1255305899 J * manana mayday_397@ 1255305953 M * manana should I turn on the VSERVER_AUTO_LBACK kernel option? 1255305959 N * manana krushik 1255305993 M * Bertl usually it's a good idea, see the help for details 1255306026 M * krushik (I want to DNAT 1 port of guest to ip of another guest, if you remember) 1255306049 M * Bertl yep, the local remapping 1255306106 M * krushik If i check that option, will guests have "static" lo ips? 1255306154 M * Bertl not related .. it will just automatically assign an ip of the format 127.x.y.1 to the guest, where x.y is the xid 1255306170 M * Bertl you can assign a specific IP to the guest via the config as well 1255306179 M * krushik oh. good. thanks 1255306546 M * Bertl np 1255307206 Q * geb Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255309762 M * krushik I can't win the "checking for NSS... no" problem... 1255309778 M * Bertl did you install the devel library? 1255309801 M * Bertl I mean, the development package/stuff for the nss library 1255309822 M * krushik there is CRUX distrib at the server.. it has ports 1255309828 M * krushik I've installed nss port 1255309858 M * krushik I have now /usr/include/nss 1255309905 M * Bertl okay .. maybe it is not recent enough or incomplete? 1255309913 M * krushik pkg-config --libs nss gives me: 1255309914 M * krushik Package nspr was not found in the pkg-config search path. 1255309914 M * krushik Perhaps you should add the directory containing `nspr.pc' 1255309914 M * krushik to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable 1255309914 M * krushik Package 'nspr', required by 'NSS', not found 1255309939 M * krushik i did upgrade the port tree.. 1255309949 M * Bertl so something is definitely wrong there 1255309965 M * Bertl is there beecrypt available for CRUX? 1255309979 M * Bertl if so, you might consider it as alternative 1255310015 M * Bertl if both fails, you can still continue, but vhashify will not be built 1255310152 M * krushik 'll enabled contrib ports section.. trying to install beecrypt 1255310888 M * krushik there wasn't beecrypt at ports even in contrib.. so 've installed from scratch 1255310900 M * krushik now util-vserver compiles 1255310919 M * krushik ok, thank you 1255310927 M * Bertl you're welcome! 1255311088 M * krushik oops. *** glibc detected *** /usr/local/sbin/naddress: free(): invalid pointer: 0xbffd4040 *** 1255311102 M * krushik this comes when starting guest 1255311129 M * Bertl could you upload the output of 'vserver-info - SYSINFO' to some pastebin? 1255311154 M * krushik sure 1255311190 M * krushik http://pastebin.com/d367a0450 1255311223 M * Bertl Use dietlibc: no (you have been warned) 1255311291 M * Bertl you also want to get a more recent version, preferably the latest snapshot 1255311312 M * krushik of glibc? 1255311319 M * Bertl nah, of util-vserver 1255311344 M * krushik i've got vs2.3.0.34 1255311352 M * krushik oh. sry 1255311359 M * krushik 0.30.215 1255311374 M * Bertl which is about two years old 1255311384 M * Bertl http://people.linux-vserver.org/~dhozac/t/uv-testing/ 1255311893 M * krushik good. great 1255312103 Q * ViRUS Quit: If there is Artificial Intelligence, then there's bound to be some artificial stupidity. (Thomas Edison) 1255312244 M * krushik my guest's init process could not work correctly... and files within guest are seen like ?????????? ? ? ? ? ? messages 1255312262 M * krushik something wrong with guests security context? 1255312298 M * Bertl what kernel/patch and what util-vserver version do you use now? 1255312320 M * krushik 1255312330 M * krushik 0.30.216-pre2849 1255312367 M * Bertl regarding init, you are using the 'plain' init style? 1255312399 M * krushik sysv-init as I remember. that was default 1255312403 M * krushik it is for debian 1255312424 M * Bertl okay, with sysv, no init is started inside the guest, so that's fine :) 1255312441 M * Bertl what files are seen as ?????????? 1255312472 M * krushik I have no name!@modnyweb:/# ll /var/log/ 1255312472 M * krushik ls: cannot access /var/log/btmp: No such file or directory 1255312472 M * krushik ls: cannot access /var/log/news: No such file or directory 1255312472 M * krushik ls: cannot access /var/log/wtmp: No such file or directory 1255312474 M * krushik ... 