1198973232 Q * dna_ Quit: Verlassend 1198974079 J * nysis ~nysis@dslb-088-073-157-061.pools.arcor-ip.net 1198974662 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1198974920 M * bardia ok, i'm not sure how to use the command. should i execute it from the new host machine or the existing host machine? seems the new host, and my rsync source is oldhost://var/lib/vservers/client-to-clone ? 1198974992 M * daniel_hozac that should do it. 1198975078 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198975154 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198976363 Q * noname001 Quit: Konversation terminated! 1198977000 J * noname001 ~pawel@82-32-102-47.cable.ubr01.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk 1198977743 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198977816 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198977868 Q * hparker Remote host closed the connection 1198978446 Q * onox Quit: leaving 1198979090 M * Bertl_oO okay, off to bed now ... have a good one everyone! 1198979095 N * Bertl_oO Bertl_zZ 1198980093 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198980104 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198980611 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198980685 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198980834 Q * Infinito Quit: Quitte 1198981502 N * DoberMann DoberMann[ZZZzzz] 1198981547 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198981569 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198983422 Q * nysis Quit: Αποχώρησε 1198984688 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198984711 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198985179 Q * yarihm Quit: Leaving 1198985546 Q * blackfir3 1198987293 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198987325 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198987673 Q * derjohn Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198987679 J * derjohn ~derjohn@dslb-084-058-203-012.pools.arcor-ip.net 1198989548 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198989624 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198990132 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198990348 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198992127 J * Infinito argos@201-2-78-38.gnace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br 1198992260 Q * faheem Remote host closed the connection 1198993508 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198993609 J * svenk ~sven@ 1198993677 Q * Infinito Quit: Quitte 1198995417 Q * ruskie Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1198999725 Q * svenk Read error: Connection reset by peer 1198999743 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199000170 J * JonB ~NoSuchUse@0x535f65c3.kjnxx7.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk 1199000430 Q * FireEgl Quit: Bye... 1199001477 Q * harry Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199001495 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1199001522 Q * JonB Quit: This computer has gone to sleep 1199001536 J * Aiken ~james@ppp121-45-246-228.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net 1199002597 J * meandtheshel1 ~sa@ 1199003347 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199003481 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199004048 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199004159 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199004583 J * dna ~dna@p54BCCCE5.dip.t-dialin.net 1199004668 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199004795 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199004896 J * marcel ~marcel@lt3.xs4all.nl 1199005478 J * FireEgl FireEgl@ 1199005567 Q * svenk Read error: Connection reset by peer 1199005588 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199006093 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199006197 Q * quasisane Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199006199 Q * FireEgl Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199006249 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199006764 J * FireEgl FireEgl@ 1199008292 J * derjohn_mobil ~aj@e180206159.adsl.alicedsl.de 1199009133 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199009218 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199010131 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:2c0:9fff:fe2d:39d 1199011161 Q * dna Quit: Verlassend 1199011493 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199011542 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199012348 N * DoberMann[ZZZzzz] DoberMann 1199013748 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1199013767 M * Bertl morning folks! 1199014031 J * virtuoso ~s0t0na@ppp89-110-2-244.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru 1199014101 Q * virtuoso_ Read error: Connection reset by peer 1199014114 J * virtuoso_ ~s0t0na@ppp89-110-2-248.