1190073778 M * Bertl_oO mstrobert: just means you have a quite old kernel and old tools using dynamic context (e.g. typical for older debian setups) updating and/or assigning a proper context number should fix that 1190075911 J * virtuoso_ ~s0t0na@ppp91-122-24-164.pppoe.avangard-dsl.ru 1190076322 Q * virtuoso Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190077113 Q * coderanger_ Quit: coderanger_ 1190077729 Q * Piet Remote host closed the connection 1190077827 J * Piet ~piet@tor.noreply.org 1190078328 Q * Piet Quit: Piet 1190078445 Q * zLinux Remote host closed the connection 1190080131 Q * roym Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190080293 Q * morten Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190080431 Q * nox Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190080468 Q * Loki|muh Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190080487 J * morten ~morten@213-133-125-57.clients.your-server.de 1190080490 J * Loki|muh loki@satanix.de 1190080675 J * nox ~nox@static.88-198-17-175.clients.your-server.de 1190080910 J * coderanger_ ~coderange@c-65-96-210-168.hsd1.ma.comcast.net 1190081075 J * n01101111x ~nox@static.88-198-17-175.clients.your-server.de 1190081158 Q * nox Remote host closed the connection 1190081158 N * n01101111x nox 1190081167 Q * bzed Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190081726 M * Bertl_oO off to bed now ... have a good one! 1190081730 N * Bertl_oO Bertl_zZ 1190082207 Q * arachnist Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190082498 Q * quasisane Read error: Connection reset by peer 1190082626 J * quasisane ~user@c-76-118-191-64.hsd1.nh.comcast.net 1190082817 Q * quasisane Read error: Connection reset by peer 1190084281 J * quasisane ~sanep@c-76-118-191-64.hsd1.nh.comcast.net 1190084550 Q * hparker resistance.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1190084550 Q * tzafrir resistance.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1190084550 Q * Supaplex resistance.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1190084552 J * hparker ~hparker@linux.homershut.net 1190084552 J * tzafrir ~tzafrir@ 1190084552 J * Supaplex ~e@166-70-62-194.ip.xmission.com 1190084823 Q * Supaplex resistance.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1190084823 Q * tzafrir resistance.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1190084823 Q * hparker resistance.oftc.net oxygen.oftc.net 1190084841 J * hparker ~hparker@linux.homershut.net 1190084841 J * tzafrir ~tzafrir@ 1190084841 J * Supaplex ~e@166-70-62-194.ip.xmission.com 1190087696 J * micah_ ~micah@micah.riseup.net 1190087765 Q * micah Read error: Connection reset by peer 1190088113 Q * micah_ Read error: Connection reset by peer 1190088114 J * micah ~micah@micah.riseup.net 1190088439 J * Ashsong ~mstone@teach.laptop.org 1190088456 M * Ashsong Bertl_zZ: ping 1190088498 M * Ashsong when you wake up, I have a fun bug for you. see http://paste.lisp.org/display/47876 1190088531 M * Ashsong The upshot is that rsync onto a 'setattr --iunlink' hardlink on JFFS2 does not preserve group id. 1190088536 M * Ashsong Not sure why yet. 1190088548 M * Ashsong Anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow. 1190088651 Q * ensc Remote host closed the connection 1190092121 M * daniel_hozac Ashsong: the second rsync doesn't do anything here. 1190092132 M * daniel_hozac which is to be expected, as there are no differences. 1190093795 Q * hparker Quit: g'nite 1190093921 Q * besonen_mobile Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190094174 J * besonen_mobile ~besonen_m@71-220-234-148.eugn.qwest.net 1190097113 J * sharkjaw ~gab@ 1190097228 J * dna ~dna@86-227-dsl.kielnet.net 1190098897 J * arachnist arachnist@088156185052.who.vectranet.pl 1190099145 Q * sharkjaw Remote host closed the connection 1190099233 J * sharkjaw ~gab@ 1190099366 Q * sharkjaw Remote host closed the connection 1190099419 J * sharkjaw ~gab@ 1190101428 J * friendly12345 ~friendly@ppp121-44-239-215.lns2.mel4.internode.on.net 1190101440 J * gcj ~chris@cpc1-cmbg7-0-0-cust497.cmbg.cable.ntl.com 1190101856 Q * phreak`` Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190101869 Q * Hollow Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190102267 J * Hollow ~hollow@proteus.croup.de 1190102276 J * meebey meebey@booster.qnetp.net 1190102301 Q * nanonyme Quit: leaving 1190102483 J * phreak`` ~phreak``@deimos.barfoo.org 1190103080 J * bzed ~bzed@devel.recluse.de 1190103718 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1190103721 M * Bertl morning folks! 