1.fob.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de 1359543405 N * nyerup_ nyerup 1359543413 J * FIChTe ~fichte@bashpipe.de 1359543460 N * transacid Guest6344 1359543471 J * mnemoc ~amery@geeks.cl 1359543513 J * daniel_hozac ~daniel@h149n2-spaa-a12.ias.bredband.telia.com 1359543553 J * m_ueberall dircproxy4@2a01:4f8:100:80e3:0:bc28:af65:5 1359543610 Q * fisted Remote host closed the connection 1359543657 J * Vudumen ~vudumen@perverz.hu 1359543657 J * ex ~ex@valis.net.pl 1359543663 J * brambles lechuck@s0.barwen.ch 1359543669 J * MooingLemur ~troy@phx-pnap.pinchaser.com 1359543669 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-81-173-190-223.netcologne.de 1359543802 J * DelTree ~deplagne@2a00:c70:1:213:246:39:115:2 1359543967 J * PowerKe ~tom@94-226-105-17.access.telenet.be 1359543982 J * nkukard ~nkukard@196-210-204-27.dynamic.isadsl.co.za 1359545621 Q * hparker Remote host closed the connection 1359545719 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:a18:20a:1601:7405:c7e0:dc6d:c8fc 1359545854 J * clopez ~clopez@fanzine.igalia.com 1359546196 Q * FloodServ reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * bonbons reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * DelTree reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * wmp reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * MooingLemur reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * ivan` reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * AlexanderS reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * Rockj reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * _nono_ reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * nyerup reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * jrayhawk_ reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * micah_ reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * jrklein reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * ntrs reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * quasisane reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * clopez reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * nkukard reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * PowerKe reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * daniel_hozac reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * swenTjuln reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546345 Q * ex reticulum.oftc.net synthon.oftc.net 1359546406 J * ex ~ex@valis.net.pl 1359546411 J * AlexanderS ~alex@v1.fob.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de 1359546411 J * Rockj rockj@pi.geekrevolution.net 1359546411 J * nyerup irc@jespernyerup.dk 1359546411 J * _nono_ ~gomes@licencieux.ircam.fr 1359546411 J * jrayhawk_ ~jrayhawk@nursie.omgwallhack.org 1359546411 J * micah_ ~micah@micah.riseup.net 1359546411 J * jrklein ~osx@2001:470:1f0f:572::250:160 1359546411 J * quasisane ~sanep@c-24-218-184-186.hsd1.nh.comcast.net 1359546411 J * ntrs ~ntrs@vault08.rosehosting.com 1359546412 J * MooingLemur ~troy@phx-pnap.pinchaser.com 1359546412 J * ivan` ~ivan`@000130ca.user.oftc.net 1359546417 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:a18:20a:1601:7405:c7e0:dc6d:c8fc 1359546417 J * DelTree ~deplagne@2a00:c70:1:213:246:39:115:2 1359546417 J * wmp ~wmp@2001:41d0:1:8616::1 1359546429 J * clopez ~clopez@fanzine.igalia.com 1359546429 J * nkukard ~nkukard@196-210-204-27.dynamic.isadsl.co.za 1359546429 J * PowerKe ~tom@94-226-105-17.access.telenet.be 1359546429 J * daniel_hozac ~daniel@h149n2-spaa-a12.ias.bredband.telia.com 1359546429 J * swenTjuln ~Marko@ 1359546480 J * FloodServ services@services.oftc.net 1359546912 Q * FloodServ Service unloaded 1359547040 J * FloodServ services@services.oftc.net 1359547482 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:beae:c5ff:fe01:b647 1359549085 Q * ircuser-1 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359549669 Q * hparker Remote host closed the connection 1359551508 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:beae:c5ff:fe01:b647 1359551645 N * ensc Guest17 1359551655 J * ensc ~irc-ensc@p54ADF04C.dip.t-dialin.net 1359551724 Q * hparker Read error: Connection reset by peer 1359552065 Q * Guest17 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359552483 J * ircuser-1 ~ircuser-1@35.222-62-69.ftth.swbr.surewest.net 1359554992 N * micah_ micah 1359557970 N * Guest6344 transacid 1359558978 Q * ser Server closed connection 1359559183 Q * DLange Server closed connection 1359559197 J * DLange ~DLange@dlange.user.oftc.net 1359559735 Q * BlackPanx Server closed connection 1359559759 J * BlackPanx ~alen@77-111-2-36.ipv4.tusmobil.si 1359559943 Q * geb Server closed connection 1359559987 J * geb ~geb@mars.gebura.eu.org 1359560783 Q * trippeh Server closed connection 1359560785 J * trippeh atomt@t-1000.ugh.no 1359560847 Q * click Server closed connection 1359560851 J * click click@ice.vcon.no 1359560931 Q * karasz Server closed connection 1359560945 J * karasz ~karasz@00015555.user.oftc.net 1359561918 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1359562018 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359562311 Q * disposab1e Server closed connection 1359562312 J * disposable disposable@shell.websupport.sk 1359562724 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1359562728 M * Bertl morning folks! 1359562795 J * clopez ~clopez@fanzine.igalia.com 1359563127 Q * BWare Server closed connection 1359563138 J * BWare ~itsme@ 1359563975 Q * ccxCZ Server closed connection 1359564032 J * ccxCZ ~ccxCZ@156.200.broadband11.iol.cz 1359564362 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359564407 Q * mnemoc Server closed connection 1359564447 Q * ncopa Server closed connection 1359564458 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1359564472 J * mnemoc ~amery@geeks.cl 1359564647 Q * FIChTe Server closed connection 1359564684 J * FIChTe ~fichte@bashpipe.de 1359564845 J * Ghislain1 ~aqueos@adsl1.aqueos.com 1359564845 Q * Ghislain Read error: Connection reset by peer 1359564879 Q * ard Server closed connection 1359564892 J * ard ~ard@shell2.kwaak.net 1359565155 J * clopez ~clopez@fanzine.igalia.com 1359565570 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc35-aztw23-2-0-cust207.18-1.cable.virginmedia.com 1359565967 J * hijacker_ ~hijacker@cable-84-43-134-121.mnet.bg 1359572537 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1359572829 Q * padde Server closed connection 1359572833 J * padde ~padde@patrick-nagel.net 1359574854 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1359576874 Q * cuba33ci Read error: Connection reset by peer 1359576954 J * cuba33ci ~cuba33ci@114-36-241-15.dynamic.hinet.net 1359577107 J * Aiken ~Aiken@2001:44b8:2168:1000:21f:d0ff:fed6:d63f 1359580135 Q * macmaN Server closed connection 1359580143 J * macmaN ~chezburge@ 1359582229 Q * hijacker_ Quit: Leaving 1359585812 M * Bertl off to bed now .. have a good one everyone! 1359585826 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1359586469 N * jrayhawk_ jrayhawk 1359586810 Q * fisted Remote host closed the connection 1359586871 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-233-241.netcologne.de 1359587571 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1359590363 Q * wurtel__ Server closed connection 1359590376 J * wurtel__ ~paul@gw-office.telegraaf.net