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru 1199014259 Q * virtuoso Read error: Connection reset by peer 1199014938 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199015039 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199015663 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199015732 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199017827 J * Blissex ~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk 1199018252 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199018360 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199019371 Q * mire Quit: Leaving 1199019633 J * JonB ~NoSuchUse@kg1-175.kollegiegaarden.dk 1199019767 Q * Aiken Remote host closed the connection 1199020418 Q * mnemoc Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199020638 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199020702 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199020904 J * mnemoc ~amery@kilo105.server4you.de 1199021686 J * lilalinux ~plasma@dslb-084-058-203-012.pools.arcor-ip.net 1199021887 Q * lilalinux Remote host closed the connection 1199022200 Q * pmjdebruijn Remote host closed the connection 1199022313 J * yarihm ~yarihm@84-75-119-160.dclient.hispeed.ch 1199022569 Q * JonB Quit: This computer has gone to sleep 1199023223 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199023325 J * mire ~mire@141-170-222-85.adsl.verat.net 1199023342 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199023558 J * JonB ~NoSuchUse@kg1-175.kollegiegaarden.dk 1199024699 J * doener ~doener@i577BAB0B.versanet.de 1199024952 J * ViRUS ~mp@p57A6C2B7.dip.t-dialin.net 1199025117 Q * doener_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199025553 M * ViRUS Are there any known limitations with a vserver+grsecurity kernel regarding ACLs? I'm getting "Operation not supported" errors even though ACL are enabled in the kernel .config 1199025618 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199025677 M * ViRUS ah, got it... I need to mount the filesystem with "acl" option... never had to do this before - weird. 1199025690 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199026006 Q * JonB Quit: This computer has gone to sleep 1199026225 J * ruskie ruskie@ruskie.user.oftc.net 1199026567 J * elesouef ~elesouef@home.lorinand.org 1199028269 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199028347 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199029708 Q * Blissex Remote host closed the connection 1199030623 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199030820 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199032130 M * Bertl nap attack .. bbl 1199032148 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1199032502 J * JonB ~NoSuchUse@kg1-175.kollegiegaarden.dk 1199032807 J * dna ~dna@p54BCCCE5.dip.t-dialin.net 1199033399 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199033494 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199034338 Q * JonB Quit: This computer has gone to sleep 1199034539 Q * duckx Remote host closed the connection 1199035188 J * JonB ~NoSuchUse@kg1-175.kollegiegaarden.dk 1199036019 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199036184 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199037169 J * Blissex ~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk 1199038763 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199038837 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199038935 Q * JonB Quit: This computer has gone to sleep 1199039463 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199039602 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199041621 M * jkl hey, I'm trying to make a /dev/tty0 device inside a vserver (so I can run X) and I'm getting operation not permitted - what capability to I need to enable this functionality 1199041637 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1199041667 Q * micah Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199041686 M * Bertl http://linux-vserver.org/Capabilities_and_Flags 1199041700 M * Bertl but you might want to simply copy that one over to the guest :) 1199041768 M * jkl hmm, it looks like i can just create it on the host too as /vservers/name/dev/tty0 1199041835 J * micah ~micah@micah.riseup.net 1199041850 M * Bertl yes, that's what I meant 1199041861 M * jkl ah, ok 1199041865 M * kwowt yo Bertl 1199041865 M * kwowt :p 1199041866 M * jkl could I do the same with /dev/mem 1199041879 M * Bertl yes, works for all device nodes 1199041890 M * Bertl only 'creation' is forbidden inside a guest 1199041907 M * Bertl (at least for now :) 1199041933 M * jkl so what would the capability MKNOD allow for? 1199042092 M * jkl oh, cool this works 1199042101 M * jkl heh, I need to go find a mouse! 