1190104371 M * Bertl Ashsong: pong? 1190104414 M * Bertl Ashsong: judging from the fact that you contact me, I assume the 'bug' is not that rsync does something wrong here, but more that rsync tries? to set the gid, but somehow fails, yes? 1190104511 M * Bertl Ashsong: if so, can we extract the commands which lead to this misbehaviour, and try to trigger it with a few simple chown/chgrp or so? 1190105408 J * DavidS ~david@vpn.uni-ak.ac.at 1190105438 J * meandtheshell ~markus@ 1190105865 Q * coderanger_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190106881 M * DavidS thanks guys! since yesterday the failover on the two servers works fine 1190106917 M * DavidS now we have two nodes with heartbeat and a shared storage (SAN) which are configured active/active (i.e. each is running services) 1190106933 J * gcj_ ~chris@fen-fw.aptivate.org 1190106949 M * DavidS if one of them fails, the other one takes over the VG, mounts everything, configures the IPs and starts all VServers. 1190106964 M * neuralis Ashsong: it's a bit late for michael to be up :) 1190106965 M * neuralis er 1190106967 M * neuralis Bertl: --^ 1190106979 M * Bertl DavidS: excellent! 1190106984 M * gcj_ morning all :-) 1190106994 M * Bertl neuralis: hmm, yeah, probably for you too :) 1190107030 M * neuralis i have a pot of coffee and a pile of work that say otherwise 1190107182 M * DavidS yeah, and thanks to namespace cleanup it really works too 1190107243 M * DavidS we already tried this setup last year, but when moving services back from the take-over node, it failed to release all mounts 1190107277 M * DavidS but now we finally upgraded to etch+backported kernel with 2.2 patch :) 1190107289 M * Bertl hehe 1190107306 M * daniel_hozac namespace cleanup is a userspace thing. 1190107442 M * Bertl hey daniel_hozac! is it hard to add a v2 network structure to 0.30.215? 1190107500 M * daniel_hozac hmm? 1190107515 M * Bertl well, I think we want a mask for ranges too 1190107532 M * Bertl which basically means, we have to add one more ip field 1190107554 M * DavidS still, sarge has .204, sarge-backports .210 none of which are really new, i believe 1190107595 M * daniel_hozac hmm, what would the mask for ranges do? 1190107610 M * Bertl define the 'network' for the source ip selection 1190107710 M * baldy moin guys 1190107737 M * Bertl morning baldy! 1190107855 M * daniel_hozac hmm, wouldn't the prefix work for that? 1190107941 M * daniel_hozac and is mask strictly a network mask? 1190107944 M * Bertl what prefix? 1190107965 M * daniel_hozac i thought it was supposed to allow for e.g. "every other IP in this network" things. 1190107980 M * daniel_hozac uint16_t prefix; 1190107986 M * Bertl for ipv4? 1190108003 M * daniel_hozac ah, sorry, i was looking at the match structs. 1190108042 M * Bertl a prefix would work, but I don't think it's worth the efford 1190108059 M * daniel_hozac the match structs already have all we need, no? 1190108071 M * Bertl i.e. I'm fine if userspace handles a prefix, but in the kernel it's much simpler to use a mask 1190108082 M * Bertl yeah, those should be fine 1190108151 Q * Hollow Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190108181 Q * bzed Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190108202 M * daniel_hozac well, it's not hard to add another API. 1190108216 Q * meebey Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190108218 Q * phreak`` Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190108319 M * Bertl I think we are not ready for the match part yet, no? 1190108341 M * daniel_hozac not really. 1190108431 J * Hollow ~hollow@proteus.croup.de 1190108483 J * phreak`` ~phreak``@deimos.barfoo.org 1190108496 J * meebey meebey@booster.qnetp.net 1190108784 Q * gcj_ Quit: later 1190108802 J * bzed ~bzed@devel.recluse.de 1190109448 M * renihs match party? :p 1190109460 M * renihs ah lol :) 1190110042 J * ktwilight_ ~ktwilight@169.108-66-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be 1190110387 Q * ktwilight Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190110819 J * Piet ~piet@tor.noreply.org 1190111235 J * ktwilight ~ktwilight@193.73-66-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be 1190111527 Q * ktwilight_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190111660 Q * DavidS Quit: Leaving. 1190112262 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: ping? 1190112305 T * Bertl http://linux-vserver.org/ | latest stable, 2.0.3-rc3, devel, stable+grsec, | util-vserver-0.30.214 | libvserver-1.0.2 & vserver-utils-1.0.3 | He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who doesn't ask is a fool for a lifetime -- share the gained knowledge on the Wiki, and we'll forget about the minute ;) 1190112394 M * daniel_hozac pong? 1190112407 M * Bertl baggins: please check if fixes the issues for you 1190112420 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: ah, wasn't sure you are still? up ... 1190112426 M * baggins Bertl: thanks, I'll do 1190112428 M * daniel_hozac well, i'm in school now ;) 1190112440 M * Bertl ah, you are back to europe? 1190112472 M * daniel_hozac yeah, i got back august 18th. 1190112506 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: completely missed that ... anyway, please have a look at the changes when you find some time, I think it should cover all relevant cases 1190112525 M * Bertl (added some debug info too :) 1190112619 M * daniel_hozac have you managed to fix the hang with splice? 1190112680 M * Bertl haven't investigated that one yet, but will do so in a few minutes :) 1190112690 M * daniel_hozac okay :) 1190112776 M * daniel_hozac the changes look fine to me. 1190112806 M * Bertl great! let's see how they do for baggins ... 1190112877 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: you observed the hangs with ext2/3 too, right? 1190112900 M * Bertl s/too//? 1190112968 M * daniel_hozac yeah 1190112987 M * daniel_hozac i never got past testing ext2, as it hung there ;) 1190113026 M * Bertl interesting ... IIRC, I did the full test suite ... 1190113232 M * Bertl right after 213, yes? 1190113542 M * daniel_hozac yeah. 1190113731 M * baggins Bertl: ERROR: "ip_v4_find_src" [net/dccp/dccp_ipv4.ko] undefined! 1190113764 M * Bertl who uses dccp? :) 1190113794 M * Bertl yeah, we should export it too :) 1190113801 M * baggins I like to have all modules built :) 1190113835 M * Bertl ah, I see, to make the kernels as slow as distro kernels :) 1190113900 M * baggins nah, modules doesn't slow down 1190113912 M * baggins just make it as big as distro kernels ;) 1190113924 M * Bertl that is what you think! 1190113953 M * daniel_hozac depends on your PoV, i guess. 1190113954 M * Bertl add EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ip_v4_find_src); 1190113967 M * Bertl to kernel/vserver/inet.c, at the end 1190113973 M * baggins dccp was the only place, I disabled it for now 1190114059 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: and sys_splice/do_splice() worked even under limits? 1190114067 M * daniel_hozac right. 1190114071 M * Bertl (userspace side I mean) 1190114188 M * daniel_hozac strace and wchan also showed nothing for the process, so i guess it could just be a bug in my touch. 1190114209 M * Bertl hmm? 1190114249 M * daniel_hozac though if it's a userspace bug, the process should respond to kill -9... 1190114272 M * daniel_hozac strace -p didn't output anything, and /proc//wchan contained 0. 1190114317 M * Bertl the thing is, I see no 'touch' in the task list (magic sysrq) only bash sitting in do_wait() 1190114344 M * daniel_hozac do you see the 100% CPU? 1190114364 M * Bertl well, qemu is using up 100%, so yes 1190114380 M * Bertl the script doesn't return or break here ... 1190114380 M * daniel_hozac ah, just one console? 