1355098557 J * imachine ~imachine@ip-178-216-200-202.e24cloud.com 1355104963 J * Aiken ~Aiken@2001:44b8:2168:1000:21f:d0ff:fed6:d63f 1355108055 M * imachine hello 1355108065 M * imachine I have some issues with running ubuntu inside a vserver 1355108135 M * imachine I followed the instructions for Lucid, pulled the initpost file inside /usr/lib/util-vserver/distributions/precise and built the vserver with --initstyle plain 1355108149 M * imachine the issue I have is with mounting of /run/lock 1355108235 M * imachine ubuntu mounts tmpfs at /run, then mounts /run/lock. I have the lines in /etc/vservers/myvserver/fstab but the mount point /run/lock doesn't exist (and I can't really create it since /run is tmpfs so recreates itself on each boot). 1355108241 M * imachine s/boot/mount ;) 1355108266 M * imachine if maybe there was some way to pass a script to vserver when issuing vserver-start 1355108294 M * imachine in order to mount /run, mkdir /run/lock, mount /run/lock, continue, profit 1355108453 M * imachine (I'd throw the mounting in rc.local inside the vserver, but mounting is not permitted from inside of vserver) 1355110016 M * Bertl there are several scripts at several stages you can utilize to do that 1355110057 M * Bertl in general, I'd suggest to keep the guest system from those 'strange' mounts because they seldom make sense in a host/guest setup 1355110214 M * imachine well ubuntu seems to need those. I'm stuck at upgrading initscripts right now because it tries to mount/umount during the configuration process which fails and hence I have unconfigured packages. weird that I had the same error a while back but it just went away by itself. 1355110238 M * imachine I think I need sleep or I'll be seeing double. 1355110247 M * imachine I'll check it out in the morning. 1355110249 M * imachine Cheers. 1355111430 Q * imachine Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1355121273 M * Bertl off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1355121279 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1355126157 Q * fisted Quit: bbl 1355126448 J * Ghislain ~aqueos@adsl1.aqueos.com 1355129047 J * nicholi ~nicholi@rrcs-76-79-196-34.west.biz.rr.com 1355130439 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:e1b1:2e3b:6571:2efc 1355131022 Q * ensc|w Remote host closed the connection 1355131031 J * ensc|w ~ensc@www.sigma-chemnitz.de 1355137513 Q * trippeh Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1355137717 J * trippeh atomt@t-1000.ugh.no 1355139450 J * thierryp ~thierry@home.parmentelat.net 1355139665 Q * ircuser-1 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1355140309 J * imachine ~imachine@ip-178-216-200-235.e24cloud.com 1355140572 J * clopez ~clopez@ 1355140770 M * imachine hey, if I change my vserver's IP, is it only in /etc/vservers/myvserver/interfaces/* that the IP address resides? 1355140796 M * imachine or should I change it somewhere else too - I changed my ip and now my vserver can't reach world. 1355140920 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1355140925 M * Bertl morning folks! 1355140971 M * Bertl imachine: did you change it when the guest was stopped? 1355141296 M * imachine Bertl, yea 1355141308 M * Bertl that's your problem 1355141318 M * imachine and the guest has the proper ip 1355141320 M * imachine I see 1355141333 M * Bertl ah, sorry, I read that you changed it while it was running 1355141343 M * imachine Bertl, nah, I stopped it first. 1355141354 M * imachine and from within the guest I can see the ip is there. 