1319157255 Q * arekm Remote host closed the connection 1319159327 M * Bertl off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1319159337 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1319160958 Q * vasko reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * Alex[fob] reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * ex reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * DoberMann reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * padde reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * kcin reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * fback reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * nox reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * Chlorek reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * Radiance reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * sid3windr reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * trippeh_ reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * mnemoc reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * bzed reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * Hunger reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * jeroen__ reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * SwenTjuln reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * grobie reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * _nono_ reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * tokkee reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * geb reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * theocrite reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * DreamerC reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * eyck reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * DelTree reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * WMP reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * BobR_oO reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * wibble_ reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * ignaz reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * _are_ reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * fosco reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160958 Q * Bertl_zZ reticulum.oftc.net charon.oftc.net 1319160977 J * Chlorek chlorek@chlorek.com 1319160977 J * nox ~nox@nox.user.oftc.net 1319160977 J * fback fback@red.fback.net 1319160977 J * Hunger ~Hunger@Hunger.hu 1319160977 J * kcin ~kcin@ 1319160977 J * padde ~padde@patrick-nagel.net 1319160977 J * Radiance ~Radiance@ 1319160977 J * bzed ~bzed@devel.recluse.de 1319160977 J * DoberMann ~james@2a01:e35:8b44:84c0::2 1319160977 J * ex ex@valis.net.pl 1319160977 J * trippeh_ atomt@uff.ugh.no 1319160977 J * Alex[fob] ~alex@v1.fob.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de 1319160977 J * mnemoc ~amery@shell.opensde.net 1319160977 J * sid3windr luser@ 1319160977 J * vasko ~vasko@unreal.rainside.sk 1319161164 J * jeroen__ ~jeroen@imap.powerinternet.eu 1319161164 J * SwenTjuln ~SwenTjuln@77-111-2-36.ipv4.tusmobil.si 1319161164 J * grobie ~grobie@tyr.schnuckelig.eu 1319161164 J * _nono_ ~gomes@licencieux.ircam.fr 1319161164 J * tokkee tokkee@osprey.tokkee.org 1319161164 J * geb ~geb@mars.gebura.eu.org 1319161164 J * theocrite ~Hubert@kim.theocrite.org 1319161164 J * DreamerC ~DreamerC@122-116-181-118.HINET-IP.hinet.net 1319161164 J * eyck ~eyck@ 1319161164 J * ignaz ~ignaz@85-126-150-194.work.xdsl-line.inode.at 1319161164 J * wibble_ wibble@vortex.ukshells.co.uk 1319161164 J * _are_ ~quassel@vs01.lug-s.org 1319161164 J * BobR_oO odie@IRC.13thfloor.at 1319161164 J * Bertl_zZ herbert@IRC.13thfloor.at 1319161164 J * WMP ~oftc@auburn.sored.pl 1319161164 J * DelTree ~deplagne@alcorak1.eric.deplagne.name 1319161164 J * fosco fosco@ 1319163264 J * bergerx ~bergerx@ 1319165644 J * arekm ~arekm@ixion.pld-linux.org 1319165696 Q * bergerx Quit: Leaving 1319165710 J * bergerx ~bergerx@ 1319165713 Q * bergerx 1319168263 Q * hparker Quit: Quit 1319171721 J * fisted_ ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-220-141.netcologne.de 1319171908 Q * fisted Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319172081 J * sannes1 ~ace@cm- 1319178998 Q * chrissbx Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319179199 J * chrissbx ~chrissbx@69-196-180-202.dsl.teksavvy.com 1319179224 Q * guerby Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319179330 J * ghislain ~AQUEOS@adsl2.aqueos.com 1319181409 J * renihs ~arf@83-65-34-34.arsenal.xdsl-line.inode.at 1319184214 M * ghislain when you build the util-vserver tool there is no way to specify where the vserver configuration will go ? if i want init to be /etc/init.d and config in /urs/local/etc/vservers ? 