1331947198 Q * DLange Quit: rebooooooo. . . . . . . 1331947364 J * DLange ~DLange@dlange.user.oftc.net 1331949052 Q * grobie Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1331949203 M * Bertl_oO kari_: did you try creating that file? 1331949296 M * Bertl_oO ViruSzZ: this usually means that the processes are waiting for I/O 1331949486 M * ViruSzZ yes, I know Bertl but there wasn't a way ti terminate any of them. I think this started today when the following two proc started waiting on I/O and I wasn't able to terminate them in any way. 1331949504 M * ViruSzZ root 25035 0.0 0.0 176 24 pts/2 D 09:26 0:00 /usr/lib64/util-vserver/secure-mount -a --chroot --fstab /etc/vservers/$guest1/fstab --rootfs no 1331949508 M * ViruSzZ root 26354 0.0 0.0 176 28 ? D 09:28 0:00 /usr/lib64/util-vserver/secure-mount -a --chroot --fstab /etc/vservers/$guest2/fstab --rootfs no 1331949517 M * Bertl_oO well, processes stuck in I/O wait are unkillable by design 1331949538 M * ViruSzZ o.O 1331949562 M * Bertl_oO the question is more, why do they hang there, i.e. why doesn't the expected I/O happen 1331949571 M * ViruSzZ yeah .... I know that too but wanted to hear if there's any clue why the hang there. 1331949574 M * ViruSzZ :D 1331949594 M * Bertl_oO basically all you can do is dump the stack traces and analyze them 1331949596 M * ViruSzZ I needed to reboot the host server because it was too much loaded and was unable to execute any command on it 1331949621 M * ViruSzZ and how would I do that can you enlignteen me? 1331949635 M * Bertl_oO i.e. magic-sysrq and 'w' 1331949668 M * Bertl_oO (or if the system is still somewhat responsive with echo w >/proc/sysrq-trigger 1331949671 M * Bertl_oO ) 1331949715 M * ViruSzZ blaaahh ... how can I don't know that command 5minutes before 1331949905 M * ViruSzZ this was the load of the machine => ^C 20:37:31 up 11:53, 3 users, load average: 1284.67, 1192.09, 896.77 but it was __somehow__ responsive and if I knew that command I could've tried it ... but I (hope?) there will be next time ... 1331949910 M * ViruSzZ thank you as always .... 1331949994 M * Bertl_oO np, what kernel/patch version if I may ask? 1331950400 M * ViruSzZ Hey, went to smoke a cig. 1331950401 M * ViruSzZ Sorry 1331950453 M * ViruSzZ For sure, the kernel is the latest one 3.2.11 with the corresponding patch applied 1331950501 M * Bertl_oO k, tx 1331950528 M * ViruSzZ Went back to my failback 2.6.38- and everything seems to be perfectly working back again .... 1331950541 M * ViruSzZ You are welcome. 1331950550 M * ViruSzZ s/fail/fall/ 1331952745 M * Bertl_oO off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1331952756 N * Bertl_oO Bertl_zZ 1331953784 M * ViruSzZ ViruSzZ is off to bed too ... out 1331960309 Q * ViruSzZ Quit: Leaving 1331962635 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1331962913 J * anonymous ~anonymous@ 1331962929 M * anonymous hellow 1331962948 Q * anonymous 1331964610 J * clopez ~clopez@ 1331966755 J * ghislain ~AQUEOS@adsl2.aqueos.com 1331968022 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1331971374 Q * geos_one Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1331972000 J * geos_one ~chatzilla@089144206251.atnat0015.highway.a1.net 1331973487 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1331973494 M * Bertl morning folks! 1331973573 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc10-aztw24-2-0-cust114.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1331975308 Q * nkukard_ Quit: Leaving 1331975327 J * nkukard ~nkukard@41-133-138-246.dsl.mweb.co.za 1331976849 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ip-81-210-240-111.unitymediagroup.de 1331977162 Q * ntrs Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1331977307 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:5015:490b:ae10:1ce4 1331977656 J * ntrs ~ntrs@vault08.rosehosting.com 1331977845 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1331977979 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ip-81-210-240-111.unitymediagroup.de 1331978538 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1331978649 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1331982347 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc10-aztw24-2-0-cust114.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1331983749 M * kari_ Bertl: it seems to have something to do with debian moving /var/run to /run, I tried creating a symlink in /var named run to ../run but that didn't seem to work either 1331984790 M * Guy- kari_: using initstyle plain may be a viable workaround (if all you're looking for is a quick fix) 1331986730 J * eyck ~eyck@ 1331987355 Q * urbee 1331988135 Q * ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1331992309 M * kari_ Guy-: that seems to work, any downsides to that method? 1331992320 M * kari_ significant downsides that is 1331992323 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1331992331 M * kari_ I don't really care about seeing the startup progress etc. 1331993235 J * ghislain ~AQUEOS@adsl2.aqueos.com 1331993727 M * Guy- kari_: it's slightly less efficient 1331993747 M * Guy- kari_: also, there is now a separate init process in each guest 1331993775 M * Guy- kari_: whether that's significant is a matter of perspective :) 1331993967 M * Bertl probably just a bug in the guest, I don't see why there should be a problem with that file in sysv init style 1331993973 M * Bertl anyway, off for now ... bbl 1331993977 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1331994040 M * Guy- yes, it probably _is_ a bug in the guest at that 1331996789 Q * Hunger Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1332000038 M * kari_ Guy-: ok, thanks 1332000056 M * kari_ Guy-, Bertl: Yes, there is a thread here: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2011/04/msg00732.html 1332000073 M * kari_ Where this is discussed, it just didn't come to any definite conclusion 1332000094 M * kari_ at least I didn't get it working, but the inistyle plain works, so I'm good for now :) 1332000353 J * clopez ~clopez@ 1332004609 Q * ensc|w Remote host closed the connection 1332004619 J * ensc|w ~ensc@www.sigma-chemnitz.de 1332006524 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1332007087 J * clopez ~clopez@ 1332009873 Q * clopez Ping timeout: 484 seconds 1332013482 J * Hunger hunger@proactivesec.com 1332014268 Q * ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1332016688 Q * geos_one Read error: No route to host 1332020009 Q * ntrs Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1332020500 J * ntrs ~ntrs@vault08.rosehosting.com 1332021769 Q * bergerx Quit: Leaving 1332027116 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving