1164931361 M * daniel_hozac Bertl: http://rpm.hozac.com/dhozac/plague/fedora-5-vserver/util-vserver/0.30.212-0.rc2.1.fc5/x86_64/ 1164931361 M * RichyF ahh im getting there now :) 1164931497 M * daniel_hozac Bertl: but i have to get some sleep, let me know if those work for you. 1164931620 M * Bertl okay, tx, have a good night! 1164931842 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: # vserver sarge start 1164931842 M * Bertl exec-ulimit: execv(): Bad address 1164931861 M * Bertl so it is not tool related as it seems ... 1164931912 M * Bertl will dig into it ... 1164931958 M * Guy- is there a way to add a network interface to an exsiting vserver other than play with the files in /etc/vservers/servername/interfaces? 1164931977 M * Guy- daniel_hozac: yeah, good night, thanks for the help 1164932220 Q * dna_ Quit: Verlassend 1164932796 M * RichyF wayhay, just realised i didnt have a resolve.conf in the /etc in the guest, yum could download without it for obvious reasons 1164932932 M * RichyF is it possible to clone a vserver guest when i have setup one just how i want it? 1164932953 M * Bertl yes, there is an rsync build method in recent tools 1164933058 M * RichyF ahh cool :D 1164933097 M * Bertl but basically 'copying' the guest (/vservers/) and the config (/etc/vservers/) is sufficient, though you'll need to adjust the config on renames 1164934975 Q * [PUPPETS]Gonzo Server closed connection 1164934993 Q * ruskie Read error: Connection reset by peer 1164934994 J * [PUPPETS]Gonzo gonzo@langweiligneutral.deswahnsinns.de 1164935107 J * ruskie ~ruskie@ruskie.user.oftc.net 1164935130 M * Bertl okay, off for now .. back later ... 1164935136 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1164935256 M * Guy- --context ... the static context of the vserver [default: none; a dynamic 1164935259 M * Guy- context will be assumed] 1164935261 M * Guy- does this have a format? 1164935272 M * Guy- or is it just a number? 1164935365 M * hardwire numero digito lesso than 65535 o 1164935369 M * hardwire I think o 1164935611 M * Guy- thanks 1164935630 M * Guy- is it possible to give a vserver a static context after it has been built? 1164935642 M * Guy- I left out dynamic context support because the help said it was deprecated 1164935714 M * Guy- wow, it's doing something 1164935967 M * hardwire write a file called context in the vservers config dir 1164935971 M * hardwire give it a number 1164935973 M * hardwire any number 1164935997 M * hardwire I use 48000-48999 1164936007 M * hardwire cause I konw I will have 100 vservers running on my POS server 1164936092 J * _dmax ~semaj@bl4-59-232.dsl.telepac.pt 1164936176 Q * dmax Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164936186 N * _dmax dmax 1164936266 Q * s0undt3ch Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164936455 M * Guy- OK, thanks, figured that out in the meantime 1164936472 M * Guy- now I'm having processes in a vserver stuck in the D state for no apparent reason 1164936490 M * Guy- root 24116 2 proba 0.1 1.0 7148 5316 ? Ds 02:22 0:00 /usr/sbin/munin-node 1164936512 M * Guy- they are hanging in lmLog 1164936593 M * RichyF tried to duplicate my fedora1 setup to another but it doesnt like it 1164936602 M * Guy- OK, this is the jfs recursive locking issue 1164936886 Q * prae Quit: Quitte 1164937503 J * bronson_ ~bronson@c-67-188-227-156.hsd1.ca.comcast.net 1164937640 N * Bertl_oO Bertl 1164937642 M * Bertl back now 1164937650 M * Bertl RichyF: what's the problem? 1164937682 M * RichyF hi :) 1164937687 M * RichyF nothing, setting up second install now 1164937689 M * Bertl Guy-: yeah, I think it is a mainline issue, but it would be nice to know for sure 1164937705 M * RichyF vserver 1 is running getting second going now 1164937713 M * Bertl excellent! 