1234569975 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1234572946 J * jfs ~jfs@ip-80-236-213-75.dsl.scarlet.be 1234573034 P * jfs 1234575451 Q * nenolod Read error: Connection reset by peer 1234575488 J * nenolod nenolod@petrie.dereferenced.org 1234576471 Q * Piet Quit: Piet 1234581849 Q * pflanze Quit: Leaving 1234582361 J * derjohn_foo ~aj@p5B23BDC1.dip.t-dialin.net 1234582791 Q * derjohn_mob Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234586012 Q * Hawq Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234586022 Q * zbyniu Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234587160 J * Hawq hawk@furud.net 1234587233 J * zbyniu ~zbyniu@ip- 1234588913 M * Supaplex my lo interface is up in the host, but guests cannot connect to others. 1234589467 M * Supaplex ahh. twas a /etc/resolv.conf issue. nm 1234591386 Q * hparker Quit: Read error: 104 (Peer reset by connection) 1234594148 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1234594153 M * Bertl morning folks! 1234594484 M * Supaplex greetings 1234594490 M * Supaplex happy <3 day 1234597560 M * Bertl 2u2 ... off for now .. bbl 1234597567 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1234600389 Q * ktwilight_ Read error: Connection reset by peer 1234600425 J * ktwilight_ ~ktwilight@66.99-66-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be 1234600722 J * doener_ ~doener@i577B8CD7.versanet.de 1234600826 Q * doener Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234604340 J * ktwilight__ ~ktwilight@165.68-66-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be 1234604340 Q * ktwilight_ Read error: Connection reset by peer 1234604506 J * ktwilight_ ~ktwilight@112.98-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be 1234604867 Q * ktwilight__ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234606557 J * esa bip@ip-87-238-2-45.static.adsl.cheapnet.it 1234609326 Q * duckx Quit: Client exiting 1234609338 J * duckx ~Duck@ 1234609556 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:2c0:9fff:fe2d:39d 1234611011 Q * padde Remote host closed the connection 1234611222 J * padde ~padde@patrick-nagel.net 1234612184 Q * bzed Quit: Changing server 1234612198 J * bzed ~bzed@devel.recluse.de 1234612762 Q * esa Quit: Coyote finally caught me 1234613502 J * ghislainocfs2 ~Ghislain@adsl2.aqueos.com 1234613631 Q * derjohn_foo Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234614072 Q * mugwump synthon.oftc.net scorpio.oftc.net 1234614179 J * mugwump ~samv@watts.utsl.gen.nz 1234615427 J * cga ~weechat@ 1234615845 J * derjohn_mob ~aj@e180213253.adsl.alicedsl.de 1234616830 Q * mcp Remote host closed the connection 1234617217 Q * cga Quit: WeeChat 0.2.6 1234617627 J * cga ~weechat@ 1234620461 Q * kwowt Read error: Connection reset by peer 1234620589 J * Scurz ~snurf@ 1234620591 M * Scurz hi 1234621814 J * mcp ~mcp@wolk-project.de 1234622323 M * Scurz I have two different guest server, each guest has apache, but I can't start apache, see the error : http://pastebin.com/m45ab1ded ; to fixe it, on both apache, I put Listen ip:80 but the problem is still there, why ? 1234622332 N * ensc Guest1293 1234622342 J * ensc ~irc-ensc@p57AA7209.dip.t-dialin.net 1234622451 Q * Guest1293 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234622669 M * mnemoc Scurz: someone in the host bound to 0:80 ? 1234623433 Q * cga Quit: WeeChat 0.2.6 1234624079 J * cga ~weechat@ 1234624085 J * Piet ~piet@asteria.debian.or.at 1234624818 J * dowdle ~dowdle@71-32-16-237.blng.qwest.net 1234628406 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:212:f0ff:fe0f:6f86 1234629008 Q * cga Quit: WeeChat 0.2.6 1234629726 Q * bragon Quit: leaving 1234629922 J * cga ~weechat@ 1234630024 Q * dowdle Remote host closed the connection 1234630291 J * dna ~dna@92-215-103-86.dynamic.dsl.tng.de 1234631495 J * bragon ~Alex@geekshell.ipv6.geeknode.org 1234631508 M * bragon Hi 1234631516 M * bragon i have a issues with vserver 1234631521 M * bragon it's very simple 1234631531 M * bragon i have many route in my hote. 1234631537 M * bragon route are push in guste 1234631551 M * bragon but route are not correct 1234631563 M * bragon route in my guest are : 1234631581 M * bragon http://pastebin.com/m7169a2be 1234631608 M * bragon route in my hote are : 1234631610 M * bragon http://pastebin.com/m5bd3bfe3 1234631626 M * bragon all routes are with in my guest it's not my goal :) 1234631696 M * bragon i need a vserver warriors now :) 1234632035 M * bragon daniel_hozac: or harry or bonbons or Bertl_oO are you here please ? :) 1234632200 M * bonbons bargon: the routes displayed inside the guest don't matter (there is just an attempt to hide some information which renders the result "special")... those on the host do 1234632232 M * bragon bonbons: in the host i can join 1234632238 M * bragon but in my guest i can't 1234632271 M * bonbons bargon: rather that looking at the routes, is the end-bahavior the expected one? in addition, output of 'ip route list' might tell us more (e.g. default source for the routes) 1234632335 M * bragon http://paste.geeknode.org/zhknop-6063 1234632340 M * bonbons bargon: sure the guest can't? not that the guest DOES send it's packets out, but with a source that gets filtered (or where the return-patch goes the wrong way) 1234632344 M * bragon ip route list in my