1355141360 M * Bertl yeah that's fine then, so the problem is most likely not with the guest 1355141372 M * imachine ok 1355141377 M * Bertl try, for a test, on the host to ping with that 'new' IP 1355141380 M * imachine I'll sort it out. 1355141391 M * Bertl i.e. ping -I www.google.com 1355141428 M * imachine yeah I just did and it doesn't seem to work 1355141435 M * imachine so I guess it's another thing then 1355141436 M * imachine cheers 1355141444 Q * imachine Quit: leaving 1355141720 J * imachine ~imachine@ 1355141899 Q * imachine 1355143152 J * imachine ~imachine@ip-178-216-200-235.e24cloud.com 1355143174 J * ircuser-1 ~ircuser-1@35.222-62-69.ftth.swbr.surewest.net 1355143245 Q * imachine 1355143259 J * imachine ~imachine@ip-178-216-200-235.e24cloud.com 1355143262 Q * imachine 1355143268 J * imachine ~imachine@ip-178-216-200-235.e24cloud.com 1355143699 J * Guy- ~korn@catv-176-63-136-219.catv.broadband.hu 1355144715 Q * imachine Quit: leaving 1355146366 J * imachine ~imachine@ip-178-216-200-235.e24cloud.com 1355146924 Q * imachine Remote host closed the connection 1355147073 J * imachine ~imachine@ip-178-216-200-235.e24cloud.com 1355147842 Q * imachine Quit: leaving 1355147845 J * imachine ~imachine@ip-178-216-200-235.e24cloud.com 1355147897 Q * imachine 1355147972 J * imachine ~imachine@ip-178-216-200-235.e24cloud.com 1355148118 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-182-249.netcologne.de 1355149300 Q * tolkor Read error: Connection reset by peer 1355149306 J * tolkor ~rj@tdream.lly.earlham.edu 1355151772 Q * tolkor Remote host closed the connection 1355152408 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc29-aztw23-2-0-cust144.18-1.cable.virginmedia.com 1355153444 J * tolkor ~rj@tdream.lly.earlham.edu 1355154443 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1355154503 J * benl ~benl@dockoffice.sonassihosting.com 1355154560 M * benl Hi All 1355154607 M * benl I recently added some more CPUs to a server this morning, and after a few hours - its performance fell through the floor - and the machine showed >100k context switches per second 1355154628 M * benl Removing the CPUs (or the reboot/shutdown) - appeared to solve the issue. 1355154634 M * Bertl what kernel? 1355154637 M * benl :( 1355154640 M * benl An old one. 1355154650 M * benl 2.6.32-5-vserver-amd64 1355154664 M * Bertl and a debian one too as it seems :) 1355154675 N * ensc Guest1003 1355154684 J * ensc ~irc-ensc@p54ADE2D9.dip.t-dialin.net 1355154687 M * DelTree looks pretty much like squeeze... 1355154716 M * benl Correct 1355154737 M * benl It went from 32 Cores / 64GB RAM - to - 64 Cores / 128GB RAM 1355154760 M * benl But there was ~8 hours between adding the components and the issue ocurring. 1355154780 M * benl So it could either be that it was highlighted under load, or a coincidence 1355154818 M * benl So the additional components were removed - and the machine powered back on, and the issue was gone 1355154827 M * Bertl more cores without any cpu groups or similar naturally increase the numnber of context switches 1355154829 M * benl Again, it could have been the reboot that fixed it, or the removal of the components 1355154849 M * Bertl more memory can cause similar issues and delays with older kernels 1355154857 M * benl Interesting. 1355154887 M * benl Would you advise using cpuset/cpugoups then? 1355154902 M * Bertl depends on your setup 1355155090 Q * Guest1003 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1355155169 M * benl Ok 1355155199 M * Bertl for example, if you have 128 cpus, and 64 guests, and in average each guest needs/wants 2 cpus 1355155219 M * Bertl you can reduce the overhead dramatically by assigning 2 cpus to each guest 1355155240 M * Bertl because tasks will not be migrated away from those cpus 1355155282 M * benl Ah, I understand 1355155302 M * benl But it comes with the caveat that those guests cannot scale above 2 cores? 1355155320 M * Bertl and with many cpus, there comes locality of memory, so caches are local and efficient 1355155336 M * benl Absolutely, makes a lot of sense 1355155338 M * Bertl well, yes, you can do other combinations as well, like overlapping cpu sets 1355155361 M * Bertl e.g. assign 4 cpus to each guest with an overlap of two cpus between two guests 1355155513 M * benl Ok 1355155544 M * benl How come you guys don't backport newer kernels for Debian? 