1334718264 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334720037 M * Bertl off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1334720041 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1334720652 J * yang_ yang@jazz.linuxshell.org 1334720749 Q * yang Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334722343 N * ensc Guest742 1334722353 J * ensc ~irc-ensc@p54ADDE87.dip.t-dialin.net 1334722764 Q * Guest742 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334728170 Q * DreamerC Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334728382 J * DreamerC ~DreamerC@122-116-181-118.HINET-IP.hinet.net 1334729644 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1334730175 J * ghislain ~AQUEOS@adsl2.aqueos.com 1334730712 J * jeroen__ ~jeroen@095-097-051-172.static.chello.nl 1334733367 J * jyryt ~rj@tdream.lly.earlham.edu 1334733747 Q * pexapor Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334734542 J * clopez ~clopez@fanzine.igalia.com 1334736774 J * thierryp ~thierry@home.parmentelat.net 1334736850 M * ghislain hello there :) 1334736974 M * ghislain i need a little help about vshelper, if i recall what it does it is a process used to be able to restart a guest within it ? 1334737070 M * daniel_hozac yes 1334737179 M * ghislain ok thanks :) 1334738335 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ 1334739776 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334740149 J * petzsch ~markus@dslb-088-075-172-224.pools.arcor-ip.net 1334740407 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ 1334741579 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334741744 Q * fb Remote host closed the connection 1334742231 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ 1334743139 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334743763 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ 1334744432 J * fb fback@red.fback.net 1334746938 J * A3f62aba1 ~A3f62aba1@cho94-8-88-178-12-119.fbx.proxad.net 1334748000 Q * ensc|w Remote host closed the connection 1334748009 J * ensc|w ~ensc@www.sigma-chemnitz.de 1334748900 J * vspas ~vspas@ 1334749138 Q * bzed Remote host closed the connection 1334749142 J * bzed ~bzed@devel.recluse.de 1334750538 Q * thierryp Remote host closed the connection 1334750643 M * ghislain oh i just got a oops 1334750648 M * ghislain http://paste.linux-vserver.org/20795 1334750677 M * ghislain 3.2.14-vs2.3.2.8, 0.30.216-pre3029 was rebooting to install 3.2.15 1334751123 M * daniel_hozac are you running NFS in your guests? 1334751683 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc10-aztw24-2-0-cust114.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1334751731 M * ghislain yes 1334751760 M * ghislain portmap and nfs-comon run on host, and nfs is mounted in guest fstab 1334751861 N * yang_ yang 1334752080 Q * ncopa Quit: Leaving 1334752280 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1334752309 M * ghislain the "vserver" process is locked in D state 1334752328 M * ghislain there is no guest process running anymore 1334752540 P * kari_ 1334752572 M * ghislain so it must be in the last step of the guest stop 1334752756 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1334756482 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1334756487 M * Bertl morning folks! 1334756904 M * ghislain hello bertl 1334756946 M * geb hi folks 1334757095 M * ghislain i have a nice gift today , an oops in 3.2.14 :) 1334757442 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1334757624 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334758059 J * derjohn_mob aj@ 1334759114 Q * _nono_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334759145 J * _nono_ ~gomes@licencieux.ircam.fr 1334760731 J * dowdle ~dowdle@scott.coe.montana.edu 1334761307 M * ghislain the issue is that mounting /umounting in the host the nfs works, it is just when i stop the vserver that it oops 1334761333 M * ghislain so i cannot really test with a mainline kernel for such a situation 1334761346 M * Bertl maybe upload the oops? 1334761479 M * ghislain it is : http://paste.linux-vserver.org/20795 1334761581 M * Bertl could you annotate that with line numbers from addr2line for me? 1334761950 M * ghislain hum how would you do taht ? 