1319184214 J * guerby ~guerby@nc10d.tetaneutral.net 1319184554 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1319187689 Q * guerby Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319188583 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc12-aztw24-2-0-cust146.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1319188625 J * guerby ~guerby@nc10d.tetaneutral.net 1319190392 Q * fisted_ Remote host closed the connection 1319190405 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-220-141.netcologne.de 1319191117 Q * guerby Read error: No route to host 1319191423 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1319191430 M * Bertl morning folks! 1319194739 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:beae:c5ff:fe01:b647 1319195473 Q * chrissbx Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319196834 Q * arekm Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319197353 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1319197623 J * siefca siefca@fencepost.gnu.org 1319197625 M * siefca hi 1319197651 M * siefca is it possible to have more than one interface in vserver? 1319197655 M * siefca network interface 1319197661 M * siefca like dummy1 and dummy2 1319197663 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1319197813 J * arekm ~arekm@ixion.pld-linux.org 1319198681 Q * hparker Quit: Quit 1319198691 M * Bertl_oO siefca: Linux-VServer is not interface but IP based, if you assign IPs to the guest(s) any interface carrying them will become visible 1319198739 M * Bertl_oO so if you put one IP on eth0, another on eth1 (both assigned to the guest) then eth0 and eth1 will be visible inside the guest 1319199221 Q * nox Quit: If the world is without walls and fences -- who needs Windows and Gates ? 1319200315 J * nox ~nox@ns.secure-you.de 1319200468 J * guerby ~guerby@nc10d.tetaneutral.net 1319200537 Q * nox 1319202760 J * treaki ~treaki@p5B034863.dip.t-dialin.net 1319202766 M * treaki hi 1319202812 M * treaki i am trying to setup an debian with linux vserver and now i need help 1319202855 M * treaki i read a few tutorials, installed (debian squeeze) all needet packages and booted up my vserver kernel 1319202873 M * treaki but if i want to create my vserver i get just: 1319202930 M * treaki is:~# vserver testhost build -n testhost --hostname testhost --interface tap0: -m debootstrap -- -d squeeze 1319202935 M * treaki /etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase/testhost: Function not implemented 1319202939 M * treaki this error 1319202949 M * treaki can someon help please? 1319202957 M * treaki whats gose wrong, how to fix 1319202960 M * treaki ??? 1319203239 M * hijacker treaki, what is your kernel? 1319203248 M * hijacker can you paste here output of uname -a 1319203277 M * hijacker did you run: /etc/init.d/vprocunhide start 1319203308 M * treaki is:~# uname -a 1319203309 M * treaki Linux is 2.6.32-5-vserver-powerpc64 #1 SMP Thu Sep 1 00:59:20 UTC 2011 ppc64 GNU/Linux 1319203318 M * treaki no i dint run... 1319203334 M * hijacker and you should 1319203335 M * treaki is:~# /etc/init.d/vprocunhide start 1319203336 M * treaki bash: /etc/init.d/vprocunhide: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden 1319203337 Q * daniel_hozac Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319203344 M * treaki what i have to install? 1319203349 M * hijacker util-vserver 1319203384 M * treaki still the newest version... 