1199042183 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199042238 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199042402 M * Bertl jkl: it allows you create arbitrary devices from inside the guest 1199043035 Q * ruskie Quit: Caught sigterm, terminating... 1199043363 Q * Blissex Read error: Connection reset by peer 1199044753 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199044895 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199045123 J * _michiel ~michiel@ 1199045133 M * _michiel good timezone 1199045262 M * _michiel is it normal that my vserver guests can get a list of all ip-addresses on the host? 1199045284 M * _michiel via netlink, not via whatever ifconfig and ip use 1199045355 M * Bertl what kernel/patch do you use? 1199045363 M * _michiel hold on 1199045386 M * _michiel Linux hoshi 2.6.22-2-vserver-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Aug 31 00:21:18 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux 1199045402 M * _michiel linux-image-2.6.22-2-vserver-amd64 1199045406 M * _michiel that's the debian package 1199045428 M * _michiel (etch) 1199045431 M * Bertl hoshi, nice name ... yeah, well, it could be 'normal' there, as I don't know what patches they are using atm 1199045455 M * Bertl nevertheless, it should not be normal for a recent stable vs2.2.0.5 kernel 1199045517 M * _michiel Let me see if I can find the vserver version they used 1199045657 M * _michiel * Update vserver patch to 1199045693 M * _michiel you're saying it's normal for < 1199045800 M * Bertl yes, let me check when it was fixed 1199045909 M * _michiel sure 1199045914 N * DoberMann DoberMann[Flim] 1199045960 M * _michiel Flim is a nice song 1199045964 M * Bertl _michiel: you have a command line handy you did use? 1199045972 M * _michiel yep 1199046013 M * Bertl okay, please /msg me 1199046391 M * Bertl okay, maybe we have a different/new issue there, if possible please provide a simple test (program/script) 1199046421 M * Bertl (i.e. something I can put in the test environment) 1199046446 M * _michiel ok, let me see what I can work out 1199046450 M * _michiel I'll get back to that 1199046458 M * Bertl TIA 1199046468 M * _michiel yw 1199047215 Q * meandtheshel1 Remote host closed the connection 1199047468 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199047553 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199047671 J * Aiken ~james@ppp121-45-246-228.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net 1199047696 M * Bertl hey Aiken! how's going? 1199047787 M * Aiken hi, good 1199047948 Q * derjohn_mobil Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199047973 J * ruskie ruskie@ruskie.user.oftc.net 1199047989 M * Bertl wb ruskie! 1199048053 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199048111 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199048949 J * ema ~ema@rtfm.galliera.it 1199050994 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199051037 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199051538 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199051559 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199053277 N * DoberMann[Flim] DoberMann 1199054038 M * _michiel so about the quirks 1199054107 M * _michiel I know a bit about the way vserver handles its networking, but it strangly odd that if you connect to a vserver with a public IP-address, and nothing is listening on it, you get localhost of the guest 1199054133 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199054171 M * Bertl hmm? please elaborate on that 1199054173 M * _michiel so if you connect to port 111 on a vserver and it doesn't have portmap running, but the host does have portmap running, you connect to the hosts' portmap (on the vservers' address) 1199054188 M * Bertl ah, no, that is a misconception 1199054197 M * Bertl let me explain _why_ this happens 1199054202 M * _michiel please :) 1199054224 M * Bertl Linux-VServer is based on network isolation, not network virtualization (for several reasons, one being performance :) 1199054242 M * _michiel ok 1199054252 M * Bertl so, the basic networking concept is to 'allow' a guest to 'use' a subset of IP addresses assigned to the host 1199054268 M * Bertl note that this all happens on layer 3 (IP) not layer 2 (ethernet) 1199054275 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199054293 M * _michiel you're going to introduce IPADDR_ANY, right? 