1334761970 M * Bertl addr2line -e vmlinux ffffffffa0070160 for example 1334761987 M * Bertl (note: vmlinux is not the same as vmlinuz) 1334762076 M * ghislain hum i only have a vmlinuZ kernel at hand, searching on the file system for another one 1334762293 M * ghislain i have done /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.15-vs2.3.2.8aq/scripts/extract-vmlinux /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.15-vs2.3.2.8aq > /root/vmlinux 1334762304 M * ghislain but : (root)> addr2line -e /root/vmlinux ffffffffa0070160 1334762304 M * ghislain ??:0 1334762317 M * Bertl nah, use the vmlinux from the build tree 1334762334 M * Bertl the installed vmlinuz is stripped, i.e. doesn't contain the necessary debug information 1334762488 M * ghislain i do not have it anymore i overwriited the 3.2.14 build with the 3.2.15 one 1334762539 M * Bertl well, you should be able to build a new one with the exact same configuration, but you might also keep that tree or at least the vmlinux next time 1334763170 M * ghislain yes i think this will be needed 1334763403 M * ghislain ok host rebooted in 3.2.15 i try to reproduce the issue with it 1334763818 J * thierryp ~thierry@81-66-146-129.rev.numericable.fr 1334763901 J * derjohn_mobi ~aj@c135070.adsl.hansenet.de 1334764066 M * ghislain and i keep the vmlinux at hand 1334764144 M * ghislain but really i start to loose faith in 3.2 even in 3.2.14 i have process in D state that locks the system this is bad news for me 1334764242 M * ghislain i build in my garage a server and let run 48h two guest with the "stress" util on it but it seems to not match a real use case :D 1334764286 M * Bertl maybe try 3.3.x? 1334764290 J * aj__ ~aj@d126236.adsl.hansenet.de 1334764525 Q * derjohn_mobi Read error: Operation timed out 1334764797 J * derjohn_mobi ~aj@c135169.adsl.hansenet.de 1334765200 Q * aj__ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334765216 J * aj__ ~aj@d062224.adsl.hansenet.de 1334765500 Q * derjohn_mobi Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334765535 M * ghislain i wanted one that will be maintened for a while so 3.2 seems the best choice on paper 1334765596 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:5c27:b9b5:7d2c:2620 1334766681 Q * _nono_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334767277 J * _nono_ ~gomes@licencieux.ircam.fr 1334767470 Q * aj__ Read error: Operation timed out 1334768617 M * ghislain there is a strange thing also i can run iotop but if i launch it in context 1 it cannot start 1334768657 M * ghislain it says it lack - VM event counters (CONFIG_VM_EVENT_COUNTERS) if i chcontext --silent --ctx 1, it work without 1334768710 Q * fb Remote host closed the connection 1334768726 M * ghislain i just copied vtop way of doing it ^^ 1334769119 M * Bertl so the difference is what? 1334769170 M * Bertl i.e. how do you launch it in the spectator context when it fails? 1334769258 Q * A3f62aba1 Remote host closed the connection 1334769400 Q * dowdle 1334769423 J * dowdle ~dowdle@scott.coe.montana.edu 1334769431 Q * thierryp Remote host closed the connection 1334770076 Q * vspas Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334770982 M * Bertl off for a nap ... bbl 1334770993 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1334771756 Q * FireEgl Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334771885 J * fback fback@red.fback.net 1334771970 J * ryker ~jalberts@c-67-176-243-86.hsd1.in.comcast.net 1334772824 J * aj__ ~aj@ 1334773112 J * FireEgl FireEgl@2001:470:e056:1:d94b:a278:a97f:c62f 1334773871 Q * aj__ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334774144 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334775196 J * A5b0ca96b ~A5b0ca96b@cho94-8-88-178-12-119.fbx.proxad.net 1334775439 Q * A5b0ca96b Remote host closed the connection 1334775683 J * nkukard_ ~nkukard@ 1334775763 Q * nkukard Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334775904 J * A5b6bbda7 ~A5b6bbda7@cho94-8-88-178-12-119.fbx.proxad.net 1334776087 Q * brambles Remote host closed the connection 1334776804 J * brambles brambles@ 1334776809 J * clopez ~clopez@ 1334778603 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1334778607 M * Bertl back now ... 1334778763 J * jazzanova1 ~boris@d108-172-42-187.bchsia.telus.net 1334778786 M * jazzanova1 i want to compile a custom kernel with vserver support, i'm on a debian squeeze system. how do I go about it? 1334779329 Q * ryker Quit: ryker 1334779553 M * Bertl grab the kernel, grab the patches, apply the patches, create the config 1334779578 M * Bertl build the kernel and modules, then install modules and kernels, finally rebuild the initramfs 1334779579 M * jazzanova1 what do you think about this: http://repo.psand.net/info/ 1334779692 M * Bertl those are the repositories maintained by Ben Green, they are probably a good source for everyone who doesn't want to build their own Linux-VServer kernel for whatever reason 1334779731 M * jazzanova1 ok, i'll give it a shot 1334780311 Q * cuba33ci Read error: Connection reset by peer 1334780400 J * cuba33ci ~cuba33ci@114-36-244-221.dynamic.hinet.net 1334781169 M * jazzanova1 so I installed that kernel, and util-vserver package from the same server, version 0.30.216-pre3029. I'm getting error about not being able to access /proc/uptime . I read about setattr, but I don't have it in this version of util-vserver. 1334781346 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1334781454 M * Bertl did you reboot? 