1190114389 M * daniel_hozac okay. 1190114419 M * Bertl will extract the relevant test and do some kernel debugging there 1190114918 Q * Piet Remote host closed the connection 1190114960 J * Piet ~piet@tor.noreply.org 1190115714 M * baggins Bertl: quick test shows that It Works :) 1190115977 M * Bertl good! 1190116008 J * jmcaricand root@d77-216-139-107.cust.tele2.fr 1190116040 M * Bertl baggins: thanks for testing! 1190116108 J * roym ~user@adsl-065-006-164-142.sip.mia.bellsouth.net 1190116120 M * Bertl wb jmcaricand! roym! 1190116269 M * roym morning Bertl 1190117405 J * Julius ~julius@p57B27808.dip.t-dialin.net 1190118821 Q * Aiken Quit: Leaving 1190120333 J * hparker ~hparker@linux.homershut.net 1190121373 P * friendly12345 1190122102 J * paranoiac ~paranoiac@chello213047155237.5.sc-graz.chello.at 1190122236 Q * FireEgl Read error: Connection reset by peer 1190122489 M * paranoiac I've a strange problem with PAM limits and vservers, getting lot of rlimit messages in auth.log. There are some reports of the same problem in the net, but they did not satisfy me. Are there some vserver developers around here, I guess I could give some new information on that topic. 1190122633 M * renihs just write it in here, they will read it :) 1190122644 M * renihs but Bertl is around afaik 1190122654 M * renihs 2 hours ago that is at least :p 1190122771 M * Bertl indeed ... 1190122795 M * Bertl paranoiac: well, depending on your kernel, there can be several reasons for this 1190122813 M * paranoiac @PAM: it seems that the vserver reacts different when started from sysv-init compared to startup from bash 1190122845 M * Bertl paranoiac: to narrow it down, what kernel and tools are you using atm? 1190122944 J * DavidS ~david@vpn.uni-ak.ac.at 1190123132 M * paranoiac The kernel is a 2.6.21-1-vs2.2.0, but I dont know a method to find version of util-vservers 1190123168 J * FireEgl FireEgl@ 1190123207 M * Bertl vserver --version :) 1190123285 M * paranoiac Thanks, version is 0.30.213 1190123415 M * Bertl okay, let's check something, regarding your config 1190123490 J * ema ~ema@fw.galliera.it 1190123531 M * Bertl paranoiac: for a test, try to add SYS_RESOURCE to your bcapabilities 1190123540 M * Bertl (and restart the guest) 1190123602 M * paranoiac Just before doing more testing, I send you some testdata, just a moment 1190123608 M * Bertl okay, np 1190123797 Q * arachnist Quit: bbl 1190123804 M * paranoiac Test methods: wrote a small program to dump the rlimits of the 1190123838 M * paranoiac current process. The program is started as cron job every minute, output written to /tmp/limit-dump 1190123852 M * Bertl ulimit wasn't sufficient? 1190124052 M * paranoiac I checked ulimit again, ulimit would have done it, but when I tried first I did not see that it is the same with my program. (my prog just dumps all limits from 0..255 in numeric .. 18 lines in total) 1190124093 M * Bertl okay 1190124105 M * Bertl and what did you observe? 1190124106 M * paranoiac Result: when vserver is started from sys-v init, then limits are as follows: 1190124143 M * paranoiac Limit 11: hard 2048, soft 2048 1190124151 M * paranoiac Limit 12: hard 819200, soft 819200 1190124161 M * paranoiac Limit 13: hard 0, soft 0 1190124166 M * Bertl pastebin? 1190124176 Q * Johnnie Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190124221 M * paranoiac no real irc client yet, using telnet 1190124242 M * Bertl nice, I'd suggest to go for irssi 1190124275 M * paranoiac When vserver started from bash via vserver xx start or after vserver-enter xx /etc/init.d/cron restart: 1190124285 M * paranoiac Limit 11: hard -1, soft -1 1190124293 M * paranoiac Limit 12: hard -1, soft -1 1190124302 M * paranoiac Limit 13: hard 20, soft 20 1190124313 M * paranoiac All other limits are the same 1190124334 M * Bertl okay, and what arch are you on? x86 1190124338 M * paranoiac It seems that limits in vserver guest apply only when staretd from sysvinit. With manual restart limits do not apply 1190124344 M * paranoiac i386 1190124373 M * paranoiac Problem reproduced on two different native i386 systems with ubuntu and in vmware image with vserver kernel 1190124385 M * paranoiac (thanks for