1164937734 M * RichyF cant seem to clone the second 1164937739 M * RichyF gonna have to do it manually 1164937762 M * Bertl do your tools support the rsync build method? 1164937782 M * Bertl (check with vserver - build --help ) 1164937829 M * RichyF no 1164937854 Q * comfrey Quit: Lost terminal 1164937865 M * Guy- Bertl: I filed a bug in the kernel bugzilla - I hope I don't get ignored for running a vserver patched kernel 1164937869 J * comfrey ~comfrey@ 1164937889 M * Bertl RichyF: ah, so manually is the best way them 1164937897 M * Guy- Bertl: unfortunately, I don't know how to reproduce the bug, so booting a vanilla kernel wouldn't necessarily help 1164937902 M * RichyF yep :) its all good practice 1164937911 M * Bertl RichyF: i.e. use cp -va ro copy them, then adjust the symlinks in /etc/vservers/ 1164937918 M * Bertl s/ro/to 1164937948 M * Bertl Guy-: IIRC, it was quite simple, i.e. the testfs.sh script triggered it 1164938133 J * mire_ ~mire@243-166-222-85.adsl.verat.net 1164938153 P * mire_ Leaving 1164938242 Q * TheSeer Read error: Operation timed out 1164938253 J * TheSeer ~theseer@border.office.salesemotion.net 1164938289 M * Guy- Bertl: inteed, the sync it calls is now hanging 1164938292 M * Guy- indeed 1164938306 Q * bronson_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164938314 M * Bertl you can limit the testfs.sh to just jfs with -F jfs 1164938329 M * Guy- I did 1164938330 M * Bertl would be interesting to see if that happens on vanilla too 1164938352 M * Guy- I'll try 1164938353 M * Bertl could be a hidden Linux-VServer bug, I didn't investigate it further 1164938365 M * Guy- but not, I think, before sleeping 1164938507 M * Bertl okay, have a good one then! 1164938595 M * Guy- I'll certainly do my best, thanks :) 1164938612 Q * bragon charon.oftc.net hydrogen.oftc.net 1164938937 M * Guy- no, couldn't reproduce it with vanilla 1164938958 M * Bertl interesting, same config? 1164939011 M * Guy- not exactly; had ipv6 enabled, but my vserver kernel doesn't 1164939017 M * Guy- other than that, yes 1164939024 M * Bertl okay, tx 1164939031 M * Guy- hth 1164939039 M * Bertl will look into it ... 1164939055 J * bronson_ ~bronson@adsl-75-36-144-172.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net 1164939072 M * Guy- it's http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7605 in case you'd like to comment there 1164939091 M * Bertl okay, tx 1164939168 P * mire Leaving 1164939174 J * mire_ ~mire@243-166-222-85.adsl.verat.net 1164939380 J * bronson__ ~bronson@adsl-75-36-144-172.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net 1164939423 M * RichyF nn guys, thanks for the help :) 1164939432 M * Bertl have a good one! 1164939441 Q * RichyF Quit: ( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.72 :: www.XLhost.de ) 1164939458 Q * bronson_ Read error: Connection reset by peer 1164939935 M * anonc anyone running 2.6.18-vs2.1.1-gentoo-r1 on gentoo with util-vserver-0.30.211-r1.ebuild? 1164940114 Q * pusling Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164940154 M * Bertl anonc: hmm, any issues with that? 1164940249 Q * comfrey Remote host closed the connection 1164940264 M * anonc Bertl: i think its a problem with the util-vserver ebuild rather than the tools: /etc/init.d/vservers.default start * Starting vservers of type '/sbin/runscript.sh'... ... [ ok ] touch: cannot touch `/var/lock/vservers/vservers-/sbin/runscript.sh': No such file or directory 1164940427 M * Bertl hmm, yeah, looks like 1164940435 M * Bertl have you checked for an updated version? 1164940464 M * Bertl IIRC, there was something like r3 or so (no gentoo here, so don't blame me) 1164940652 M * anonc that's the latest in the vps overlay (an external portage repository. I know that it works with the standard util-vserver-0.30.211.ebuild. 