1334782175 Q * clopez Remote host closed the connection 1334782204 M * jazzanova1 i rebooted 1334782232 M * Bertl there are three util-vserver related runlevel services 1334782284 J * clopez ~clopez@ 1334782331 M * daniel_hozac does /etc/init.d/vprocunhide start help? 1334782415 M * jazzanova1 yes, it did 1334782471 M * Bertl one of the runlevel scripts is named vprocunhide 1334782489 M * Bertl enable that one and it should work fine in the future 1334782501 M * Bertl (no idea why that isn't added by default on debian) 1334782569 M * jazzanova1 it is added, I see it in rc2.d -- howcan I know what is my runlevel? 1334782676 M * Bertl runlevel 1334782706 M * jazzanova1 ok, i'm at 2 1334782731 M * Bertl leaves the question why it wasn't executed and/or why it failed 1334782740 M * jazzanova1 do you guys make any money on thisproject ? 1334782751 M * Bertl especially as /etc/init.d/vprocunhide did work 1334782781 M * jazzanova1 if you give me a bitcoin adress, i will send something 1334782793 M * jazzanova1 as a thankyiou 1334782795 M * Bertl there is a donation page 1334782871 M * Bertl http://linux-vserver.org/Donations (bitcoin is not something we do yet) 1334782886 M * jazzanova1 ok 1334783316 M * jazzanova1 i'm getting lots of defunct processes on one of my vhosts. example: root 16664 0.0 0.0 0 0 pts/2 Z 21:08 0:00 [insmod] 1334783328 M * jazzanova1 any ideas ? 1334783386 M * Bertl the Z indicates a zombie, i.e. a process which is already dead but wasn't reaped by the parent process yet 1334783426 M * Bertl there can be a number of reasons fro those, some are harmless .. check with dmesg, anything unusual there? 1334783582 M * jazzanova1 on the guest or host ? 1334783600 M * daniel_hozac host 1334783618 M * Bertl what does 'vhost' mean for you? 1334783631 M * jazzanova1 sorry, i mean vserver = guest = vhost 1334783635 M * jazzanova1 host = the real server 1334783639 M * jazzanova1 it is happening on the guest 1334783646 M * Bertl okay, please avoid host for the guests :) 1334783664 M * Bertl so why is your guest running insmod? 1334783669 M * jazzanova1 in dmesg on the host I have this: [ 3711.211127] vxW: [�ps�,16903:#40005|40005|40005] did lookup hidden devpts:f1892198[#0,3] 1334783687 M * Bertl i.e. there is no chance that the guest can actually insmod anything on a properly secured system 1334784070 J * Aiken ~Aiken@2001:44b8:2168:1000:21f:d0ff:fed6:d63f 1334784132 M * jazzanova1 is that dmesg thing about insmod ? 1334784370 M * Bertl nope, it just says that you most likely entered a guest and then checked the processes with 'ps' 1334784394 M * Bertl the enter did bring the pts into the guest which doesn't have access to it 1334784987 M * jazzanova1 ok, I have something strange, especially on one guest. I'm running a custom application that doesn't reap child processes. But this only happens in vserver environment. Do you know why it could be ? 1334784996 M * jazzanova1 (in guest environment) 1334785204 M * jazzanova1 it must have to do with some kind of kernel restriction in guest ? 1334785386 M * Bertl there are many restrictions inside a guest, most of them for security reasons 1334785410 M * jazzanova1 how would I go about narrowing htis down, by relaxing some restrictions ? 1334785432 M * Bertl but in your case, the zombie insmod, I'd look for a reason why insmod is called in the first place 1334785471 M * Bertl maybe replace the insmod with a shell script logging the call and giving some kind of pstree or so that you can figure out what causes the insmod 1334785556 M * jazzanova1 well, insmod is a special case. most of the zombies are defunct process of my application server (called Pliant). 1334785622 M * Bertl which is started by? 1334785623 M * jazzanova1 so if I could see on the kernel level what is being accessed 1334785631 M * jazzanova1 I amstarting it 1334785642 M * jazzanova1 and it forks or creates threads responding to requests. 1334785652 M * jazzanova1 but it doesn't clean up properly 1334785664 M * Bertl there you go, that's the problem 1334785666 M * jazzanova1 since I didn't write that code, i'm thkning of a way to narrow down 1334785680 M * jazzanova1 but it works in a non-guest setup, on a full system. 1334785707 M * Bertl what init style does your guest use? 1334785735 M * jazzanova1 it is a debian system 1334785757 M * jazzanova1 squeeze 1334785781 M * Bertl so probably sysv or plain init style 1334785795 M * jazzanova1 how is that improtant ? 1334785829 M * jazzanova1 is there a way to allow everything for the guest to do ? 1334785832 M * Bertl it is a guest configuration, and in one case (sysv) you don't get an init process for your guest, in the other, the guest is running its own init process 1334785869 M * Bertl well, if you use chroot, then the 'guest' is allowed everything :) 1334785902 M * jazzanova1 i like vserver because I can manager ports better, and I canrestart it. 1334785907 M * Bertl do you get service startup messages (syslog, cron, etc) when you start the guest? 