1319203407 M * treaki bash: /etc/init.d/vprocunhide: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden meens file or directory not found 1319203465 M * hijacker strange indeed 1319203475 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1319203479 M * hijacker vprocunhide comes along with util-vserver 1319203493 M * treaki seams to be in another directory: http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=contents&keywords=vprocunhide&mode=filename&suite=stable&arch=any 1319203499 M * treaki sould i run this? 1319203532 M * hijacker hold on 1319203535 M * treaki ok 1319203538 M * hijacker this all should be automated 1319203694 M * treaki i heard to, just install the packages, boot the kernel and it should work 1319203696 M * treaki ... 1319203719 M * treaki what dose the error mean? (/etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase/testhost: Function not implemented) 1319203797 M * treaki i get if i use the command "vserver" and if i use the command "newvserver" to create a new vserver 1319204009 M * hijacker vdirbase -> /var/lib/vservers 1319204020 M * hijacker this should point to the actual location of your vserver data 1319204026 M * hijacker for me it is: 1319204063 M * hijacker /etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase -> /var/lib/vservers 1319204129 M * treaki drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 21. Okt 15:15 vservers 1319204135 M * treaki seams to be a normal foulder 1319204165 M * treaki lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 19. Sep 07:18 vdirbase -> /var/lib/vservers 1319204170 M * treaki and this is a symlink 1319204226 M * treaki do you know how to debugg the command vserver or newvserver to get more informationes 1319204264 M * treaki (look what for commands will be excuted by this command) 1319204296 M * SwenTjuln Bertl_oO: latest VS patch against kernel-3.0.7 ? 1319204383 M * treaki no, i installed the prebuilded debian kernel 1319204532 M * treaki i made some trace: http://pastebin.com/9djcWifa 1319204545 M * SwenTjuln treaki: what info does vserver-info provide? 1319204598 M * treaki vserver-info: http://pastebin.com/masf7aUE 1319204620 M * SwenTjuln obsolete util-vserver 1319204633 M * SwenTjuln you should upgrade those 1319204652 M * SwenTjuln 0.30.215 is quite old 1319204671 M * treaki i wuld like to use the things from debain 1319204675 M * treaki is that possible? 1319204736 M * SwenTjuln treaki: probably, but it can cause trouble. Both Bertl and dhozac will tell you that debian tend to break things. 1319204745 M * treaki its right, debian is old but stable and if it work its dont must be the newest 1319204807 M * SwenTjuln treaki: you are trying to pin IPs to tap0 device 1319204817 M * treaki ok... so i sould may better ask the debain folks for the problem...? 1319204854 M * treaki yes i want to use an virtual network devise and forward the port with the physical machine to outside 1319204860 M * SwenTjuln treaki: maybe.....but still. Usualy basic stuff works - even from debian :D 1319204875 M * treaki i also tryed it with an physical device but it dosnt worked. 1319204954 M * treaki is:/home/treaki# vserver testhost build -n testhost --hostname testhost --interface eth0: -m debootstrap -- -d squeeze 1319204954 M * treaki /etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase/testhost: Function not implemented 1319204992 J * daniel_hozac ~daniel@c-f33671d5.08-230-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se 1319205092 M * SwenTjuln treaki: here comes the Master 1319205131 M * treaki ok:) 1319205190 M * treaki hi daniel_hozac, may you can look in to the chat history and than you have may some nother idea to fix my problem 1319205211 M * SwenTjuln daniel_hozac: VS homepage states that latest patch is against kernel-3.0.7 but kernel.org is only at 3.0.4. 1319205227 M * treaki (seams to be a live history) http://irc.13thfloor.at/LOG/2011-10/LOG_2011-10-21.txt 1319205283 M * SwenTjuln treaki: one question: are you running your commands as root? 1319205321 M * treaki of cause:) 1319205405 M * SwenTjuln treaki: you're missing VS-API 1319205417 M * SwenTjuln note VS-API: ??? line from vserver-info 1319205432 M * treaki of course (i meant) 1319205452 M * treaki ok what dose this mean? how to fix it? 1319205461 M * SwenTjuln i think thats missing from kernel 1319205482 M * SwenTjuln but im not sure 1319205567 M * SwenTjuln like this is not kernel patched with Vserver patch 1319205587 M * SwenTjuln ...it seems so, anyway 1319205596 M * treaki so i have to compile a new kernel?? :( 1319205624 M * treaki