1355155552 M * benl Whats the "preferred" OS? 1355155572 M * Bertl we 'guys' do not backport any kernel for any distro 1355155591 M * Bertl mainly because the mainline/vanilla kernels/patches work for all distros 1355155682 M * benl :) 1355155828 M * Bertl also a big advantage of building your own kernels is that you can get rid of all the stuff you do not need 1355155892 M * benl I agree 1355155901 M * benl but my history of building kernels has been failure after failure 1355155908 M * DelTree like what ? driver for my keyboard ? 1355155912 M * trippeh And get to track all the security issues yourself :9 1355155919 M * trippeh Wee! 1355155948 M * DelTree even with make-kpkg I never get it right the first time... :| 1355156087 M * Guy- DelTree: newer kernels have make deb-pkg, fwiw 1355156115 M * DelTree ooch... yet another stupid change ? 1355156140 M * DelTree or did I get it all wrong ? 1355156155 M * trippeh Its just an alternative 1355156208 M * trippeh Here at $work we use neither, but our own debian/ to package kernels 1355156348 M * benl I can build them with make-kpkg 1355156356 M * benl But the resultant kernel is usually less than stable 1355156392 M * DelTree the true question is... what can I plug into my aptitude update so that I just have to aptitude full-upgrade to get a vserver kernel up and running... ^_^ 1355156624 M * benl I've (generally) never had stability issues with the latest stable 1355157111 M * Bertl trippeh: do you have any idea when the debian stable vserver kernel received a security update? 1355157255 M * trippeh Bertl: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 04:22:37 +0900 1355157294 M * trippeh It is updated with the other non-vserver images 1355157432 M * Bertl and the last Linux-VServer related update/fix? 1355157467 M * trippeh [vserver] Update patch to @ Fri, 23 Dec 2011 12:14:46 -0700 1355157470 M * trippeh heh 1355157493 M * trippeh Oldhat, but at 2.6.32, what can one expect :) 1355157514 M * Bertl so roughly 10-15 'fix' patches missing ... not so bad :) 1355157600 M * trippeh It does have the longterm -stable mainline patches after that tho. 1355157627 M * Bertl don't get me wrong, I understand that distro kernels give a certain warm cosy feeling compared to bleeding edge mainline kernels 1355157684 M * trippeh I get too restless like after 3-6 months after a distro release to run distro kernels :) 1355157695 M * trippeh Too much new hotness incoming 1355157697 M * Bertl the problem with distro kernels is that distro rules and the lack of good maintainers tend to make distro kernels worse than mainline 1355157704 M * trippeh Cant resist it 1355157704 M * trippeh ;) 1355157749 M * trippeh At work 3.7 is already in testing hehe 1355157797 M * Ghislain mainline kernel can be pain too as 32 showed. 34 for now seems a lot more stable and this is with the very same config :) 1355157855 M * Ghislain the issue with home made kernel is that every hoster and company will point toward this if any weird bug happen They will just say this is the kernel and drop support 1355157871 M * ard 3.5 and 3.6 hopelessly fail on my ARM based nas@home... and that's vanilla... 3.4 works perfectly, but @work I need something that's >=3.4 due to fusion-mpt bug fixes. So I am gonna compile 3.6.9 1355157911 M * trippeh 3.6.10 should be out later today (likely) fwiw 1355157927 M * Ghislain this is one big problem, not that i care as their support sucks anyways so i rely on people like well me, vserver's team, exceliance and other that know their job ( me being an exception of that rule for pure ego ) 1355157936 M * Ghislain 361 ouch so fast 1355157946 M * Ghislain need to rebuild everyday to keep up ! 