1164940701 M * Bertl hmm, wasn't the 'vps' overlay removed? or maybe I'm confusing a few things here, better ask Hollow or phreak`` 1164940746 M * anonc the baselayout-vserver was removed - dunno about the entire vps overlay being removed. 1164940814 M * Bertl ah, okay, that was it ... 1164941211 M * anonc i'll just roll it back to util-vserver-0.30.211 - 99% sure its a problem with the gentoo patches to util-vserver 1164941291 M * anonc incidentally - since you seem to have a good understanding of performance issues - what sort of system operations are impacted the most if you turn on highmem with a 32bit kernel? 1164941348 M * Bertl you know what the basic problem with highmem is? 1164941356 M * anonc bounce buffers? 1164941374 M * Bertl that's one issue but not directly related to highmem 1164941385 M * Bertl could happen with dma memory < lowmem too 1164941410 M * Bertl the main issue is that the kernel does not see the memory at all times 1164941435 M * Bertl i.e. the highmem is segmented down into small pieces, which get 'mapped' into certain areas of the address space 1164941439 M * anonc yeah - it can only see a restricted view because of the limited memory address space 1164941461 M * Bertl precisely, so, if you have all the memory (i.e. more than lowmem) used 1164941471 M * Bertl and you switch between tasks (scheduling) 1164941482 M * anonc ah - i think i can see where this is going 1164941490 M * Bertl then the kernel will continously map highmem regions in and out 1164941518 M * Bertl which causes many tlb flushes and thus cache flushes and 'slow' memory behaviour 1164941543 M * Bertl a typical 'problem case' is the 3GB vs 4GB 1164941567 M * Bertl with 3GB and the proper split (1:3) you can 'get away' without himem 1164941590 M * Bertl adding the 4th GB to the machine, will require either a 4:4 split or highmem 1164941609 M * Bertl the 4:4 split adds similar overhead on userspace/kernel transitions 1164941622 M * Bertl but avoids the mapping of highmem regions 1164941641 M * Bertl the highmem setup will at least need to do the mapping for 25% of the memory 1164941867 M * anonc mmm...decisions decisions...if i go with 1:3 then the kernel address space gets restricted a lot, so my multithreaded mailserver (commercial product originally from the windows world) might run out of kernel address space (this used to happen before we went to a 2:2 split and dropped the default stack size 1164941889 M * Bertl nope, 1:3 doesn't restrict kernel space at all 1164941900 M * Bertl 1:3 means 1GB _userspace_ 3GB kernel space 1164941911 M * anonc ah - i've never seen that as an option 1164941917 M * Bertl so what could be restricted here is your _userspace_ 1164941950 M * Bertl though that usually does not hurt, as it would mean that the app could not be run on <= 1GB machines 1164941961 M * Bertl (and only a few apps are such bold :) 1164942082 M * anonc i don't think that would be a problem. i've got a bunch of dual xeon blades which currently have 2G ram and I'm deciding whether to take them up to 4 (due to the bloatedness of apache + mod_php - i saw the discussion about mod_php memory usage the other day) 1164942220 M * anonc as you have said above, i could add only 1 more gig and do a 1:3 split to avoid highmem or the 4:4 overhead 1164942233 M * anonc i guess i'll have to run a few tests 1164942252 M * Bertl yep, AAMOF, 4:4 is not an option in recent kernels 1164942265 M * Bertl (it was used, tested and finally burried by RHEL IIRC :) 1164942318 M * anonc its nice when someone else does that for me 1164943666 M * micah wow, first hit on google for "great flower page" 1164943691 M * Bertl hehe 1164947279 J * s0undt3ch ~s0undt3ch@ 1164947773 M * jpachec hey guys 1164947776 M * jpachec just wondering 1164947798 M * jpachec will a patch to 2.6.19 be available soon? or should i just build the latest version available? 