yes, may its because ist an ppc machine 1319205726 M * SwenTjuln maybe you've failed to run /etc/init.d/vprocunhide at boot time 1319205748 M * SwenTjuln anyway....VS-API is missing, you should fix that 1319205795 M * treaki the thing is that /etc/init.d/vprocunhide isnt ther 1319205801 M * SwenTjuln treaki: anything from "ls /proc/virt*" 1319205811 M * treaki i just have /usr/lib/util-vserver/vprocunhide 1319205829 M * treaki is:/home/treaki# ls /proc/virt* 1319205830 M * treaki /proc/virtnet: 1319205830 M * treaki info status 1319205830 M * treaki /proc/virtual: 1319205830 M * treaki info status 1319205831 M * treaki is:/home/treaki# 1319205839 Q * daniel_hozac Read error: No route to host 1319205869 M * SwenTjuln treaki: did you run: /etc/init.d/util-vserver start ? 1319205873 J * daniel_hozac ~daniel@c-f33671d5.08-230-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se 1319205949 M * treaki this file isnt present 1319205967 M * treaki i am now trying to reconfigure all packages... 1319205973 M * SwenTjuln well...than you've failed to instal util-vserver properly 1319206031 M * SwenTjuln treaki: as you can see here: http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/powerpc/util-vserver/filelist , file should be there 1319206162 M * treaki something is going complete wrong... http://pastebin.com/zg9Qpi1X 1319206243 J * thierryp ~thierry@zankai.inria.fr 1319206282 M * treaki ok, i think i will now try to install vserver on an x68 machine and if it will run there i have to get a new server... 1319206293 M * treaki may its because the ppc 1319206308 M * SwenTjuln treaki: so, do you have /etc/init.d/util-vserver ? 1319206323 M * SwenTjuln now, that you reinstalled util-vserver? 1319206338 M * treaki i still had ( see something is going complete wrong... http://pastebin.com/zg9Qpi1X) 1319206395 M * treaki thanks for your help so far... 1319206438 M * SwenTjuln so you are installing package util-vserver (0.30.216-pre2864-2+b1) but your vserver-info say 0.30.215 1319206446 M * SwenTjuln ...something is broken. 1319206459 M * SwenTjuln i must run now. Good luck! 1319206475 A * SwenTjuln away 1319206477 M * treaki ok thanks for your help, bye 1319206492 M * treaki thats normal, i have that often with debain... 1319207642 J * dowdle ~dowdle@scott.coe.montana.edu 1319208183 Q * FireEgl Read error: Connection reset by peer 1319209075 J * FireEgl ~FireEgl@173-16-9-169.client.mchsi.com 1319209226 Q * FireEgl Remote host closed the connection 1319209525 Q * thierryp Remote host closed the connection 1319210427 M * daniel_hozac ghislain: /etc/init.d is configurable with --with-initrddir 1319210465 M * daniel_hozac SwenTjuln: kernel.org is behind since their hack. 1319210484 M * daniel_hozac treaki: try building util-vserver yourself 1319210881 M * ghislain yes daniel but the /etc/vservers part is not i guess ? 1319210922 M * ghislain i just compiled 3.0.7 with last patch and i still have the famous: 1319210924 M * ghislain (root)> ll /proc/virtual 1319210924 M * ghislain ls: cannot open directory /proc/virtual: Permission denied 1319210931 M * ghislain in a guest 1319211056 M * treaki : yes, i think i have to, i now installed a new debian and evereting works, i think the debain team hasnt made a correct vserver port for PPC arch... 1319211083 M * treaki are you sure i have to compile the utils myself and not the kernel?? 1319211294 M * daniel_hozac i'd go for both. 1319211308 M * treaki ok... 1319211383 M * daniel_hozac ghislain: /etc/vservers is --sysconfdir 1319211389 M * treaki has anyone still such full tried to use vserver with an ppc?? 1319211395 M * ghislain oh great daniel 1319211396 M * daniel_hozac (well, the /etc part) 1319211422 M * daniel_hozac treaki: sure, although i'm not sure how recently. 1319211471 M * treaki ok..., its possible a debian problem, the mplayer dosnt work on debian ppc to 1319211503 M * treaki it seams that they dont test the ppc builds right...:( 1319212255 J * FireEgl FireEgl@2001:470:e056:1:4412:94d3:b554:bf09 1319212848 Q * FireEgl Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319213061 M * siefca Bertl_oO: Thanx 1319213451 J * FireEgl FireEgl@2001:470:e056:1:5d7f:3c19:74f5:8b0c 1319213873 J * orzel ~orzel@berlioz.ethernet.freehackers.org 1319213956 M * orzel hello. i have this very strange behavious. A server is creating sockets, and pretends to have managed to do so. 