1355157954 M * Bertl ard: how are the stable debian kernels on arm? 1355158024 M * ard eh... dunno, I always build kernels myself. As vlan maintainer I occassionally got bug reports from faulty patches in the official debian release 1355158138 M * ard I did write a howto build a debian kernel package, so it should be somewhere on the internets. But building debian kernel packages is more easy than building the original way (unless you are cross-compiling) 1355158258 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1355158365 J * Ghislain ~aqueos@adsl1.aqueos.com 1355158656 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: regarding mnt_is_reachable(), do you think we should simply drop the check or make it depend on a kernel config 1355158833 M * benl Bertl: if you want an ARM system to play with - I can give you a Raspberry P 1355158837 M * benl *Pi 1355158841 Q * sladen Quit: Changing server 1355158855 J * sladen ~paul@starsky.19inch.net 1355158875 M * Bertl benl: I won't say no to that, especially as I registered early (for one) and was 'forgotten' :) 1355158881 M * benl Ditto 1355158890 M * benl I forgot about it until recently 1355158895 M * benl Then ordered another one 1355158909 M * benl It took 4 weeks to arrive, but now I've got it, I've no idea what to do with it! 1355158931 M * benl I put the stock debian distro on it, ran `top` - then got bored 5 minutes later 1355158939 M * Bertl hehe 1355158972 M * benl How about I swap you a Raspberry Pi for a super stable Debian kernel :) 1355159026 M * Bertl super stable debian kernel just means that it is at least 4 years old, right? :) 1355159038 A * ard compiled his own kernel for ubuntu 1355159050 M * ard after the upgrade the ubuntu 12.10 ended up in a reboot loop 1355159052 M * benl You can do a brand new one if you like 1355159064 M * benl super stable is the goal :))) 1355159086 M * Bertl I think 3.6.9+ will be super stable 1355159089 M * ard depends also on your hardware 1355159107 M * ard for e1000e adapters to work stable you also need a recent kernel :-) 1355159122 M * benl Really? 1355159130 M * benl Well, we don't have much that uses e1000e nowadays 1355159134 M * benl Almost everything is IGB 1355159137 M * ard there were some bugs... 1355159138 M * ard wow 1355159151 M * benl maybe ~5 servers with e1000e drivers 1355159155 M * ard now you mention igb, there were some bugs there too 8-D 1355159157 M * benl the Intel E5620 kit 1355159190 M * ard But most of the people don't trigger them, has to do with the buffering and queuemanagement if I recall correctly 1355159249 M * ard you can prevent triggering a lot of bugs by increasing the ammount of unused memory 1355159303 M * ard *reading backlog* 1355159313 M * ard wow... 64 cores... and only 128G ram :-) 1355159322 M * benl :) 1355159328 M * benl Just 2x 16GB DIMMS per CPU 1355159343 M * benl Its not for virtualisation in the strictest sense, its to run 1 website 1355159348 M * Bertl 2G per cpu seems fine to me, assuming that the guest systems have something to share 1355159355 M * ard ow, and what's also important is to always have the latest bios, because the microcode update utility on linux cannot update all microcode of the cpu 1355159419 M * ard I've never seen a shortage of CPU, only a shortage of RAM, or disk IOPS 1355159463 M * Bertl really depends on the workload 1355159470 M * ard jups... 1355159513 M * ard But we keep a tight control on the developers... If they program things wrong we are going to bofh them :-). 1355159751 M * benl This app is entirely CPU bound 1355159760 M * benl (given enough RAM) 1355159799 M * ard that must be something very interesting ;-).... 1355159811 M * benl Just e-commerce stores 1355159818 M * benl Well, 1 in particular 1355159823 M * ard multi store on a single platform? 1355159838 M * benl correct 1355159894 M * ard still I would say that a good store should not use a lot of cpu, but it all depends on your load/clients etc... 1355159905 M * benl Its the application I'm afraid 1355159908 M * benl Its "heavy" 1355159921 M * ard I've seen differences in drupal setups that makes me want to cry... (good setup vs very bad setup) 1355159924 M * benl And we're talking 250k daily unique visitors 1355159944 M * benl Around ~ 1000 orders per hour 1355159980 M * ard innodb or postgres? I would advice postgres, since I have a very disturbing aversion against innodb ;-). 