client suggestion, I try downloading) 1190124410 M * Bertl I assume you somehow end up with 'host' limits in one case 1190124440 M * Bertl 13 is the nice value 1190124460 M * paranoiac yes 1190124460 M * Bertl 11 and 12 are sigpending and msgqueue 1190124474 M * paranoiac could be, have to look up. 1190124487 M * Bertl the nice value can easily be worked around with IGNEG_NICE 1190124550 M * Bertl the other two look like they could be ipc namespace related 1190124591 M * Bertl but in any case, adding the desired limits to the config should do the trick 1190124602 M * paranoiac PRIVMSG #vserver :I would know some ways (using pam_limits) to supress the warnings. 1190124668 M * paranoiac But I', startled that different ways of starting vserver can cause different limits/permissions for the programs running within. 1190124685 M * Bertl inside a guest, by default, even root is not permitted to raise the limits (without SYS_RESOURCE), so if pam tries to set limits above the current guest limits, you have a problem 1190124726 M * Bertl in one case, I assume, the guest limits are not there, thus, no problem when pam tries to raise them 1190124833 Q * sharkjaw Quit: Leaving 1190124836 M * paranoiac PRIVMSG #vserver :I find it cool to limit the processes withn vserver from outside when the mechanism is somehow transparent. In this case the restart of a vserver gives different limits to all processes in the vserver. Can this be used to bypass all limits by a malicious user or attacker? 1190124905 M * Bertl if you specify the limits in the config, a guest restart (regardless of from inside or outside) will apply the proper limits 1190124926 M * Bertl so IMHO, that cannot be exploited for anything (or did I miss something?) 1190125489 J * arachnist arachnist@088156185052.who.vectranet.pl 1190125561 M * paranoiac My thinking was: a vserver is started from init, so some limits apply to all processes inside the vserver. This is also true for the process starting cron (a shell running as root in vserver), so the cron daemon is started with reduced limits. When I now enter I also get a shell as user root in vserver, but when I start cron from this shell different limits apply. From that I cannot create a big security breach. At most an atta 1190125643 M * Bertl ah, well, entering a guest (with enter or exec) is something only an admin should do, and of course, running services from such a shell should be given some consideration 1190125659 M * paranoiac In this case he could possibly evade security restrictions, e.g. open devices in real promiscous mode, read kernel memory, .. 1190125665 M * Bertl nevertheless, IIRC, recent tools will apply the guest configured limits too 1190125688 M * Bertl paranoiac: nah, I really doubt that 1190125691 M * paranoiac since which version? 1190125701 M * paranoiac the tools) 1190125707 M * Bertl daniel_hozac probably knows more here ... 1190125729 M * paranoiac thanks for the tip 1190125970 M * paranoiac Ok, I'll try some of your suggestions tomorrow and see what a upgrade can do also. 1190125983 M * paranoiac bye 1190126084 M * Bertl you're welcome! cya! 1190126466 Q * paranoiac Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190127553 J * lilalinux ~plasma@dslb-084-058-219-250.pools.arcor-ip.net 1190127860 J * MEMUS ~memus@slack.org.pl 1190127905 M * MEMUS mhm have someone got a problem with grsec + vserver and "proc already mounted" ? 1190128158 M * Bertl probably you? 1190128195 M * MEMUS ;] 1190128209 M * Bertl have you tried without grsec yet? 1190128433 M * MEMUS no :) i'll check it but i wanna with grsec :] brb ;p 1190128436 Q * MEMUS Quit: leaving 1190128732 Q * jmcaricand Remote host closed the connection 1190130320 J * cl4sh ~cl4sh@qik.ds.pg.gda.pl 1190130329 M * Bertl wb cl4sh! 1190130361 M * cl4sh :) 1190130364 M * cl4sh Hi all 1190130373 M * cl4sh ive got next problem 1190130377 M * cl4sh :P 1190130386 M * Bertl well, let's hear :) 1190130398 M * cl4sh i cant emerge net-tools under guest 1190130409 M * Bertl how so? 1190130412 M * cl4sh ive got message like that 1190130437 M * cl4sh http://paste.linux-vserver.org/6624 