1255312489 M * krushik ?????????? ? ? ? ? ? apache2 1255312489 M * krushik drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 104 Oct 1 10:25 apt 1255312489 M * krushik ?????????? ? ? ? ? ? auth.log 1255312511 M * Bertl your filesystem is? (the one the files are on?) 1255312523 M * krushik reiserfs 1255312542 M * krushik I saw this when tried to mount a directory from 1 guest to another 1255312572 M * krushik but now there isn't such mounts 1255312610 M * Bertl well, if the filesystem is/was tagged, you might have a permission issue with different tags 1255312670 M * agaffney people still use reiserfs? 1255312679 M * Bertl apperently :) 1255312701 M * krushik why they should not?) 1255312723 M * agaffney because it's a crappy filesystem that has a history of eating data randomly? 1255312723 M * Bertl nah, it's fine and still supported ... despite the brokeness 1255312724 M * agaffney both 3 and 4 1255312801 M * krushik actually it was the only supported fs on that machine before recompiling the kernel for an hour ago) 1255312839 M * krushik and that serv has not been administrated since 2007 1255312857 J * derjohn_foo ~aj@e180193153.adsl.alicedsl.de 1255312870 M * agaffney I'm assuming that's not a distro kernel 1255312910 M * krushik vanilla kernel. doesn't matter 1255313030 M * krushik I've removed /usr/local/vserver/etc/vservers/modnyweb/tag and all is ok. thanks a lot! 1255313049 M * Bertl good to hear! 1255313192 J * agaffney_ ~agaffney@71-81-81-131.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com 1255313206 M * krushik but now I see inet brd scope host lo at host and both 2 guests.. how can I control lo addresses? 1255313270 Q * agaffney Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255313277 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255313288 N * agaffney_ agaffney 1255313341 M * Bertl depending on your guest config, the lback is remapped to inside the guest .. i.e. you see but actually lback (if automatically assigned then 127.x.y.1) is used 1255313389 M * Bertl for example, start a 'ping' to inside a guest and watch the icmp with tcpdump -vvnei lo icmp on the host 1255313606 M * krushik hmm. # ping 1255313606 M * krushik connect: Invalid argument 1255313654 M * krushik oh. it is at the second guest 1255313660 M * krushik at the first all is ok 1255313750 M * krushik there is some problem with interfaces at the second. I'll check. first guest has 1255313841 M * Bertl probably a minor misconfiguration :) 1255313909 M * krushik ok after restart =) 1255313911 M * krushik 1255313918 M * krushik beutiful) 1255313930 M * krushik y*) 1255313958 M * Bertl good! that's the way it should be :) 1255313959 M * krushik beautiful*) sry my english 1255314031 Q * agaffney Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255314089 J * agaffney ~agaffney@71-81-81-131.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com 1255314194 Q * agaffney 1255314214 J * agaffney ~agaffney@71-81-81-131.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com 1255316728 J * Shinsaku ~Shinsaku@chello089076140236.chello.pl 1255317327 Q * derjohn_foo Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255319123 J * balbir_ ~balbir@ 1255322055 M * Bertl off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1255322063 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1255326502 J * derjohn_foo ~aj@tmo-108-242.customers.d1-online.com 1255328160 J * sharkjaw ~gab@ 1255328747 Q * Mark17 Remote host closed the connection 1255328778 J * Mark17 ~mark@ 1255329051 J * Pazzo ~ugelt@reserved-225136.rol.raiffeisen.net 1255330301 J * ghislainocfs2 ~Ghislain@LPuteaux-151-41-11-129.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr 1255331962 Q * derjohn_foo Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255331967 J * todo HydraIRC@ 1255332138 J * kir ~kir@swsoft-msk-nat.sw.ru 1255332450 J * saulus ~saulus@c193029.adsl.hansenet.de 1255332495 M * saulus how do I pass usrquota and grpquota to a vserver? How can I enable quota for a vserver? 1255332521 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1255332557 M * saulus oh, I found some docs 1255332791 J * uva ~bno@118-168-235-242.dynamic.hinet.net 1255333071 J * davidkarban ~david@199.123.broadband11.iol.cz 1255333160 Q * uva_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255333521 Q * saulus Remote host closed the connection 1255333921 J * saulus ~saulus@c193029.adsl.hansenet.de 1255335397 Q * saulus Remote host closed the connection 1255335416 J * saulus ~saulus@c193029.adsl.hansenet.de 1255335449 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:2c0:9fff:fe2d:39d 1255335521 J * saulus_ ~saulus@c193029.adsl.hansenet.de 1255337068 J * gnuk ~F404ror@pla93-3-82-240-11-251.fbx.proxad.net 1255337715 J * awk ~phillip@gw1.security.web.za 1255337748 M * awk hi, stupid question of the day.... -d options what parms can I specify, eg centos4 bla bla bla? I'm unable to find a list of defined variables.. 1255338604 M * nkukard ls /usr/lib/util-vserver/distributions 1255338732 M * awk many thanks.. 1 last question.. clearos / clarkconnect, its an rpm based linux dist (based on centos 5) the new version anyway... how would one go abounts installing that into a guest? if you could just point me to some documentation would be greatly appreciated.. 1255339356 J * urbee ~dssd@internet-213-229-213-74.narocnik.mobitel.si 1255339357 M * urbee Hi 1255339364 M * urbee is it possible to run freebsd as a guest vserver? 1255339438 M * awk shoe, doubt its, completely different kernels 1255339445 M * awk but i'm a newbie at this, so don't take my word 1255339788 J * yarihm ~yarihm@pub-wlan.office.nine.ch 1255339923 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1255339929 M * Bertl morning folks! 1255339947 M * Bertl awk: forget about the kernel, almost no distro really _depends_ on the kernel 1255340003 M * Bertl awk: for a start, the simplest way is to install it from e.g. cdrom or via network in a virtual machine, e.g. kvm or qemu, and copy the installation over via rsync 1255340067 M * Bertl urbee: freebsd or any other bsd for that matter has its own 'jail' system, but you cannot run it on a linux kernel easily 1255340120 M * urbee ok 1255340153 M * Bertl awk: once you have tested with such a guest, and everything works as expected, you can start on adding a new distro to simplify installation 1255340184 M * Bertl urbee: but you can use e.g. kvm to install freebsd and run it side by side with Linux-VServer 1255340959 M * awk hrm, thanks for great feedback! :D 1255341238 M * Bertl doesn't sound very happy on your side .. did I miss something? 1255341435 M * awk my side? no i'm impressed :D 1255341456 M * awk any other channel you ask something you get stupid comments like are you sure you wana do that? hehe, you wouldn't be asking the question if you never 1255341519 M * awk i'm going to play around building different guests.. i use vserver but so little from it... and very outdated stuff that I prefer not to upgrade.. so everytime I come back to start a new project have to re-cap my memory on things. 1255341548 M * awk I see the documentation section has been updated greatly since when I was playing with it... 1255341960 Q * hparker Quit: Read error: 104 (Peer reset by connection) 1255342479 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@ 1255342679 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:290:96ff:fe50:40fa 1255342712 Q * sharkjaw Remote host closed the connection 1255343018 M * Bertl awk: documentation can always be improved ... but yeah, it got better :) 1255343033 M * Bertl off for now ... got some more work to do in the basement ... bbl 1255343038 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1255344003 M * awk http://pastebin.com/m45ac2467 1255344011 M * awk hmm, it starts, but doesn't actually 'start' it... 1255344013 M * awk can't enter it... 1255344014 J * scientes ~scientes@174-21-195-21.tukw.qwest.net 1255344098 Q * saulus_ Quit: Lost terminal 1255344668 J * sharkjaw ~gab@ 1255345655 J * padde_ ~padde@ps.bucuo.de 1255345972 M * padde_ hm... I seem to have done something so that now all services in all vservers use the host's ip address when the connect to hosts on the internet 1255345979 M * padde_ what could that be? *confused* 1255346037 Q * padde Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255346041 M * daniel_hozac NAT 1255346043 N * padde_ padde 1255346204 M * padde daniel_hozac: could you elaborate on that? meanwhile I'll be checking my iptables backup configs 1255346218 M * daniel_hozac iptables -t nat -nVL 1255346221 M * daniel_hozac *-nvL 1255346399 M * awk hi daniel, any suggestions on my problem by any chance? 1255346407 Q * hparker Quit: Read error: 104 (Peer reset by connection) 1255346428 M * daniel_hozac you don't have any service in the guest 1255346438 M * daniel_hozac that's why you're recommended to use stage4s for gentoo. 1255346443 M * daniel_hozac they come with syslog. 1255346474 M * awk daniel_hozac: hi, I can't find a 'stage 4 tarball' that is 'standard' 1255346489 M * daniel_hozac it's vserver specific. 1255346567 M * awk http://pastebin.com/m64e44c9e 1255346572 M * daniel_hozac but, just installing a service should take care of it. 1255346593 M * awk thats how I built it... hmm, how would I build the service outside of the guest though? 1255346598 M * PowerKe just add syslog from the host: ROOT="/vservers/theguest" emerge -v syslog-ng 1255346621 M * PowerKe (assuming your host is also gentoo) 1255346629 M * awk no, its not.. 1255346632 M * awk its centos 1255346635 M * daniel_hozac or, vserver guest start --rescue /bin/bash 1255346654 M * awk that worked :D 1255348033 M * awk thats quite easy, then you can just login and rc-update add sshd 1255348036 M * awk then it starts... 1255348189 J * uva_ bno@118-168-235-242.dynamic.hinet.net 1255348425 M * padde daniel_hozac: thanks. I solved it now... there was a '-d ip address' in a POSTROUTING nat table missing 1255348513 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:290:96ff:fe50:40fa 1255348547 Q * uva Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255348632 J * doener_ ~doener@i59F55BF7.versanet.de 1255348737 Q * doener Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255348797 Q * nkukard Read error: Operation timed out 1255348834 J * nkukard ~nkukard@ 1255349270 J * thierryp ~thierry@zanzibar.inria.fr 1255349375 Q * nkukard Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255350281 M * PowerKe awk: you can also just chroot and rc-update :) 1255350320 M * awk oh *dank* 1255350611 J * nkukard ~nkukard@ 1255351142 Q * urbee Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255351350 J * uva bno@118-168-235-242.dynamic.hinet.net 1255351378 Q * uva Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255351399 J * uva bno@118-160-174-240.dynamic.hinet.net 1255351440 Q * uva_ Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255351643 Q * elesouef Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255351671 J * BenG ~bengreen@94-169-110-10.cable.ubr22.aztw.blueyonder.co.uk 1255353124 J * elesouef ~elesouef@ 1255353616 Q * hparker Quit: Read error: 104 (Peer reset by connection) 1255354259 M * lau hello 1255354400 M * lau is this kind of command still valid ? 1255354403 M * lau vserver clone build -m rsync --hostname clone --interface eth0: -- --source /etc/vservers/template 1255354786 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1255354927 Q * lau Quit: Coyote finally caught me 1255355482 J * lau ~laurent@AToulouse-157-1-54-148.w86-207.abo.wanadoo.fr 1255355677 M * Bertl_oO lau: you want to specify the source guest, not the config dir 1255355706 M * Bertl_oO it is the guest data, not the config you are cloning :) 1255355912 Q * awk 1255355912 Q * Mr_Smoke Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255355924 J * Mr_Smoke ~smokey@layla.lecoyote.org 1255355950 Q * uva Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255356067 M * agaffney Bertl_oO: that reminds me...is there an "easy" way to clone both guest data and configuration? I was playing with -m clone yesterday and was surprised that the config wasn't transferred 1255356078 M * agaffney like the init-style 1255356313 J * uva bno@220-136-224-84.dynamic.hinet.net 1255356887 M * BWare agaffney: write a simple script to copy the vserver and its config and sed the config variables 1255356905 M * agaffney oh, I know I can do that 1255356916 M * agaffney I just didn't know if there was something I was missing in 'build -m clone' 1255356936 M * agaffney I won't be using that often 1255356985 M * BWare never did actualy... too taylored guests and host