1355159984 M * benl innodb 1355159992 M * benl many, many, many foreign keys 1355160003 M * benl and some MyISAM thrown in the mix for fun 1355160037 M * ard is it application engine bound or database engine bound? 1355160053 M * benl PHP 1355160072 M * ard Not that I want to keep you from your work... But I always like to know how people do stuff 1355160083 M * benl Np 1355160092 M * benl I ask enough random questions on here 1355160102 M * benl That Bertl will probably say aren't related to vserver 1355160116 M * ard Bertl en daniel_hozac are very helpful guys... 1355160125 M * benl I've got a lot of respect for them 1355160132 M * ard I don't think your context switch problem is vserver related... 1355160139 M * benl I'm not sure it is either 1355160149 M * benl The munin graphs show some interesting behavour 1355160151 M * ard a high context switch load is usually a process forking off, crashing forking etc... 1355160154 M * benl pre/post CPU addition 1355160164 M * benl Well, Nginx's fork rate did increase 1355160199 M * benl I can send a copy of the graphs if you want to have a look 1355160209 M * ard it might be that a process hit a limit, and then immidiately respawns... 1355160279 M * benl Really hard to saw 1355160280 M * benl Really hard to say 1355160288 M * Bertl regarding altered behaviour after changing the number of cpus or memory: keep in mind that many applications detect the number of cpus or the available memory nowadays and adjust accordingly ... 1355160337 M * benl Bertl: want a test rig with 32 Cores/64GB RAM :) 1355160341 M * benl ? 1355160356 M * Bertl if it has a serial console attached, why not? 1355160379 M * benl you're additicted to SOL 1355160384 M * benl Its missing HDDs at the minute 1355160984 M * benl our "old" kernel probably doesn't like having 64 cores :) 1355161380 M * ard When did you try the 64 cores? 1355161396 M * ard ah, monday 1355161419 M * benl This morning 1355161422 M * benl at ~1 am 1355161424 M * ard because you had the same issue on the 6th it seems 1355161472 M * ard the difference is that it probably faded out by itself :-) 1355161489 M * benl Thats what I think ... 1355161496 M * benl We even got Percona to consult 1355161505 M * benl As it was completely MySQL bound the whole time 1355161524 M * benl But Percona couldn't identify anything 1355161530 M * ard Hmmm, then you are using xtradb ;-) 1355161541 M * benl Yes 1355161554 M * ard that's better than innodb at least, those guys are good. 1355161564 M * ard But it still will have bugs... 1355161577 M * benl Un-identifyable ones it seems 1355161584 M * benl We were all pulling our hair out 1355161596 M * benl And cannot believe removing CPUs/RAM - solved a performance problem 1355161616 M * ard the problem with innodb is that it can change it's query solution on a whim... 1355161641 M * ard usually analyzing tables fixes that, but the most important thing is to take a look at the queries. 1355161659 M * ard But that should not ever lead to enormous amounts of context switches 1355161672 M * benl its so hard to identify 1355161677 M * benl Nginx/PHP was responsive 1355161686 M * benl The app itself (which connected to the DB), was not 1355161694 M * benl And MySQL was consuming 5000% CPU 1355161698 M * benl 50 cores ... 