guest have the good output 1234632402 M * bragon hum 1234632412 M * bragon http://paste.geeknode.org/0e6dqi-6064 1234632415 M * bragon ok i see 1234632426 M * bragon route are set for dev tap0 1234632435 M * bragon but in my guest i only have a tap1 iface 1234632439 M * bragon hum 1234632489 A * bragon compute 1234632554 M * bragon i don't have idea how i can do to turn off this issues :x 1234632614 M * bonbons did you try tcpdump on the guest looking at the expected output interface to check wether traffic goes out? 1234632647 M * bragon bonbons: i my host i have mani iface 1234632652 M * bragon a tap0 iface (vpn) 1234632656 M * bragon and a tap1 iface 1234632665 M * bragon my guest is in tap1 subnet 1234632676 M * bragon but route are provide by the tap0 iface on my host 1234632697 M * bonbons bragon: first step: from the host e.g. ping your targets useing the guest's IP address as explicit source and make sure it works 1234632720 M * bragon it works 1234632735 M * bragon geekshell / # ping 1234632735 M * bragon PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 1234632735 M * bragon 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.025 ms 1234632752 M * bonbons kind of: ping -I target-address 1234632753 M * bragon gerontius aragorn # ping 1234632753 M * bragon PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 1234632753 M * bragon 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.023 ms 1234632818 M * bragon bonbons: yes it work o_o 1234632819 M * bragon geekshell / # ping -I 1234632819 M * bragon PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data. 1234632819 M * bragon 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=213 ms 1234632864 M * bonbons ok, then do exactly the same inside of your guest 1234632880 M * bragon it's in my guest 1234632887 M * bragon it works in the host and in my guest 1234632902 M * bragon gerontius == host / geekshell == guest 1234633026 J * saulus_ ~saulus@d063143.adsl.hansenet.de 1234633050 M * bonbons bragon: so, what needs to be fixed? if you can reach the target from within the guest, then it works... 1234633084 M * bragon bonbons: not really 1234633115 M * bragon http://paste.geeknode.org/oryzaj-6065 1234633137 Q * saulus Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234633178 M * bonbons bragon: does guest have multiple IP addresses? 1234633186 M * bragon bonbons: yes. 1234633203 M * bragon bonbons: guest have a public ipv4 a public ipv6 and a vpn-ip 1234633204 M * bonbons if so, you should add routes with 'src' tag so the right source address gets choosen 1234633215 M * bonbons so 2 IPv4 addresses? 1234633218 M * bragon yep 1234633223 A * bonbons brb 1234633311 M * bragon routes are set automaticly with BGP on the host. 1234634377 M * bragon hum 1234634673 J * Netgateway ~Netgatewa@p5B104F9A.dip.t-dialin.net 1234634685 M * Netgateway Hi there 1234634713 M * Netgateway Does anybody know how to measure the total traffic of a vserver guest. May be a link to a nice doc? 1234634741 M * bragon bonbons: i can't use tcpdump in my guest 1234634751 M * bragon bonbons: because i don't have access to iface 1234634775 M * bonbons Netgateway: look at /proc/virtnet/*/ for accounting data 1234634793 M * bonbons bragon: normal, you need more capabilities for tcpdump 1234634800 M * bragon bonbons: yes 1234634807 M * bonbons bragon: you can dump from host and see what guest sends 1234634807 M * bragon i must do a test guest 1234634839 M * Netgateway @bonbos: THX I check 1234634923 M * bonbons bragon: try adding routes like ' via 10203.1 src ' for all guests that have multiple addresses 1234635025 M * bragon via 10203.1 ?? 1234635036 M * Netgateway @Bonbos: I can't find any info about used traffic in virtnet-dir 1234635070 M * bonbons bragon: try adding routes like ' via src ' for all guests that have multiple addresses 1234635134 M * bonbons Netgateway: /proc/virtual//cacct 1234635159 M * Netgateway that looks interesting 1234635159 M * Netgateway thx 1234635291 M * bragon bonbons: no results 1234635530 M * derjohn_mob Bertl_oO, http://paste.linux-vserver.org/12738 1234636316 Q * nou Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234637196 M * bonbons bragon: what does your routing table look like in the end (e.g. after adding the routes with src tag) 1234637337 M * bonbons bragon: what are your guest's addresses (IPv4)? 1234637868 P * Netgateway 1234638575 J * Slydder1 ~chuck@dslb-088-072-230-006.pools.arcor-ip.net 1234640185 Q * Piet Quit: Piet 1234640327 Q * cga Quit: WeeChat 0.2.6 1234640375 J * cga ~weechat@ 1234644132 Q * FloodServ Service unloaded 1234644228 J * FloodServ services@services.oftc.net 1234644558 Q * hparker Quit: Read error: 104 (Peer reset by connection) 1234646680 Q * cga Quit: WeeChat 0.2.6 1234647999 J * hparker ~hparker@linux.homershut.net 1234648006 Q * hparker Remote host closed the connection 1234648131 J * hparker ~hparker@2001:470:1f0f:32c:290:96ff:fe50:40fa 1234650899 J * mattzerah ~matt@ 1234652785 N * ensc Guest52 1234652794 J * ensc ~irc-ensc@p57AA7209.dip.t-dialin.net 1234652902 Q * Guest52 Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1234654639 J * Aiken ~Aiken@ppp118-208-45-4.lns3.bne1.internode.on.net 1234655849 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1234655991 Q * Slydder1 Remote host closed the connection