1199054303 M * Bertl so, when some host application binds to IP_ADDR_ANY (, then the port bound will not be available to any guest 1199054323 M * _michiel true 1199054335 M * Bertl this is, why for example, you have to limit sshd to certain 'host' ips when you want to run sshd inside a guest 1199054349 M * Bertl and the same happens/is true for portmap for example 1199054364 Q * ema Quit: leaving 1199054372 M * Bertl i.e. you will not be able to run something on port 111 inside a guest if the host is binding IP_ADDR_ANY 1199054392 M * Bertl and naturally, you will end up on the host, if you use that service (bound to all ips) 1199054411 M * _michiel yeah sure, but still it is kind of strange 1199054416 M * _michiel but let me check something 1199054422 M * Bertl if, OTOH, you limit the portmap to host only ips, everything will be fine 1199054436 M * _michiel because I recall that happening also when it is not listening to 1199054454 M * Bertl nah, that would be a bug in Linux networking :) 1199054459 M * _michiel :) 1199054468 M * _michiel fair enough 1199054521 M * Bertl but the problem here is, that folks are 'used' to the virtual machine with virtual networking and bridging and whatnot stuff, so it is often hard to see the simplicity behind the ip isolation concept 1199054572 M * Bertl I usually suggest to forget about 'guest' and 'guest networking' and just look at it like normal Linux networking (what it actually is) on the host 1199054578 M * _michiel that is true, it's often unexpected 1199054593 M * Bertl plus the 'feature' to limit guests to subsets of the host IPS 1199054597 M * Bertl *IPs 1199054602 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1199054638 M * _michiel ok, then it's a linux bug that I can bind to on my host (sorry, still use the terminology for this example) and I can connect to it from the internet 1199054639 M * Bertl it is very similar to the way bsd jails work in this regard, except that you can bind more than one ip 1199054696 M * Bertl _michiel: if that works, it is indeed a bug, but I doubt that this is true, check with lsof/netstat for other port bindings 1199054719 M * _michiel well I just checked with netcat 1199054722 M * Bertl e.g. 'lsof -ni :111' 1199054743 M * _michiel if I start a netcat on 12345, I can connect to it when netcat is running, but not when it's not 1199054767 M * Bertl and it binds to only (on the host) did you verify that? 1199054769 M * _michiel (port 12345 on localhost) 1199054790 M * _michiel hm 1199054802 M * _michiel it doesn't bind on localhost 1199054810 M * Bertl netcat syntax can be tricky :) 1199054842 M * _michiel okay, nm then :) 1199054845 M * Bertl np 1199054870 M * _michiel darn, I swear I had this problem before and it did bind on :) 1199054895 M * _michiel maybe it was something weird with my firewall rules then 1199054938 M * Bertl could be, but mapping public ips to would be a weird rule :) 1199054973 M * _michiel :) 1199054980 M * Bertl according to occam's razor, I'd opt for an IP_ADDR_ANY binding :) 1199054998 M * _michiel you're probably right 1199055582 M * _michiel so how about bind mounting? 1199055601 M * _michiel we have this usb-disk and it's mounted on the host, we bind mount it to the guests 1199055619 M * Bertl works perfectly fine, just make sure you get the namespace right 1199055623 M * _michiel but if the usb-disk is turned off, the guests have to be restarted 1199055662 M * Bertl if you want to do it properly, you configure some hotplug/udev rule to do the work for the guest namespace 1199055700 M * _michiel so it is possibly to automatically mount it in multiple guests? 1199055708 M * Bertl yes, definitely 1199055735 M * Bertl each guest uses (by default, unless you disabled it) a separate namespace for vfs mounts 1199055746 M * _michiel I'm not sure I know what you mean by namespace 1199055764 M * Bertl so, for example, you can mount your CDrom in two of three guests, and not even have it mounted 'on the host' at all 1199055791 M * _michiel that's what we want :) 1199055807 M * Bertl filesystem namespaces are an almost unknown feature of Linux, i.e. they where added to 2.4 kernels quite some time ago 1199055811 M * _michiel but then without restarting guests and preferably automatic 1199055823 M * Bertl yes, no problem with that 1199055832 M * Bertl you have a guest to test with? 1199055834 M * _michiel ok, so how do I do this? 1199055837 M * _michiel yeah, I do 1199055856 M * Bertl okay, get the context number for this guest, and do 1199055883 M * Bertl vnamespace --enter -- /bin/bash 1199055894 M * Bertl (replace with the context id) 1199055913 M * _michiel done 1199055919 M * Bertl now check with cat /proc/mounts what is mounted and what not 1199055929 M * Bertl (do not trust 'mount' :) 1199055946 M * _michiel right :) 1199055951 M * _michiel I see a lot 1199055989 M * Bertl now mount/unmount something with the '-n' option (to preserve the mtab) 1199056006 M * Bertl you will see, that the change only affects the guest 1199056043 M * _michiel it complains that it's not mounted, but that's probably because the host does 1199056052 M * Bertl (mount it into /vservers//, or where your guest is) 1199056074 M * Bertl check with ssh to the guest then 1199056171 M * _michiel indeed 1199056201 M * Bertl so, with a little script magic, and the proper udev/whatever hooks, you can mount and