1164947879 M * Bertl it is already available :) 1164947896 M * Bertl http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Experimental/patch-2.6.19-vs2.1.x-t1.diff 1164947907 M * Bertl works fine here, btw :) 1164947914 M * jpachec oh sweet 1164947919 M * jpachec i didn't see it on the homepage 1164947929 M * jpachec so i assumed it wasn't rdy yet 1164947946 M * Bertl yeah, didn't update the wiki yet 1164948434 Q * glutoman Server closed connection 1164948479 J * glut ~glut@no.suid.pl 1164948627 M * Bertl wb glut! 1164948650 M * Bertl jpachec: please report any issues immediately, it's just a test version 1164949150 J * onion ~onion@adsl-85-157-222-27.regionline.fi 1164949186 M * Bertl welcome onion! 1164949190 M * onion Where does vserver store proc security bits with setattr? 1164949220 M * Bertl inside the ve data of the proc entries 1164949240 M * onion so when host server is rebooted, bits are lost? 1164949247 M * Bertl definitive 1164949274 M * Bertl but the 'rules' for the visibility flags are stored in a config file which is used by vprocunhide 1164949278 M * onion k, is there a config file where to apply these bits? 1164949301 M * Bertl my seeing orb was repaired .. sorry for answering before your ask :) 1164949318 M * onion heh :) 1164949361 M * onion Is there 2.0 version patch for 2.6.19? 1164949387 M * onion didn't see that coming :) 1164949389 M * Bertl nope, and I'm not sure if 2.0.x will be rebased to 2.6.19 1164949417 M * Bertl 2.6.19 has very intrusive changes (nothing for a stable branch) 1164949430 M * Bertl but we have a test version, of the devel branch for 2.6.19 1164949454 M * Bertl and I'm confident that 2.2.x will follow 2.6.19 and later 1164949614 M * onion yes, so it seems... I'm with 2.0 because debian sarge's vserver-tools, which works with 2.0.. (0.30.204).. does these tools work with v2.1? (or 2.2)? 1164949635 M * Bertl yes, with 2.1 they will work, if you enable some legacy stuff 1164949640 M * onion k 1164949643 M * Bertl with 2.2.x the legacy will be removed 1164949654 M * onion th, I'll go with 2.1 1164949656 M * Bertl (those tools are almost two years old) 1164949758 M * onion thx Bertl, have a nice friday! 1164949784 M * Bertl you too! 1164949791 Q * onion Quit: leaving 1164951806 M * daniel_hozac Bertl: re: the execv bug, IIRC it was something like the environment register getting overwritten in an asm stub in the kernel. does any of this sound familiar? 1164951860 M * Bertl hmm, yeah, btw, your binary tools work fine 1164951868 M * daniel_hozac oh they did? 1164951886 M * Bertl yes, they do, just the mix of both versions didn't work 1164951893 M * daniel_hozac ah, hehe. 1164951905 M * Bertl i.e. if you have two sets of tools installed, it seems they are still getting the wrong ones 1164951928 M * Bertl kind of hard to trace 1164951933 M * daniel_hozac depends on your PATH, i guess? 1164951938 M * Bertl probably 1164951971 M * Bertl submitted a bug report to savannah for the debian/sarge install 1164951980 M * Bertl the vserver stop kills the scripts 1164952050 M * Bertl except for that, the *space support seems to work fine 1164952073 M * Bertl i.e. I could change the uts info (at least from inside) without affecting the host 1164952076 M * daniel_hozac yeah, but the kill is expected, i think. 1164952084 M * Bertl hmm? 1164952097 M * Bertl at least, I didn't expect it :) 1164952107 M * daniel_hozac how so? 1164952113 M * Bertl what happened to the cleanup guest after install scripts/plans? 1164952133 M * daniel_hozac it's killing the /etc/init.d/rc script. 1164952140 M * Bertl IIRC, debian does certain cleanups/config stuff for the guest? 