configs to use the standard tools ;) 1255357049 M * agaffney I just had an updated "base" gentoo guest, and I was using it to create a few more "real" guests 1255357536 J * BenG ~bengreen@94-169-110-10.cable.ubr22.aztw.blueyonder.co.uk 1255357550 Q * uva Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255357599 J * uva bno@114-45-233-82.dynamic.hinet.net 1255357831 M * lau thanks Bertl_oO : http://linux-vserver.org/Building_Guest_Systems helped me too :) 1255358425 Q * uva Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255358504 J * dowdle ~dowdle@scott.coe.montana.edu 1255358559 J * uva ~bno@114-45-231-186.dynamic.hinet.net 1255359073 J * ncopa ~ncopa@ 1255359106 M * ncopa seems like util-vserver works fairly well with busybox-1.15 1255359204 M * todo may I run chroot inside vserver and it is secure? 1255359600 Q * sharkjaw Remote host closed the connection 1255359604 M * ncopa you may run chroot in vsever but i dont think its secure 1255359608 M * agaffney you can chroot inside a chroot, so why would this be any different? 1255359626 M * ncopa unless you use the grsec vserver 1255359989 J * uva_ bno@118-160-174-125.dynamic.hinet.net 1255360023 Q * balbir_ Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255360025 Q * uva Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255360158 M * todo ok, thx 1255360706 Q * yarihm Quit: Leaving 1255360845 J * jpic ~jpic@chocolatpistache.com 1255360846 Q * nenolod Quit: Leaving 1255360856 J * nenolod ~nenolod@petrie.dereferenced.org 1255360867 M * jpic hi, i don't really understand this problems: http://nopaste.com/p/ahtzzHP0gb any idea please? 1255360895 M * jpic it seems that it doesn't understand it's a vserver or something 1255360983 M * jpic i had this error before restarting, when trying to enter: vlogin: openpty(): No such file or directory 1255361030 J * balbir_ ~balbir@ 1255361071 M * PowerKe jpic: did you create the guest as a gentoo guest? seems like the correct post-setup scripts were not executed (those clean up the guest startup scripts). 1255361152 M * jpic i used http://bb.xnull.de/projects/gentoo/stages/i686/gentoo-i686-20091007/vserver/gentoo-vserver-i686-20091007.tar.bz2 like i used the older version 1255361206 M * PowerKe Running the following might help with cleaning up the scripts: 1255361207 M * PowerKe /usr/lib/util-vserver/distributions/gentoo/initpost /etc/vservers/master_mysql /usr/lib/util-vserver/util-vserver-vars 1255361249 M * jpic yes, thanks! 1255361303 M * PowerKe or maybe you updated the baselayout package? 1255361398 M * jpic i did recompile world with -e 1255361478 M * jpic maybe it would be better to have a vserver use flag for baselayout no? 1255361632 M * PowerKe baselayout2 has some vserver support 1255361659 M * jpic well that's the one installed 1255361696 M * jpic i don't understand why the fix for master_mysql doesn't work for master: http://nopaste.com/p/aiSXxbvb2 any idea please? 1255361966 M * PowerKe compare the fstab files? 1255362052 M * jpic ok, that's my fault, sorry and thanks! 1255362274 J * imcsk8 ~ichavero@ 1255362509 Q * theocrite Quit: Lost terminal 1255362623 J * uva bno@118-160-168-188.dynamic.hinet.net 1255362715 Q * ncopa Quit: Ex-Chat 1255362796 Q * uva_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255363203 Q * thierryp Quit: ciao folks 1255364442 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255364576 J * jep ~jpduyx@adsl-228-22.dsl.uva.nl 1255366095 J * zbyniu_ ~zbyniu@ip- 1255366096 Q * zbyniu Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255366194 J * geb ~geb@earth.gebura.eu.org 1255366345 J * uva_ bno@118-160-168-188.dynamic.hinet.net 1255366618 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@c150082.adsl.hansenet.de 1255366680 Q * uva Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255366690 Q * nenolod Quit: Leaving 1255366716 J * nenolod ~nenolod@petrie.dereferenced.org 1255366825 Q * uva_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255366913 Q * davidkarban Quit: Ex-Chat 1255366978 J * uva bno@118-168-233-130.dynamic.hinet.net 1255367875 Q * BenG Quit: I Leave 1255368184 J * saulus_ ~saulus@c193029.adsl.hansenet.de 1255368553 Q * gnuk Quit: NoFeature 1255368901 Q * saulus Remote host