1190130468 M * cl4sh i was try to emerg r11 and there was the same message 1190130484 M * renihs thats the useless part of the log :) 1190130488 M * Bertl looks gentoo specific to me 1190130492 M * renihs it is :) 1190130513 M * renihs you might wanna tail /var/tmp/portage/sys-apps/net-tools-1.60-r13/temp/build.log 1190130524 M * cl4sh ok maybe ishould pset from begin sorry 1190130541 M * renihs but unlikely its vserver related :) 1190130738 M * cl4sh one moment 1190131182 M * cl4sh http://paste.linux-vserver.org/6628 1190131213 M * cl4sh sorry for strange signs 1190131232 M * cl4sh at beginning 1190131264 M * Bertl those are control codes :) 1190131279 M * cl4sh yes 1190131348 M * cl4sh its becuse i will use firefox to open build log 1190131414 M * cl4sh and waht do you think about that errors? 1190131435 M * Bertl xgettext: error while loading shared libraries 1190131444 M * Bertl libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 1190131453 M * Bertl looks to me like libexpat is missing :) 1190131466 M * cl4sh :) 1190131473 M * cl4sh simple answer 1190131504 M * cl4sh where i can find libexpat ? or how? 1190131515 M * Bertl I would try to 'emerge' it, no? 1190131561 M * cl4sh there are no ebuilds 1190131583 M * Bertl maybe some gentoo folks can help you there, I have _no_ idea :) 1190131613 M * Bertl here I would do: 'urpmi libexpat' 1190131631 M * cl4sh :) 1190131934 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: FYI: Jens just confirmed that the splice stuff is a mainline issue, and should be fixed in 2.6.23* (which seems to be true) 1190131961 J * coderanger_ ~coderange@c-65-96-210-168.hsd1.ma.comcast.net 1190132336 M * cl4sh Bertl ; problem solved 1190132344 M * cl4sh Bertl : :) 1190132421 M * blizz heyho 1190132440 M * blizz i'm planning to install a fresh new debian 4.0 installation on a dedicated root server 1190132465 M * Bertl cl4sh: congrats! 1190132488 M * blizz looks like the util-vserver package is still a bit outdated for stable debian? 1190132515 M * blizz 0.30.212 in etch but 0.30.214 in sid ;-) 1190132534 M * Bertl as usual, yes :) 1190132559 M * blizz well, there's also 0.30.213 in etch-backports.. 1190132568 M * blizz any recommendation on which one i should use? 1190132581 M * blizz i never had debian as a host system for vservers :-) 1190132583 M * Bertl depends on what kernel you are going to install 1190132602 M * Bertl the 'ancient' kernels debian uses, should be fine with 0.30.213 1190132657 M * blizz 2.6.18 in etch, 2.6.21 in etch-backports and 2.6.22 in sid 1190132673 M * blizz so 0.30.214 requires the sid kernel, i guess 1190132693 M * Bertl no, but I would say, the sid kernel requires 0.30.214 :) 1190132724 M * blizz ahh, that way 1190132731 M * Bertl note: I do not know what kernel actually is in sid 1190132765 M * blizz from looking at packages.debian.org i can say.. it seems to be 2.6.22 1190132781 M * blizz it's called "linux-image-vserver-686" with version 2.6.22 1190132824 M * blizz so maybe i should ask the debian guys whether it's safe to install etch and use the sid kernel + vserver-utils 1190133161 M * Bertl yeah, well, could be everything from a forward ported vs2.0.2 to or even 2.3.x 1190133419 M * DavidS 2.6.21 uses 2.2 1190133436 M * DavidS search in the changelog.Debian for "vserver" 1190133540 M * DavidS according to http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-2.6/linux-2.6_2.6.22-4/changelog , sid's current 2.6.22-4 has 1190133594 M * DavidS whils 2.6.21-6 (which is in lenny and etch-backports) has 2.2.0 1190133668 M * Bertl i.c. tx! 1190134222 M * yang hey Bertl do you know anything about asterisk strings? 1190134265 M * yang I have these 2 lines: 1190134266 M * yang exten => 600,1,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=${REC_DIR}${TIMESTAMP}-${EXTEN}-${CALLERID}-out) 1190134269 M * yang exten => 600,2,Monitor(wav,${MONITOR_FILENAME},mb) 1190134291 M * yang and it drops files into / instead of /var/spool/asterisk/monitor 1190134361 M * Bertl no idea :) 1190134537 M * yang :/ 1190134584 M * blizz thanks bertl and davids 1190134585 M * Bertl maybe ask some asterisk folks? 