unmount it for all your guests 1199056243 M * _michiel I see 1199056261 M * _michiel it's not an out-of-the-box solution, but that doesn't bother me :) 1199056305 M * Bertl it's not an out-of-the-box usage scenario either :) 1199056315 M * _michiel true 1199056330 M * Bertl usually you avoid having 'unknown' media mounted into guests for security reasons 1199056335 M * _michiel can I change bind-mounts this way as well? 1199056348 M * Bertl sure, those are vfs mounts too 1199056391 M * Bertl note, that a bind mount of an existing mount will become a duplicate of the original, so those will behave exactly like a 'normal' mount 1199056444 M * Bertl and, on Linux-VServer, you also have the option to do read only bind mounts :) 1199056576 M * _michiel ok, I unmounted the bind mount, but I can't bind it again so that it's visible in the guest 1199056593 M * _michiel i'm still in the vnamespace bash 1199056618 M * Bertl check that you bind it into the guest's root dir 1199056642 M * Bertl (the /vservers/ or /var/lib/vservers/ path) 1199056669 M * Bertl the view you get with vnamespace is a host view 1199056672 M * _michiel I did, it mounts, but in the guest it's not visible 1199056687 M * Bertl visible means? 1199056689 M * _michiel well, I can see it in /proc/mounts (ssh) 1199056696 M * Bertl then it is there :) 1199056700 M * _michiel but if I 'ls' that directory, it's empty 1199056704 M * _michiel and I know it's not 1199056719 M * Bertl check that the directory in the 'namespace' is not-empty 1199056736 M * Bertl it could be, different namespace, remember? 1199056750 M * _michiel or I accidentally unmounted it in the host 1199056765 M * _michiel seems more like it 1199056766 M * Bertl forget the host, it is not relevant 1199056782 M * _michiel hm weird 1199056782 M * Bertl it probably got unmounted when the guest namespace was created 1199056794 M * Bertl or, it wasn't mounted when the guest was started 1199056800 M * Bertl (and thus, not inherited) 1199056815 M * _michiel yes it was, we restarted the guest after that :) 1199056834 M * _michiel ok, so now outside the vnamespace I can see the disk 1199056845 M * _michiel but inside I can't (ok, that's logical) 1199056845 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199056864 M * _michiel but then i bind mount and I can't see it as well 1199056878 M * _michiel seems logical too, as I bind mount something that I can't see in the vnamespace as well 1199056893 M * Bertl so, inside the namespace, do the 'original' mount 1199056908 M * Bertl and then, bind mount that (or do it in one step into the right place :) 1199056921 M * _michiel what, the one in /etc/vserver//tenshi ? 1199056929 M * _michiel oh right 1199056942 M * Bertl well, unless you want to --bind mount a sub directory 1199056946 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199056959 M * _michiel ok, that works 1199056977 M * _michiel but I'm wondering how many times it is mounted right now :) 1199057010 M * _michiel one time on the host, one time in vnamespace of guest (but on the host) and one time bind-mounted 1199057054 M * _michiel but if I can do this, why bother with bind mounting? can't I just mount it 'normally' in every guest (with vnamespace)? 1199057093 M * Bertl sure 1199057108 M * _michiel wouldn't that give any problems? 1199057128 M * Bertl like? 1199057158 M * _michiel I don't know... the concept of mounting multiple times scares me a bit :) 1199057180 M * Bertl hehe, so --bind mounts scare you too then? 1199057186 M * _michiel a bit yeah :) 1199057195 M * Bertl yeah, it's scary vfs magic :) 1199057216 M * _michiel it is 1199057240 M * Bertl the only problems you might run into are that a guest (as well as the host) can be 'using' the mount, and then the unmount will fail 1199057256 M * _michiel not so with bind mounting? 1199057260 M * Bertl and of course, if you have a device mounted in _any_ namespace, it cannot be ejected 1199057271 M * Bertl it's the same with bind mounts 1199057276 M * _michiel ok 1199057310 M * _michiel well, the usb-disk in question shouldn't be unmounted at all, I only want to know all this in case a random imbicile unplugs the disk _again_. 1199057337 M * _michiel I don't want to have to restart all the guests that have the disk mounted, as we do now 1199057370 M * Bertl no, if nothing inside the guest is using the usb disk, then yyou can simply unmount it there (as on the host) 1199057395 M * _michiel ok, this makes me happy :) 1199057404 M * Bertl glad to hear ... 1199057419 M * Bertl so ... any other 'quirks'? 