1334785964 M * jazzanova1 on the host ? 1334785968 M * Bertl yup 1334786078 M * jazzanova1 nope 1334786091 M * jazzanova1 nothing shows up in syslog on the host when I start or stop theguest 1334786116 M * Bertl what I meant was, when you start the guest, like 'vserver foo start' 1334786134 M * Bertl do you get any messages (on the terminal)? 1334786163 M * jazzanova1 yes, i get on the terminal a bit 1334786181 M * jazzanova1 Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel 3. 1334786181 M * jazzanova1 Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd. 1334786181 M * jazzanova1 Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd. 1334786185 M * jazzanova1 this is all i get. 1334786192 M * jazzanova1 on the terminal 1334786195 M * jazzanova1 but nothing inthe logs of the host 1334786205 M * Bertl so, that means you are running with a sysv initstyle 1334786215 M * jazzanova1 ok 1334786230 M * Bertl which in turn means that your guest doesn't have an actual init process running (which could reap your runaway processes) 1334786234 J * aj__ ~aj@d062224.adsl.hansenet.de 1334786283 M * jazzanova1 ok 1334786293 M * jazzanova1 so what I have to do to give it an init ? 1334786310 M * Bertl your service or at least the master process/server should wait for children to die and then collect the exit status information 1334786330 M * Bertl (that's what a properly written service would do) 1334786364 M * jazzanova1 so if it doesn't do that, then the parent "init" waits for them to die ? 1334786365 M * Bertl you can switch to 'plain' init style, that will give you a guest init process, which will then be responsible for such things 1334786379 M * jazzanova1 but they die anyway, quickly, under init. 1334786399 M * jazzanova1 ok, how do I switch for plain init ? 1334786417 M * Bertl just change the initstyle in the guest config 1334786435 M * Bertl http://www.nongnu.org/util-vserver/doc/conf/configuration.html 1334786786 M * jazzanova1 switched 1334786890 M * jazzanova1 after the switch i got this issue: https://support.mayfirst.org/ticket/1520 1334786980 M * Bertl well, there is a fix listed there, maybe try it? 1334787166 M * jazzanova1 why won't you get a bitcoin wallet ? 1334787224 M * jazzanova1 or Dwolla 1334787239 M * Bertl because I've read a lot about it and decided I do not need another virtual currency 1334787257 M * jazzanova1 ok, Dwolla is like paypal without transaction fees. 1334787307 M * Bertl can't use that on ebay yet ... 1334787376 M * jazzanova1 :) 1334787395 M * Bertl but if you consider it a good choice, just send me some hardware :) 1334787398 M * jazzanova1 i openned dwolla last week, linked my bank account. its like paypal, but no fees. 1334787538 M * jazzanova1 I will send you 10 bucks either with e-gold or paypal, when I get money in there. but If you had dwolla, or bitcoin i'd do it now. 1334787688 M * jazzanova1 still get those defunct processes. 1334787693 M * jazzanova1 i guess the init didn't help 1334787878 M * Bertl that might be due to a kernel bug, try the following patch: 1334787891 M * Bertl http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/0001-Actually-use-VServer-context-reaper.patch 1334787920 M * Bertl argh, sec, permissions wrong 1334787985 M * Bertl should be fine now 1334788030 M * jazzanova1 i'll try it in 1 hour. thanks. 1334788046 M * Bertl np, but ultimately, you should fix your service :) 1334789285 M * jazzanova1 I downloaded ben greens source, thatis patched. Do I need to run menuconfig before I could build it ? 1334789297 M * jazzanova1 its been ages since I compiled a kernel 1334789496 M * Bertl you probably want to copy the config of your current kernel (from /proc/config*) 1334789505 M * Bertl and run 'make oldconfig' on it 1334789538 Q * petzsch Quit: Leaving. 1334789549 M * jazzanova1 ok 1334790174 Q * ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1334790227 Q * puck Quit: Coyote finally caught me 1334790391 Q * dowdle 1334790507 J * puck ~puck@leibniz.catalyst.net.nz 1334790616 M * jazzanova1 I don't have /proc/config 1334790667 M * Bertl usually it's /proc/config.gz or /proc/config.xz or so 1334790711 M * Bertl but if there really is none in those kernels, I'd suggest to a) send a note to Ben to include it in the future and b) extract the config from the kernel itsel 1334790803 M * Bertl +f 1334790817 M * Bertl (with scripts/extract-ikconfig from the kernel tree) 1334790865 M * Bertl if that fails as well, i.e. Ben didn't include any configuration information, you have to extract it from the source package somehow (debian specific) 1334792284 Q * ncopa Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1334792298 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1334793590 M * jazzanova1 eextrarcting doesn't work