1315270012 Q * clopez_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315270130 Q * derjohn_foo Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315273260 Q * ccxCZ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315273341 J * mef ~mef@c-68-36-207-148.hsd1.nj.comcast.net 1315273756 J * ccxCZ ~ccxCZ@193.209.forpsi.net 1315275609 Q * Hurga Remote host closed the connection 1315278344 M * Bertl off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1315278349 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1315280964 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@d170103.adsl.hansenet.de 1315283064 J * sannes ~ace@cm- 1315284515 J * ghislain ~AQUEOS@adsl2.aqueos.com 1315287670 Q * mef Quit: Leaving. 1315288341 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1315290712 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315291720 Q * Guest7807 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315291982 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ 1315292610 Q * LuckyLuke Quit: new kernel 1315295855 J * LuckyLuke ~luca@host65-83-static.228-95-b.business.telecomitalia.it 1315298226 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc12-aztw24-2-0-cust146.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1315300270 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1315300273 M * Bertl morning folks! 1315300669 M * Mr_Smoke Mo'in ! 1315305032 Q * nkukard Quit: Leaving 1315305517 Q * fisted_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315305762 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-209-65.netcologne.de 1315307686 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1315314511 J * thierryp ~thierry@home.parmentelat.net 1315314532 J * mef ~mef@173-15-128-90-BusName-Philadelphia.hfc.comcastbusiness.net 1315314618 Q * mef 1315318768 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc12-aztw24-2-0-cust146.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1315319957 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1315320096 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc12-aztw24-2-0-cust146.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1315321098 Q * hparker Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315321414 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1315321442 J * dowdle ~dowdle@scott.coe.montana.edu 1315322037 J * sweil ~stefan@p5086ED79.dip.t-dialin.net 1315322431 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc12-aztw24-2-0-cust146.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1315322595 Q * BenG 1315322671 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:beae:c5ff:fe01:b647 1315324432 Q * thierryp Remote host closed the connection 1315325605 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:bca3:277f:b9fd:3f06 1315325955 N * nicholi Guest9193 1315325962 J * nicholi ~nicholi@108-89-98-36.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net 1315326062 Q * Guest9193 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315328295 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315328632 J * nkukard ~nkukard@41-133-248-130.dsl.mweb.co.za 1315330079 M * daniel_hozac linux-vserver.org is so slow... 1315331795 M * Bertl has somebody talked to hollow recently? 1315331923 M * daniel_hozac no. 1315331926 M * daniel_hozac haven't seen him around. 1315331970 M * Bertl it looked to me like he was moving things around a week ago or so 1315332016 M * Bertl maybe data center change or just a different host system 1315332046 M * LuckyLuke does linux-vserver.org run in a linux vserver? :D 1315332055 M * Bertl of course 1315332074 M * Wonka *g* 1315332088 M * daniel_hozac hmm, perhaps. 1315332103 M * daniel_hozac i guess we should email him and ask what's up. 1315332115 M * daniel_hozac i'm getting ~5 KiBps speeds. 1315332134 M * Bertl how do you check? 1315332170 M * daniel_hozac wget http://people.linux-vserver.org/~dhozac/t/ut-testing/util-vserver-0.30.216-pre2987.tar.bz2 1315332227 M * Bertl hmm, getting a 404 there 1315332236 M * daniel_hozac oh 1315332240 M * daniel_hozac s/ut/uv/ :) 1315332280 M * Bertl yeah, 2k, assuming that at least two other folks are testing the same now .. that's less than 10k 1315332281 M * LuckyLuke yeah a whopping 1kb/sec 1315332312 M * LuckyLuke from a 1000mbit/s fullduplex 1315332315 M * LuckyLuke sounds slow 1315332316 M * LuckyLuke :D 1315332622 M * m_ueberall apache range requests? ;) 1315332926 M * Bertl so you are the one responsible? :) 1315332984 M * m_ueberall Ugh, I said too much.... >:) 1315334796 J * rockj ~rockj@dhcp-003219.wlan.ntnu.no 1315334815 M * rockj howdy - does anyone know if ubuntu 11.04 has a package with vserver support enabled in kernel? 1315334850 M * rockj Ive installed some vserver image, but the vserver debian tools still tells me that the host server is missing security context 0 on a "vserver/ctx-patch" enabled kernel 1315334868 M * Bertl well, you want to avoid the vserver debian tools anyway 1315334877 M * Bertl (they are evil :) 1315334908 M * Bertl besides that, did you install util-vserver, if so, just upload 'vserver-info - SYSINFO' to a pastebin 1315335210 M * rockj Bertl: ok, let me do that in a sec 1315335228 M * daniel_hozac Bertl: have you started the stabilization process yet? 1315335314 M * rockj https://gist.github.com/81870cc6569eb403fbb6 1315335331 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: not yet, but I'm doing a few fixes here and there 1315335348 M * rockj *host* might be running wrong kernel here actually 1315335349 M * daniel_hozac okay. 1315335358 M * daniel_hozac yes it is. 1315335360 M * Bertl rockj: yeah, definitely 1315335379 M * rockj *hides* 1315335391 M * Bertl and util-vserver is outdated for this kernel version even if it is patched 1315335407 M * Bertl i.e. you need a newer version for kernels after 2.6.22 1315335436 M * Bertl (or was it 2.6.18?) 1315335470 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: we should definitely make a table with the minimum util-vserver version for proper support 1315335480 M * daniel_hozac yeah... 1315335506 M * daniel_hozac i should probably just get around to releasing 0.31 and we can tell everyone to use that :) 1315335528 M * Bertl that of course, would be great :) 1315335653 M * Bertl regarding stabilization: do you have anything you want to coordinate? 1315335702 M * Bertl (or was it just curiosity :) 1315335733 M * daniel_hozac mostly curiosity. 1315335784 M * Bertl the last week I was mostly investigating strange reports (on and off channel) regarding 3.0.x + Linux-VServer 1315335828 M * Bertl while I still think that there is more than one problem left with networking in 3.x, all issues so far turned out to be mainline issues 1315335847 M * daniel_hozac okay 1315335856 M * Bertl but there is still the crashing 8-way amd which doesn't give proper panic dumps 1315335878 M * Bertl (I'm still not convinced that this is in any way Linux-VServer related though) 1315335917 M * Bertl and I know that we do show a lot more network information than necessary in recent patches 1315335935 M * Bertl (I did annotate a few missing checks in the last patch round) 1315336014 M * Bertl I couldn't recreate the ext4 issue even with extensive testing inside and outside a guest, so that's still a mystery to me 1315336052 M * rockj hm, silly question and probably wrong channel but 1315336075 M * rockj how do you actually specify booting kernel propertly in grub2 in ubuntu? 1315336115 M * Bertl I'd say the same way than in any other distro using grub2 ... in the grub config file 1315336184 M * Bertl btw. google found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 1315336358 M * rockj yeah - I guess I have to do it the painfull way 1315336374 M * rockj they should really had a dpkg-reconfigure grub2 or something where you could change the order of the kernels it finds etc 1315336474 M * Bertl well, de gustibus non est disputandum :) 1315336523 M * rockj becaues atm its a silly shell script doing lots of stuff where you have to hack on the script to actually change the order .. 1315336553 M * rockj anyhow - my problems - at least confirmed I had wrong kernel ;p 1315336556 M * Mr_Smoke Bertl: is that a genuine quotation ? The grammar looks legit :) 1315336663 M * Bertl it's a latin saying, so yeah, the grammar should be fine :) 1315336695 M * Mr_Smoke I know, I can read it 1315336699 M * Mr_Smoke I'm just a little rusty 1315336715 M * Mr_Smoke It could probably be shortened into "De gustibus non disputandum" too 1315336729 M * Mr_Smoke As in "Delenda Carthago" 1315336736 M * Mr_Smoke I forget the name for this construct 1315336741 M * Mr_Smoke It's called verbal adjective in French 1315336745 M * Bertl yeah, I had latin for 2 (or maybe 3?) years, so sometimes I feel like sharing :) 1315336760 M * Mr_Smoke Took it for about 5 1315337136 M * Bertl so compared to me you're _the_ expert :) 1315337169 M * Mr_Smoke That wasn't the point really, but it would highly depend on how long ago you stopped studying it :) 1315337181 M * Mr_Smoke For me it's been 14 years without practice now :p 1315337202 M * Mr_Smoke I remember enough to make up stylish-looking mottos 1315337218 M * Mr_Smoke "Nunquam mollire" used to be my grandad's favorite, I think I'll take it up :) 1315337245 M * Bertl hehe, I guess it's about 20 years now without explicit practice, but I was never good at (non computer oriented) languages 1315337276 M * Mr_Smoke alright then :) 1315337287 M * Bertl tried to learn ancient greek back then, but didn't manage more than a few tiny things (and of course the alphabet) 1315337315 M * Bertl switched to smalltalk, was a lot easier to learn *G* 1315337316 M * Mr_Smoke Nice. Never tried it 1315337319 M * Mr_Smoke heheh 1315337336 M * Mr_Smoke Reminds me of that huge ad that they used to have here on the road from the airport 1315337369 M * Mr_Smoke it said something like "How about learning Java as a new language?" but in French the pun on language was more obvious 1315337375 M * Mr_Smoke the funny part was 1315337397 M * Mr_Smoke there was a picture of a guy next to that, with huge black pockets under the eyes :P 1315337418 M * Mr_Smoke It might have said "want to spend many sleepless nights learning Java" and it wouldn't have done a better job :p 1315337454 M * Bertl yeah, sounds funny 1315337865 M * Guy- Mr_Smoke: my favourite latin quotation to throw around so far is "Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris" :) 1315337906 M * Guy- and yeah, "de gustibus non est disputandum" is a well-known aphorism, often quoted (at least in Hungary) even by people who never learned latin 1315338112 M * Mr_Smoke Guy-: my rustiness makes me ask : if CAesar were alive, we'd throw him to the wolves? 1315338342 M * Bertl nah, if caesar were alive, you would be chained to an oar (had to look up the word oar :) 1315338351 M * Mr_Smoke ah 1315338366 M * Mr_Smoke yeah, the french word is closer (rame) 1315338387 M * Mr_Smoke wolf is lupus 1315338388 M * Mr_Smoke silly of me 1315338395 M * Bertl it's 'ruder' in german 1315338411 M * Mr_Smoke yeah, rudder in english isn't too far either 1315338421 M * Mr_Smoke (even though the meaning is slightly different) 1315338500 M * Bertl so, after the short but informative excursion into old latin, rockj: what's your status with the kernel boot? 1315338505 M * Mr_Smoke :) 1315338544 M * Bertl last one: per aspera ad astra! 1315338566 M * Mr_Smoke I love this verb 1315338570 M * Mr_Smoke Fero 1315338585 M * Mr_Smoke Most verbs are quite simple: do, das dare, davi, datum 1315338588 M * Mr_Smoke But fere, no. 1315338602 M * Mr_Smoke Fero, fers, fere, tuli (?), latum (???) 1315338613 M * Mr_Smoke It's like WTF, let's have a day out of it :) 1315338637 M * Mr_Smoke Yeah, to the stars :) 1315338665 M * Bertl http://www.informalmusic.com/latinsoc/verbs/fero.html *G* 1315338701 M * Mr_Smoke Yeah, quite unusual :) 1315338743 M * Mr_Smoke Right, time to head home soon, I hope. 1315339140 M * Guy- (si hoc legere scis, nimium eruditionis habes) 1315339255 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@d126058.adsl.hansenet.de 1315339779 M * rockj Bertl: ubuntu is retarded is the status 1315339796 M * rockj Bertl: need to use the sources and compile my own , since enabling the vserver kernel broke the desktop :p 1315339811 M * rockj Bertl: worst shit is that they dont even store the kernel config in /proc/config.gz :( 1315339892 M * Bertl okay, well, building your own kernel is advised anyway, distro kernel usually include the kitchensink ... 1315340156 Q * rockj Quit: WeeChat 0.3.4 1315340575 N * nicholi Guest9226 1315340582 J * nicholi ~nicholi@rrcs-76-79-196-34.west.biz.rr.com 1315340597 J * Rockj rockj@pi.geekrevolution.net 1315340664 Q * sannes Remote host closed the connection 1315340673 Q * Guest9226 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315341240 M * Guy- rockj: they store it in /boot/config-$(uname -r) though 1315341560 M * daniel_hozac (like has been done for years before /proc/config* was implemented) 1315342458 J * imcsk8 ~ichavero@ 1315344168 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1315345555 Q * cuba33ci Read error: Connection reset by peer 1315345648 J * cuba33ci ~cuba33ci@111-240-167-197.dynamic.hinet.net 1315346538 Q * sweil Remote host closed the connection 1315347143 Q * LuckyLuke Quit: reboot 1315348242 Q * ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1315349095 Q * fisted Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1315349126 J * LuckyLuke ~luca@host65-83-static.228-95-b.business.telecomitalia.it 1315349368 J * fisted ~fisted@xdsl-87-78-209-49.netcologne.de 1315349478 M * Rockj Ill check into the kernel tomorrow, had to do fix some issues that arrived so got busy with that - ill let you guys know tomorrow how it goes with my vserver if your interessted :) 1315350114 Q * sladen Remote host closed the connection 1315350897 M * Bertl Rockj: no problem 1315350910 M * Bertl and yes, we are interested :) 1315352308 J * sladen ~paul@starsky.19inch.net