1199057426 M * _michiel not that I know of right now 1199057458 M * Bertl good, feel free to hang around and have fun! 1199057469 M * _michiel it helps to think of vserver as not doing virtualization but isolation, you should rename the project to iserver ;) 1199057500 M * Bertl yeah, I'll get it right in the next life :) 1199057519 M * _michiel :) 1199057558 M * _michiel but thanks for your help and have a nice eh... we call it oldyears day over here in the netherlands 1199057597 M * Bertl u2 1199057610 M * Bertl (it is called 'silvester' here :) 1199057635 M * _michiel ok, good silvester to you then :) 1199057650 M * Bertl a.k.a New Year's Eve (in the english speaking world) 1199057668 M * _michiel yeah, I knew that, but it's not eve yet I guess :) 1199057693 Q * svenk Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199057697 M * Bertl right, it's early in the morning right now (really early :) 1199057706 J * svenk ~sven@ 1199057714 J * solid_liq ~solid_liq@71-215-115-149.tcsn.qwest.net 1199057724 M * Bertl welcome solid_liq! 1199057728 M * _michiel at least in my timezone :) 1199057732 M * solid_liq anyone know how I can add another interface to an existing vserver? 1199057735 M * solid_liq Bertl, thanks :) 1199057743 M * Bertl solid_liq: you can't! 1199057759 M * solid_liq I can't have more than one IP per vserver? 1199057762 M * Bertl solid_liq: but, you can easily add another IP to your guest 1199057780 M * Bertl solid_liq: sure you can, but interfaces are 'host stuff' 1199057786 M * solid_liq ok, but I can't have, say, both eth0 and eth1 directed to one guest? 1199057816 M * Bertl you can assign two ips, one on eth0 and another one on eth1 to the guest, it will then see both interfaces 1199057831 M * solid_liq so how would I add these extra IPs? 1199057833 M * Bertl (and will be able to use/bind both ips) 1199057853 M * Bertl you can add it at runtime or via the configuration in /etc/vservers/ 1199057858 M * solid_liq there doesn't seem to be anything in the docs about this 1199057884 M * Bertl you see the 'interfaces' dir in the config? 1199057897 M * Bertl you probably have a subdir called '0' there 1199057907 M * solid_liq Bertl, yeah 1199057931 M * Bertl basically all you need is to make a copy of that, e.g. as '1' and adjust the settings (ip/mask/prefix) 1199057932 M * solid_liq so I make another one called '1' and fill in the info? 1199057938 M * Bertl exaclty 1199057942 M * Bertl *exactly 1199057944 M * solid_liq do I have to shut down the vserver first? 1199057957 M * Bertl it helps, if you change addresses 1199057972 M * solid_liq but if I keep the primary address the same, and just add one, do I have to? 1199057977 M * Bertl (otherwise the 'old' address will not be removed) 1199057997 M * Bertl no, not necessarily, will give you some warning on restart/shutdown but should do no harm 1199058042 M * solid_liq Bertl, k, so do I have to then restart the guest for it to pickup the new interface? 1199058081 M * Bertl no, as I said, you can add it at runtime too, but depending on the existing config and/or setup, the guest services need to be restarted to pick it up 1199058094 M * Bertl so usually you are on the safe side if you restart the guest 1199058114 M * solid_liq Bertl, okay great, thanks! 1199058120 M * Bertl you're welcome! 1199058152 M * solid_liq Bertl, so what command would I have to issue to make the running guest see the new interface? it's not showing up with ifconfig -a 1199058178 M * Bertl you need to assign that ip to the interface on the host first 1199058184 M * Bertl (e.g. with ip addr add ...) 1199058189 M * solid_liq oh ok 1199058192 M * solid_liq thanks :) 1199058210 M * Bertl and then you can use 'naddress --add ...' to add it 1199058313 N * DoberMann DoberMann[ZZZzzz] 1199058597 Q * mick_work Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1199058609 M * solid_liq Bertl, how do I use the naddress command exactly? 1199058618 M * solid_liq I don't have a manpage for it 1199058748 M * Bertl 'naddress --help' as for all util-vserver commands 1199058756 M * Bertl basically you do something like: 1199058791 M * Bertl 'naddress --add --nid --ip /' 1199058802 M * solid_liq what's the nid? 1199058823 M * Bertl the network id of your guest, by default the same as the context id 1199058828 J * quasisane ~sanep@c-76-118-191-64.hsd1.nh.comcast.net 1199058858 M * solid_liq Bertl, is that the id listed in the run symlink? 1199058902 M * solid_liq like, /etc/vserver/guestname/run ? 1199058914 M * solid_liq like, * /etc/vserver*/guestname/run ? 1199058915 M * Bertl it should be in your config too, i.e. /etc/vservers//context 1199058916 M * solid_liq er 1199058941 M * solid_liq I don't have a context file/directory 1199058954 Q * marcel Remote host closed the connection 1199058967 M * Bertl then you are using very old tools and an old kernel, and naddress will not work properly 1199058973 M * solid_liq I'm on 0.30.212 (debian etch) 1199058995 M * solid_liq so just restart it then? heh 1199059052 M * solid_liq oh that's my util-vserver version I guess 1199059118 M * daniel_hozac with a dynamic context id, you could only guess... 1199059149 M * daniel_hozac you should set a static one.