'ls' doesn't show the sockets, and the other server that needs to connect to them fails as well. If i do "ls *" in the directory, then the sockets magically appear, and the other server starts again to work. 1319213962 M * orzel have you ever seen this ? 1319213985 M * orzel i'm using kernel 3.0.4-vs2.3.1-pre10.1 1319214062 M * orzel this looks like this http://pastebin.com/BBeTCikz 1319214097 M * orzel the sockets appear because of the ls *, not because some time passed by. I can reproduce this all the time 1319215671 Q * Hunger Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319215838 Q * fisted Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319215974 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-220-117.netcologne.de 1319216139 M * ghislain orzel: could you do a little test for m on your 3.0.4 guest ? 1319216148 J * Hunger ~Hunger@Hunger.hu 1319216245 M * ghislain orzel: could you do in a guest ls /proc/virtual and tell me if you get permission denied or file not found ? 1319216253 M * orzel ghislain: depends.. this is a production 1319216260 M * orzel this seems harmless, let's see 1319216291 M * orzel ls: cannot open directory /proc/virtual: Permission denied 1319216300 M * orzel while with just 'ls /proc' there's no 'virtual' 1319216303 M * orzel this is a hidden file ? 1319216338 M * orzel ls: cannot access /proc/virtualawef: No such file or directory 1319216345 M * orzel (i tried a random name) 1319216739 Q * FireEgl Remote host closed the connection 1319216750 M * daniel_hozac orzel: UNIX sockets? 1319216764 M * daniel_hozac what kind of filesystem is that? 1319216766 J * chrissbx ~chrissbx@69-196-180-202.dsl.teksavvy.com 1319216928 M * orzel daniel_hozac: first it was a tmpfs (/tmp) now it's just a basic ext4. Hold on though, i'm investigating something. 1319217401 J * FireEgl ~FireEgl@173-16-9-169.client.mchsi.com 1319217538 Q * chrissbx Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319218347 J * chrissbx ~chrissbx@69-196-180-202.dsl.teksavvy.com 1319219768 Q * FireEgl Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319220389 J * FireEgl ~FireEgl@173-16-9-169.client.mchsi.com 1319222438 Q * FireEgl Read error: Connection reset by peer 1319222541 J * nox ~nox@ns.secure-you.de 1319222543 J * flabbergaster 29ca6516@ircip3.mibbit.com 1319222569 M * flabbergaster hello 1319222739 Q * flabbergaster 1319223287 M * Bertl_oO orzel: for now, the permission denied is expected 1319223465 J * FireEgl ~FireEgl@173-16-9-169.client.mchsi.com 1319224164 Q * quasisane Quit: leaving 1319225081 J * Aiken ~Aiken@2001:44b8:2168:1000:21f:d0ff:fed6:d63f 1319225652 J * quasisane ~sanep@c-76-24-80-97.hsd1.nh.comcast.net 1319225838 M * orzel Bertl_oO: sure, i was just testing for ghislain 1319225953 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:6c9b:ee12:b38e:6919 1319226563 P * siefca 1319226644 Q * FireEgl Remote host closed the connection 1319227038 Q * chrissbx Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319227695 J * chrissbx ~chrissbx@69-196-180-202.dsl.teksavvy.com 1319228345 J * petzsch ~markus@p57B67328.dip.t-dialin.net 1319228596 Q * petzsch 1319229528 J * petzsch ~markus@p57B66D3C.dip.t-dialin.net 1319229588 Q * chrissbx Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319230268 J * chrissbx ~chrissbx@69-196-180-202.dsl.teksavvy.com 1319230636 Q * micah Remote host closed the connection 1319230841 Q * sannes1 Remote host closed the connection 1319231377 J * micah ~micah@micah.riseup.net 1319233377 M * ghislain bertl: but in the older one i got file not found as should be 1319233402 Q * petzsch Quit: Leaving. 1319233407 M * ghislain bertl: and facter that goes with puppet use detect /proc/virtual to differentiate guest/host and therefor it fail to test 1319233418 M * ghislain thanks orzel for the test 1319236156 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:beae:c5ff:fe01:b647 1319239448 Q * ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1319240208 Q * chrissbx Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1319241298 J * FireEgl ~FireEgl@173-16-9-169.client.mchsi.com