1190134588 Q * ema Read error: Connection reset by peer 1190134762 J * jmcaricand ~jmcarican@d83-179-238-91.cust.tele2.fr 1190134785 M * daniel_hozac Bertl: ah, great! do you have any reference, or should i just google? 1190134918 M * DavidS blizz, Bertl: sure, np 1190134968 J * MEMUS memus@slack.org.pl 1190135058 M * Ashsong Bertl: morning. 1190135059 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: nah, nothing except private communication yet 1190135089 M * Ashsong Bertl: I contacted you because I know you have better insight into the workings of the VFS layer than I do. 1190135146 M * Ashsong We haven't figured out yet if the bug is in rsync, in the VFS, in the dirent cache, or in several of these. 1190135150 M * Bertl Ashsong: so we already _know_ it is a kernel issue? 1190135156 M * Ashsong Bertl: we do not yet know that. 1190135189 M * Ashsong I am suspicious, though. I'm currently reading through strace to try to test that hypothesis 1190135219 M * Bertl ah, okay, so I would suggest to try to reproduce the issue with simple tools 1190135219 M * Bertl i.e. without rsync 1190135219 M * Bertl okay, let me know if you find something 1190135235 M * Ashsong Bertl: rsyncing once gives the incorrect GID, but rsyncing again on top of the incorrect file gives the correct file 1190135249 M * Ashsong however, it's not reproducible across all machines. 1190135255 M * Ashsong (yet) 1190135267 M * Ashsong Bertl: anyway, I shall endeavor to get better information. 1190135419 Q * meandtheshell Quit: Leaving. 1190135614 J * ensc ~irc-ensc@p54B4CA9C.dip.t-dialin.net 1190135711 M * MEMUS asdf 1190135716 M * MEMUS ups sry 1190135727 M * Borg- your root password? 1190135754 M * MEMUS u can try ;p 1190135796 M * Bertl Ashsong: could you try the same with a non-vserver kernel too? 1190135827 M * Bertl Ashsong: it could be a jffs2 issue similar to the one we already observed 1190135906 Q * rob-84x^ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190136045 M * blizz debian guys say: don't use sid packages in etch :-) 1190136078 M * daniel_hozac that's what backports is for... 1190136157 M * blizz yeah, they said that, too 1190136249 M * blizz backports seem to be fine :-) 1190136267 M * blizz 0.30.213 and a not-so-ancient kernel from the testing distribution ;-) 1190136299 M * daniel_hozac 0.30.214 will be uploaded as soon as it's possible, from what i can tell. 1190136326 M * daniel_hozac speaking of which, micah: you'll want http://svn.linux-vserver.org/projects/util-vserver/changeset/2610 1190136364 J * ema ~ema@fw.galliera.it 1190136578 M * Bertl I uploaded a 2.6.23-rc6-vs2.3.0-pre1 patch for the impatient folks ... the scheduler stuff is removed for now, and xfs is broken, but CoW limits are working :) 1190136594 J * Piet_ ~piet@tor.noreply.org 1190136738 M * micah daniel_hozac: thanks... if I upload that now, the migration of 0.30.214 to testing (and thus to backports) will be delayed by 10 days... I am guessing this fix is worth that? 1190136747 M * micah also, i can bump the priority up so it halves that time 1190136781 M * daniel_hozac well, that fix isn't too interesting for sid/lenny as AFAIK the kernels there don't support dynamic contexts anyway. 1190136797 M * daniel_hozac i was mostly referring to the backport. 1190136806 M * Bertl okay, off for today, have to get up really early tomorrow ... cya! 1190136812 M * daniel_hozac good night! 1190136813 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1190136814 A * micah waves to Bertl_zZ 1190136841 M * micah daniel_hozac: ah, so I should apply that patch to the 0.30.214 backport that I do 1190136847 M * micah if I understand you correctly 1190136862 M * daniel_hozac right 1190136896 A * micah is going to check on the ia64 buildd and why it is holding up that migration 1190136992 J * Piet__ ~piet@tor.noreply.org 1190137006 Q * Piet Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190137136 Q * Piet_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190137203 N * Piet__ Piet 1190137925 Q * cl4sh Quit: [BX] Choosey moms choose BitchX! 