1355161738 M * ard ah, ok... 1355161749 M * ard You should set the max thread limit on innodb 1355161768 M * ard scale down the number of io threads and stuff like that... 1355161781 M * ard it will probably scale up due to the amount of cores 1355161807 M * benl They said something vaguely similar 1355161819 M * benl albeit, they had said to no set the innodb_thread_concurrency 1355161829 M * benl but the rest of the my.cnf was fine 1355161858 M * benl the underlying issue (they said) was that there was a large volume of slow queries using distinct - that were creating temp. tables on disk 1355161873 M * ard and you probably have ssd... 1355161891 M * benl 4x SSD in RAID10 on that system 1355161902 M * ard so it's doing a lot of writes to a device that can do 80k IOPS 1355161909 M * ard 160K IOPS then :-) 1355161918 M * benl I think these disks are only 40k 1355161928 M * ard in that case you do not have a real problem except for bad queries 1355161957 M * benl So the real mystery is 1355161964 M * benl Why did it suddenly stop ... 1355161979 M * benl We know the queries are greedy - and for now, cannot be adjusted. 1355161993 M * benl But how it started to generate this load, and why it disappeared - its a total mystery 1355162031 M * ard well, your conntrack is also peaking at those moments 1355162044 M * ard at least at the 6th 1355162078 M * benl Bertl said he didn't think it was a sysctl thing 1355162082 M * benl although I was convinced it was 1355162098 M * benl But he doesn't give me too much time (even when paid), until I change the Kernel 1355162111 M * benl and from experience, hand-built kernels are a disaster 1355162115 M * ard He is right on the kernel part :-) 1355162138 M * ard hand built, once known how to, will help you a lot 1355162144 M * benl I would agree 1355162149 M * ard you won't need any initrd/initramfs anymore 1355162157 M * benl I commissioned him to build a kernel ~ 5 months ago 1355162158 Q * thierryp Remote host closed the connection 1355162177 M * Bertl benl: ah, you can have all the time you want (if payed) but my advise was to switch to a recent kernel first before investigating further 1355162180 M * benl but the stupid network drivers regressed in the newer release! 1355162193 M * benl no no, I totally understand 1355162239 M * ard we are a debian company, and we use hand-build util-vserver and kernels... 1355162291 M * benl Make us a stable kernel 1355162294 M * benl And I'll take t 1355162296 M * benl And I'll take it 1355162928 Q * imcsk8 Remote host closed the connection 1355163069 J * imcsk8 ~ichavero@ 1355163082 A * ard is helping out a developer 1355166011 M * Jb_boin what kernel are you using right now? 1355166187 J * thierryp ~thierry@2a01:e35:2e2b:e2c0:2431:c37c:2336:d27e 1355170716 T * * http://linux-vserver.org/ |stable,exp,grsec | util-vserver-0.30.216-pre3029 | He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who doesn't ask is a fool for a lifetime -- share the gained knowledge on the Wiki, and we forget about the minute. 1355170716 T * ChanServ - 1355171535 J * hijacker_ ~hijacker@cable-84-43-134-121.mnet.bg 1355171713 Q * thierryp Remote host closed the connection 1355172785 Q * nou Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1355173146 J * nou Chaton@causse.larzac.fr.eu.org 1355173816 M * benl Bertl - whats the rysnc flags you use when cloing a vserver 1355173874 M * benl rsync -axHPSD --numeric-ids 1355173875 M * Bertl rsync -axHPSD --numeric-ids 1355173877 M * benl lol 1355173888 M * benl I just found them 1355173894 M * Bertl good :) 1355174392 Q * benl Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The professional IRC Client :D 1355175202 Q * brambles Remote host closed the connection 1355175603 J * brambles ~xymox@s0.barwen.ch 1355176149 Q * hijacker_ Quit: Leaving 1355176851 Q * brambles Remote host closed the connection 1355176864 J * brambles lechuck@s0.barwen.ch 1355180403 Q * fisted Remote host closed the connection 1355180403 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1355180463 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-14-199.netcologne.de 1355181967 Q * nicholi Quit: leaving 1355182630 J * nicholi ~nicholi@rrcs-76-79-196-34.west.biz.rr.com 1355183270 Q * Ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1355183347 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving