1294704223 Q * manana Remote host closed the connection 1294705771 Q * ViRUS Quit: If there is Artificial Intelligence, then there's bound to be some artificial stupidity. (Thomas Edison) 1294722000 M * Bertl off to bed now .. have a good one everyone! 1294722005 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1294728135 J * Su2zuki Su2zuki@c-68-44-246-23.hsd1.nj.comcast.net 1294729713 Q * Su2zuki 1294729968 Q * bsingh Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294730534 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1294730634 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294732043 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ 1294733522 J * kir ~kir@swsoft-msk-nat.sw.ru 1294733535 P * kir 1294734013 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc2-aztw22-2-0-cust83.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1294734044 Q * ghislain Quit: Leaving. 1294735661 J * lamvak ~lamvak@ip189-104.ghnet.pl 1294735670 M * lamvak hi, all! 1294735827 J * manana ~mayday090@ 1294737067 J * ghislain ~AQUEOS@adsl2.aqueos.com 1294737203 J * barismetin ~barismeti@zanzibar.inria.fr 1294738246 N * ensc Guest4001 1294738256 J * ensc ~irc-ensc@p5DF2E4CE.dip.t-dialin.net 1294738654 Q * Guest4001 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294739854 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1294740978 J * kir1 ~kir@swsoft-msk-nat.sw.ru 1294741071 J * petzsch ~markus@dslb-088-075-120-151.pools.arcor-ip.net 1294743226 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc2-aztw22-2-0-cust83.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1294743665 J * thierryp ~thierry@zankai.inria.fr 1294746299 J * nkukard_ ~nkukard@dsl-247-41-48.telkomadsl.co.za 1294746696 Q * nkukard Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294746879 Q * nkukard_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294747003 J * nkukard_ ~nkukard@41-133-249-146.dsl.mweb.co.za 1294747898 Q * nkukard_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294748337 J * bsingh ~balbir@ 1294748941 Q * lamvak Quit: Leaving. 1294749884 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1294750362 M * alpha_one_x86 http://pastebin.com/4AiTxBs9 1294750366 M * alpha_one_x86 with gentoo guest 1294750559 M * Mr_Smoke is there a service running ? 1294750844 M * alpha_one_x86 same with "vserver vm2 start" 1294751021 Q * thierryp Remote host closed the connection 1294751097 J * thierryp ~thierry@eduroam-105a.sophia.inria.fr 1294751122 Q * ncopa Quit: Leaving 1294751572 M * Mr_Smoke alpha_one_x86: again : is there a service running ? in the guest that is 1294751614 M * alpha_one_x86 If I have undertands the question no 1294751714 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1294753737 M * Mr_Smoke alpha_one_x86: you need to enable at least one service (eg syslog) in the guest 1294753743 M * Mr_Smoke Otherwise it won't start 1294753759 M * Mr_Smoke Recent vserver-util with --initstyle gentoo does that automagically 1294753780 M * alpha_one_x86 I habe build the guest with --initstyle gentoo 1294753976 M * Mr_Smoke What version of util-vserver ? 1294753992 M * alpha_one_x86 the lastest 1294754004 M * Mr_Smoke What version of util-vserver ? 1294754711 J * nkukard ~nkukard@41-133-113-41.dsl.mweb.co.za 1294754736 J * thierryp_ ~thierry@zankai.inria.fr 1294754827 Q * thierryp Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294755206 Q * thierryp_ Remote host closed the connection 1294758196 Q * bsingh Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294758972 Q * nkukard Quit: Leaving 1294758974 M * alpha_one_x86 0.30.216_pre2910 1294758991 J * nkukard ~nkukard@41-133-113-41.dsl.mweb.co.za 1294760413 J * ViRUS ~mp@p579B5420.dip.t-dialin.net 1294760852 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1294760859 M * Bertl morning folks! 1294761307 M * Mr_Smoke alpha_one_x86: what stage3/4 are you using , 1294761309 M * Mr_Smoke hi Bertl :) 1294761358 M * alpha_one_x86 I have try stage3 1294761414 J * thierryp ~thierry@zankai.inria.fr 1294761810 J * dna ~dna@dslb-094-222-114-218.pools.arcor-ip.net 1294762075 M * Mr_Smoke alpha_one_x86: try chrooting to the directory where the vserver lives, enableing a service (eg syslog), then jumping back out and using vserver start 1294762081 M * Mr_Smoke That should do it, if that's the problem 1294762144 M * alpha_one_x86 I will try it 1294762417 Q * derjohn_mob Remote host closed the connection 1294762639 M * alpha_one_x86 I have not the time now, can you give me all test I can do if it not work? 1294762996 M * arekm mording 1294763041 M * arekm Bertl: hi, any eta on fork+creds bugfix? (asking because I'll go to creds reverted version locally if something longer than this week :) 1294763043 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ 1294763948 M * Bertl arekm: no ETA atm, don't know who will test potential patches either 1294763987 M * arekm I can but know only one test (the one with python and creds passing over socket) 1294763993 M * Bertl obviously we need more in depth testing than has been done on the first patch, otherwise we end up with a revert later 1294764038 M * Bertl most likely the reason for this resource effect is that we share the credentials between the processes 1294764058 M * Bertl and for whatever reason, this seems to cause the fork problem 1294764089 M * Bertl so what we need to do is to copy the credentials instead of sharing them, which brings a bunch of new potential problems 1294764130 Q * thierryp Remote host closed the connection 1294764151 J * bsingh ~balbir@ 1294764186 M * arekm I'm willing to test anyway because now I have no working/stable vserver, so I'm desperate ;-/ 1294764271 M * Bertl okay, I might be able to wrap up a patch tonight, but we need in depth testing as I said, i.e. with cred accounting/debugging enabled and heavy enter (loop etc.) to check for memory leaks and similar 1294764318 M * Bertl you can probably prepare a test setup right now with the first version in place, which should definitely expose the enter issue and might also show some memory leakage 1294764349 M * arekm I'll run it on few my machines that are in use (fortunately in use for testing purposes, too) - one is used be people to build/test rpm packages; another is pure automated rpm builder 1294764975 J * ser ~ser@house.metalab.unc.edu 1294765148 Q * derjohn_mob Remote host closed the connection 1294765229 Q * barismetin Remote host closed the connection 1294765428 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ 1294765475 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:2c0:9fff:fe2d:39d 1294767373 J * dna_ ~dna@dslb-094-222-123-238.pools.arcor-ip.net 1294767806 J * dna__ ~dna@dslb-094-222-120-130.pools.arcor-ip.net 1294767808 Q * dna Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294767811 M * alpha_one_x86 to limit max memory used I have put: /etc/vservers/vm2/cgroup/memory.memsw. + max_usage_in_bytes/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes, it do nothing 1294768072 J * dna ~dna@dslb-094-222-126-221.pools.arcor-ip.net 1294768229 Q * dna_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294768417 J * lvpvpl ~blagoj@ 1294768425 M * lvpvpl Hey guys. 1294768431 M * lvpvpl Can someone help me with this? 1294768439 M * lvpvpl I try to install openvpn on the VPS. 1294768454 M * lvpvpl And when I try to start it I get this error in the log files. 1294768468 Q * dna__ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294768545 M * lvpvpl http://paste.linux-vserver.org/18613 1294768552 M * lvpvpl Here is the error -> http://paste.linux-vserver.org/18613 1294768556 M * lvpvpl Can someone help me? 1294768846 M * Bertl simply do not set the queue lengt inside the guest 1294768858 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294768868 M * Bertl (but make sure that you assigned the tun to the guest in the first place) 1294769349 J * dna_ ~dna@dslb-094-222-122-073.pools.arcor-ip.net 1294769789 Q * dna Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294769980 M * lvpvpl Can you please tell me how can I not set "queue lengt"? 1294770031 M * Bertl remove the option or the script entry which causes this from the openvpn config 1294770078 J * eyck ~eyck@ 1294770409 M * lvpvpl There is no such or even similar entry, not in the openvpn config file or the init script. 1294770426 M * lvpvpl I have alos runing VPN on the host machine. 1294770431 M * lvpvpl I hope that is not a problem? 1294770976 M * Bertl unlikely, upload your openvpn config file somewhere, I'll take a look 1294771066 M * lvpvpl Thanks. 1294771068 M * lvpvpl Here -> http://paste.linux-vserver.org/18614 1294771117 M * Bertl you specify tun16, but something in your scripts use tun1? 1294771224 M * lvpvpl It is just a typo. 1294771270 M * Bertl so fix that and try again :) 1294771304 M * Bertl and make sure that the tun device (i.e. tun1 or tun16) is assgined to the guest in the util-vserver config 1294771460 J * ktwilight ~keliew@ 1294771488 Q * bsingh Read error: Connection timed out 1294771555 M * lvpvpl That is fixed, still the same. I use /dev/net/ from the host server into the VPS, also, is that ok? 1294771572 M * Bertl not a good idea 1294771662 M * lvpvpl Ok, let me delete it and recreat manualy. 1294771751 M * Bertl all you need is /dev/net/tun 1294771937 M * lvpvpl Ok, is this can be the problem? 1294771946 M * lvpvpl When I cretae MAKEDEV tun 1294771951 M * lvpvpl I get : 1294771951 M * lvpvpl don't know how to make device "tun" 1294771958 M * lvpvpl After that I create it manualy. 1294771962 M * lvpvpl mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 1294771970 M * lvpvpl ICan this be the problem? 1294771977 M * lvpvpl The "200" number? 1294771996 M * Bertl not a problem, c,10,200 is correct 1294772017 M * lvpvpl ok 1294772084 M * lvpvpl So, I recreated the tun interface. 1294772089 M * lvpvpl and now I have /dev/net/tun 1294772105 M * lvpvpl Now I will follw this here -> http://linux-vserver.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Can_I_run_an_OpenVPN_Server_in_a_guest.3F 1294772138 M * lvpvpl Ok, I did the 4 steps... 1294772144 M * lvpvpl Now I'm starting the VPS. 1294772215 M * lvpvpl Still the same probem. 1294772222 M * lvpvpl The configuration is here -> http://paste.linux-vserver.org/18615 1294772270 M * lvpvpl Output on ifconfig is here -> http://paste.linux-vserver.org/18616 1294772313 M * lvpvpl init sript is here -> http://paste.linux-vserver.org/18617 1294772430 M * Bertl the init script potentially calls a bunch of other scripts residing in the $work dir 1294772447 M * Bertl I presume you have something there which might cause this 1294772906 M * lvpvpl The strange thing is that this same configuration i.e. the same VPS works on another machine which is the same as this and and use the same kernel etc... 1294772955 M * Bertl it should work fine, just check that you didn't mix up the tun device for the guest config as well and/or that the device is already assigned to a different guest 1294772971 M * Bertl (in which case you want to pick a new one or remove the old one from the other context) 1294773041 M * lvpvpl I have only this (one) guest on this server. 1294773052 M * lvpvpl I will create completely different tun device and everything now. 1294773057 M * lvpvpl let;s say tun22 1294773220 M * Bertl if all fails, try to strace -fF into the 'service openvpn start' (or the init script) so that we see what fails 1294773253 M * lvpvpl Ok, just created tun25 1294773340 M * lvpvpl Now I get: 1294773342 M * lvpvpl Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/tun25: No such file or directory (errno=2) 1294773346 M * lvpvpl But Ihave the device. 1294773353 M * lvpvpl tun25 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 1294773353 M * lvpvpl inet addr: P-t-P: Mask: 1294773355 M * lvpvpl etc... 1294773390 M * Bertl how did you create the tun25? 1294773453 M * daniel_hozac do you have /dev/net/tun? 1294773510 M * lvpvpl With these commands. 1294773512 M * lvpvpl # mkdir -p /dev/net # mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 # chown root:root /dev/net/tun # chmod 600 /dev/net/tun 1294773552 M * lvpvpl I will recreate again, in case if I have missed something 1294773582 M * daniel_hozac on the guest? 1294773618 M * lvpvpl No, on the servers. 1294773626 M * lvpvpl I enter cd /vservers/testvps/dev 1294773636 J * dna__ ~dna@dslb-094-222-222-042.pools.arcor-ip.net 1294773637 M * lvpvpl and mkdir net 1294773651 M * lvpvpl mknod net/tun c 10 200 1294773652 M * lvpvpl etc... 1294773730 M * lvpvpl Ok, now the same error. 1294773731 M * lvpvpl Tue Jan 11 13:21:52 2011 Note: Cannot set tx queue length on tun25: Operation not permitted (errno=1) 1294773731 M * lvpvpl Tue Jan 11 13:21:52 2011 /sbin/ip link set dev tun25 up mtu 1500 1294773731 M * lvpvpl SIOCSIFMTU: Operation not permitted 1294773750 M * Bertl how did you 'create' the tun25? 1294773801 M * lvpvpl on the host I enter: 1294773810 M * lvpvpl cd /vservers/testvps/dev/ 1294773813 M * lvpvpl afert that: 1294773824 M * lvpvpl mkdir net 1294773828 M * lvpvpl mknod net/tun c 10 200 1294773834 M * Bertl that doesn't create the tun25 device 1294773834 M * lvpvpl chown root:root net/tun 1294773837 J * ktwilight_ ~keliew@ 1294773843 M * lvpvpl chmod 600 net/tun 1294773848 M * lvpvpl Before that I enter this. 1294773858 M * lvpvpl openvpn --mktun --dev tun25 1294773866 M * lvpvpl ip link set dev tun25 txqueuelen 100 1294773872 M * Bertl ah, there you go, you don't want to do that 1294773888 M * Bertl you want util-vserver to create the tun device for you 1294773890 M * lvpvpl Aaahyhh, but that is how it is descibed on the wiki. 1294773891 M * lvpvpl :) 1294773893 M * daniel_hozac do you have ifconfig-noexec and route-noexec in your openvpn config? 1294773948 M * lvpvpl @ Daniel, No I do not have. 1294774070 M * lvpvpl I basicly follow this manyal here -> http://linux-vserver.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Can_I_run_an_OpenVPN_Server_in_a_guest.3F 1294774074 Q * dna_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294774109 M * lvpvpl @Bertl, how can "util-vserver" create the tun for me, is that explained somewhere? 1294774220 M * Bertl http://www.nongnu.org/util-vserver/doc/conf/configuration.html 1294774229 Q * ktwilight Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1294774249 M * Bertl just make a config dir like for 'normal' interface, then touch 'tun' 1294774367 M * lvpvpl In the /dev/net directory in the guest, rught? 1294774432 M * Bertl in the /etc/vservers//interfaces/<> dir 1294774581 M * lvpvpl something lie: 1294774591 M * lvpvpl /etc/vservers/testvps/interfaces/testvps2/ 1294774592 M * lvpvpl and after 1294774594 M * lvpvpl touch tun 1294774613 M * lvpvpl And after that the server won't start. 1294774637 M * lvpvpl and before that I had "/etc/vservers/testvps/interfaces/testvps2" 1294774643 M * lvpvpl with these 4 files in it 1294774695 M * lvpvpl ip mask name nodev 1294774707 M * lvpvpl content were: 1294774715 M * lvpvpl ip - 1294774720 M * lvpvpl mask - 1294774729 M * lvpvpl name - testvps2 1294774734 M * lvpvpl nodev - tun25 1294774864 M * Bertl nodev is obviously wrong, you want dev - tun25 instead 1294774882 M * Bertl and you probably want to remove the 'name' entry completley 1294774894 M * Bertl instead, maybe add the peer address 1294774991 M * lvpvpl Ok, so if I understand you right, I just need to create these files, and the /dev/net/tun device and start the VPS 1294775006 M * lvpvpl No need to penvpn --mktun --dev tun25 etc.... 1294775028 M * Bertl correct, given that you have a recent util-vserver installed 1294775049 M * lvpvpl I have 0.30.216-0.pre2923 1294775054 M * lvpvpl Is that ok? 1294775131 M * Bertl should be fine ... 1294775305 M * lvpvpl vserver testvps start 1294775305 M * lvpvpl Cannot find device "tun25" 1294775316 M * lvpvpl It won;t even find the device now. 1294775325 M * lvpvpl I did 1294775326 M * lvpvpl openvpn --rmtun --dev tun25 1294775331 M * lvpvpl to remvoe the previos tun device 1294775337 M * daniel_hozac did you touch /etc/vservers/testvps/interfaces/testvps2/tun? 1294775345 M * lvpvpl created /etc/vservers/testvps/interfaces/testvps2 1294775346 M * Bertl and is 'nodev' gone there? 1294775349 M * lvpvpl with 1294775354 M * lvpvpl yes 1294775355 M * lvpvpl dev ip mask 1294775363 M * Bertl no tun :) 1294775381 M * lvpvpl So, just ip and mask? 1294775411 M * Bertl you want 'dev', 'ip', 'mask' _and_ 'tun' there 1294775434 M * lvpvpl Aaahh.... :) 1294775436 M * lvpvpl Sec. 1294775460 M * Bertl 'tun' is empty, just needs to exist 1294775491 M * lvpvpl ok ok, I understand now. It is just to much information and variatons, and I'm trying to fix this all day today.... 1294775526 M * Bertl no problem :) 1294775640 M * lvpvpl taadaaa.. and the VPS is up, tun is present and the same error is presetn too.... 1294775642 M * lvpvpl :) 1294775648 M * lvpvpl Let me attach strace result. 1294775696 M * lvpvpl Here- > http://paste.linux-vserver.org/18619 1294776143 M * Bertl maybe you got a 'new and all improved' openvpn which tries to mess with things it isn't supposed to mess with? 1294776271 M * lvpvpl I can try to install soe of the oldest version, as 2.0.9.. 1294776276 M * lvpvpl I think that will be ok? 1294776295 M * Bertl maybe, at least the svn (for openvpn) has the ioctl in the code 1294776314 M * Bertl and at first glance it doesn't look like it is optional 1294776808 M * lvpvpl The same verion works on ubuntu, on different server with kernel. 1294776833 M * Bertl could you get an strace -fF for that one too? 1294776847 M * Bertl (and look for SIOCSIFTXQLEN) 1294776851 M * lvpvpl utils 0.30.216-0.pre2914 1294776857 M * lvpvpl Sure, sec. 1294777433 M * lvpvpl How can i put the output in a file? I tried strace -fF service openvpn start > asdasd but no luck. 1294777472 M * Bertl either with >out 2>&1 or with the -o option 1294778088 M * lvpvpl This is the only line. 1294778089 M * lvpvpl [pid 24666] ioctl(7, SIOCSIFTXQLEN, {ifr_name="tun16", ???}) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted) 1294778110 M * Bertl so you get the same EPERM there as well, and it seems to work, no? 1294778166 M * lvpvpl Yes, it is wotking. 1294778169 M * lvpvpl working* 1294778181 M * Bertl so, your problem must be something else 1294778215 M * Bertl I'd check again for that /sbin/ip link set dev tun1 up mtu 1500 1294778227 M * Bertl which happens, according to the output, in a script 1294778266 M * Bertl (or at least via the shell) 1294778298 M * Bertl there is no point in setting the mtu to 1500 anyway, because that is the default 1294778319 M * lvpvpl At this moment I;m installing 2.0.9 version, which seams is the most "stable" one. 1294778530 M * lvpvpl It is the same with this verison too. 1294778557 M * lvpvpl On the secconf serevr, everything was working for 3-4 days and after the restart of the VPS it stoped working. 1294778569 M * lvpvpl Conclusion, VPN sucks. 1294778571 M * lvpvpl :) 1294778654 P * lvpvpl 1294778675 M * Bertl well, openvpn is working perfectly fine here ... 1294778826 J * bsingh ~balbir@ 1294780962 Q * petzsch Quit: Leaving. 1294782431 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1294782582 J * imcsk8 ~ichavero@ 1294784826 J * BenG ~bengreen@cpc2-aztw22-2-0-cust83.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com 1294785551 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1294785913 Q * dna__ Quit: Verlassend 1294785991 M * Bertl arekm: patch will have to wait, pretty tired now ... 1294786000 M * Bertl off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1294786007 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1294788513 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@d026039.adsl.hansenet.de 1294790261 Q * imcsk8 Quit: Leaving