1190137961 M * Ashsong Bertl_zZ: ping 1190137973 M * Ashsong pretty sure it's a kernel bug in utimes() now 1190137980 M * daniel_hozac oh? 1190137985 M * daniel_hozac why's that? 1190137992 M * Ashsong I'll show you the strace() 1190138047 Q * lilalinux Remote host closed the connection 1190138103 J * Pazzo ~ugelt@reserved-225136.rol.raiffeisen.net 1190138195 M * Ashsong http://paste.lisp.org/display/47900 1190138223 M * Ashsong examine the st_gid field before and after the utimes() 1190138224 M * daniel_hozac hmm. 1190138235 M * daniel_hozac that is indeed very peculiar. 1190138262 M * Ashsong now to figure out why :) 1190138297 M * daniel_hozac hmm, that's odd. 1190138307 M * Ashsong is there a mistake? 1190138318 M * daniel_hozac i don't see us setting the uid/gid anywhere in cow_break_link. 1190138407 M * micah there are reserved syscalls for arm now? 1190138408 M * Ashsong daniel_hozac: I'm not saying that it's a vserver bug yet. 1190138429 M * Ashsong just that it's a kernel bug, and that Bertl was very helpful debugging a similar problem last time I had trouble :) 1190138441 M * daniel_hozac micah: hmm? 1190138473 M * micah daniel_hozac: I got an email from someone saying that they can use util-vserver/patched kernel on a NSLU2 box without any problems 1190138492 M * micah when previously we didn't build on arm because there weren't any reserved syscalls in the kernel for that arch 1190138501 M * daniel_hozac i think we've had syscall numbers reserved for all arches for a few years now. 1190138517 M * micah odd, well... then I dont see any reason why we aren't building arm :) 1190138628 Q * ema Quit: leaving 1190138696 M * daniel_hozac Ashsong: well, it's me saying that :) 1190138725 M * Ashsong daniel_hozac: thanks for looking at it. 1190138786 M * daniel_hozac we actually don't preserve anything other than the mode. 1190138832 M * daniel_hozac IMHO we should keep at least uid, gid and ctime. 1190139200 N * Ashsong Ashsong|lunch 1190139259 Q * Julius Quit: Verlassend 1190140133 Q * jmcaricand Quit: KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/ 1190140777 Q * Piet Remote host closed the connection 1190141444 Q * coderanger_ Quit: coderanger_ 1190141899 Q * MEMUS Quit: leaving 1190142626 Q * Pazzo Quit: ... 1190143114 J * cl4sh ~cl4sh@qik.ds.pg.gda.pl 1190143141 J * ema ~ema@fw.galliera.it 1190143815 J * rob-84x^ rob@submarine.ath.cx 1190144047 Q * morten Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190144898 J * coderanger_ ~coderange@wireless-58.media.mit.edu 1190144902 Q * coderanger_ Remote host closed the connection 1190144934 J * coderanger_ ~coderange@1cc-dhcp-156.media.mit.edu 1190145094 J * Piet ~piet@tor.noreply.org 1190145261 Q * Wonka Quit: vserver basteln 1190145839 J * coderanger__ ~coderange@wireless-58.media.mit.edu 1190146047 Q * Piet Remote host closed the connection 1190146150 J * Piet ~piet@tor.noreply.org 1190146256 Q * coderanger_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1190147332 J * Aiken ~james@ppp121-45-250-174.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net 1190147556 Q * dna Quit: Verlassend 1190148455 J * zLinux ~zLinux@ 1190148608 J * bonbons ~bonbons@2001:960:7ab:0:20b:5dff:fec7:6b33 1190149407 Q * cl4sh Quit: leaving 1190149606 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1190150342 Q * FireEgl Read error: Connection reset by peer 1190150932 J * cl4sh ~cl4sh@qik.ds.pg.gda.pl 1190151109 Q * cl4sh 1190151292 J * FireEgl FireEgl@ 1190151964 J * yarihm ~yarihm@84-75-130-73.dclient.hispeed.ch 1190152026 J * cl4sh ~cl4sh@qik.ds.pg.gda.pl 1190152199 Q * cl4sh 1190152200 J * cl4sh ~cl4sh@qik.ds.pg.gda.pl 1190152266 Q * cl4sh 1190152268 J * cl4sh ~cl4sh@qik.ds.pg.gda.pl 1190152897 Q * Piet Remote host closed the connection 1190152954 J * Piet ~piet@tor.noreply.org 1190152960 Q * Piet Remote host closed the connection 1190153001 J * Piet ~piet@tor.noreply.org 1190153376 Q * hparker Quit: Quit 1190153724 Q * Baby Read error: Connection reset by peer 1190153868 J * hparker ~hparker@linux.homershut.net 1190154274 J * Baby ~miry@ 1190155414 Q * ema Quit: leaving 1190157761 Q * yarihm Quit: Leaving 1190158003 Q * ard Ping timeout: 480 seconds