closed the connection 1255368908 N * saulus_ SauLus 1255369183 Q * SauLus Quit: Lost terminal 1255369800 J * scientes_ ~scientes@174-21-219-114.tukw.qwest.net 1255369819 J * scientes__ ~scientes@174-21-207-159.tukw.qwest.net 1255370202 N * morrigan_zZ morrigan_xX 1255370242 Q * scientes Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255370282 Q * scientes_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255370465 J * saulus ~saulus@c193029.adsl.hansenet.de 1255370587 J * saulus_ ~saulus@c193029.adsl.hansenet.de 1255370599 J * saulus__ ~saulus@c193029.adsl.hansenet.de 1255370665 Q * saulus__ 1255370683 Q * saulus_ 1255370684 J * saulus_ ~saulus@c193029.adsl.hansenet.de 1255370747 Q * saulus 1255370756 N * saulus_ SauLus 1255371749 J * scientes_ ~scientes@174-21-188-3.tukw.qwest.net 1255371977 Q * scientes__ Read error: Operation timed out 1255374070 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255374419 Q * jep Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255374613 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@c192169.adsl.hansenet.de 1255374652 J * jep ~jpduyx@adsl-228-22.dsl.uva.nl 1255375060 Q * derjohn_mob Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255375837 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@c145033.adsl.hansenet.de 1255377436 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:290:96ff:fe50:40fa 1255377982 Q * Shinsaku 1255378340 N * Bertl_oO Bertl 1255378343 M * Bertl back now ... 1255379718 M * Bertl agaffney: it is a long requested feature, which didn't find any implementation yet (to reuse an existing config for a new guest, or to modify a config via the vserver command) 1255379806 Q * badiane Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255380260 J * badiane ~badiane@pool-72-68-164-228.nycmny.east.verizon.net 1255380286 M * Bertl nap attack ... bbl 1255380293 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1255381122 N * morrigan_xX morrigan_zZ 1255382725 J * Shinsaku ~Shinsaku@chello089076140236.chello.pl 1255382733 J * blues_ ~blues@bfh83.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl 1255382843 Q * hparker Quit: Read error: 104 (Peer reset by connection) 1255382851 Q * blues Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255382943 Q * Shinsaku 1255382980 J * Shinsaku ~Shinsaku@chello089076140236.chello.pl 1255383472 M * krushik I need to share mysqld socket anyway =( can I set xid tag only for directory with mysqld socket such that I could share that dir between 2 guests? 1255383585 Q * Shinsaku Read error: Connection reset by peer 1255383957 J * Shinsaku ~Shinsaku@chello089076140236.chello.pl 1255384519 J * uva_ ~bno@118-168-233-130.dynamic.hinet.net 1255384915 Q * uva Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255385124 J * hparker ~hparker@linux.homershut.net 1255386187 Q * jep Remote host closed the connection 1255386482 J * uva ~bno@118-168-233-130.dynamic.hinet.net 1255386816 Q * uva_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255386842 J * uva_ ~bno@118-168-233-130.dynamic.hinet.net 1255386904 Q * ghislainocfs2 Quit: Leaving. 1255386932 Q * todo Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255387175 Q * uva Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255387591 M * krushik hehe. works 1255387630 M * geb why don't you use ip socket and not unix socket ? 1255387718 M * krushik It doesn't matter for me which of them to use) but there are 53 existing different sites and most of them uses unix socket mysql connection 1255387910 M * krushik It was needed to set the same tag on both guests, then chxid -c -R both guests filesystems. and then add to the first guest's fstab /var/vservers/modnymysql/var/run/mysqld /var/run/mysqld none bind,defaults 0 2 1255388437 Q * carnage Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255388553 Q * dowdle Remote host closed the connection 1255388639 J * uva ~bno@118-168-233-130.dynamic.hinet.net 1255389002 Q * uva_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1255390105 Q * geb Quit: / 1255390163 Q * imcsk8 Quit: This computer has gone to sleep 1255390762 Q * Shinsaku 1255391889 Q * nenolod Remote host closed the connection 1255391918 J * nenolod ~nenolod@petrie.dereferenced.org