1164952155 M * daniel_hozac hmm, in newvserver? or what? 1164952163 M * Bertl yes, I guess so 1164952178 M * Bertl wouldn't it make sense to have 'post install' scripts? 1164952184 M * daniel_hozac we do :) 1164952194 M * Bertl so where is the problem then? 1164952203 M * daniel_hozac nobody has written any for Debian ;) 1164952213 M * Bertl I mean, do we have to beat up the debian folks to use them? 1164952230 M * daniel_hozac the Gentoo and Red Hat ones work fine. 1164952251 M * Bertl I guess, if you tell micah + friends that there are such scripts, they will gladly move them from newvserver upstream, no? 1164952264 M * micah ? 1164952278 M * Bertl yep, I was missing the questionmark :) 1164952285 M * micah i was sleeping over in the corner and someone said my name! 1164952292 M * daniel_hozac i haven't really looked at what newvserver does. 1164952303 M * Bertl micah: there is work to do :) 1164952318 M * micah oh no 1164952327 M * daniel_hozac IIRC Ola is maintaining vserver-debiantools. 1164952340 M * Bertl micah: we want that in 0.30.212 final!!! 1164952363 M * micah Bertl: what do you want in there?! 1164952371 M * Bertl the post install scripts 1164952401 M * Bertl can't be that fedora starts/stops quite nicely, but debian kills the runlevel scripts :) 1164952444 M * micah i'm a little confused here, we are talking about util-vserver, not vserver-debiantools? 1164952454 M * Bertl yep 1164952470 M * Bertl but to make it simple for you, as you just woke up 1164952481 M * Bertl here is a what, why and howto: 1164952500 M * micah (I was actually getting ready for some night maintence, then bed! :) 1164952509 M * Bertl - newvserver (or whatever is used atm) seems to 'post process' a newly installed guest 1164952527 M * Bertl - util-vserver has the ability to start post-install scripts 1164952537 M * Bertl - there are no post-install scripts for debian 1164952545 M * Bertl now what to do: 1164952566 M * Bertl - move the post install stuff from newvserver into the post-install scripts of util-vserver 1164952585 M * Bertl the effect: 1164952591 M * micah do I detect a clever way towards making a certain package redundant? 1164952592 M * Bertl - newvserver will get smaller 1164952603 M * Bertl - util-vserver will get better 1164952616 M * Bertl - folks creating debian guests on non debian systems will get happier 1164952631 M * micah - less bothersome debian questions asked here 1164952695 M * Bertl and *shhh!* yes, I think that's a good chance to do *you know what* with the *you know which* package 1164952715 A * micah hums and looks off into the distance 1164952730 M * micah not sure what you are talking about there, but anywayyyyyysss... ;) 1164952786 M * Bertl ah, btw, you're the right person to ask, I think 1164952790 M * micah alright, I'll have a look at this as soon as I can 1164952808 M * Bertl is there a sarge version for x86_64? and if, how is that arch called and where would I find it? 1164952879 M * micah of debian? http://www.debian.org/ports/amd64/ 1164952905 M * Bertl ah, so I use amd64 as --arch for debootstrap? and this url or so? 1164952934 M * daniel_hozac http://amd64.debian.net/README.mirrors.html 1164952938 M * daniel_hozac for the URLs. 1164952997 M * Bertl okay, I'll try that, but we should really get an Example Guest Install page RSN :) 1164953026 M * micah yeah debootstrap --arch amd64 sarge 1164953035 M * micah I've never installed an amd64 machine though :) 1164953067 M * micah gotta go, maint. window opening 1164953069 M * Bertl well, I'm going to test it as guest 1164953077 M * Bertl okay, have fun! 1164954486 Q * virtuoso Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164955036 M * Bertl btw, guest install and startup works fine with debian-amd64 :) 1164955295 J * virtuoso ~s0t0na@shisha.spb.ru 1164957121 J * pusling pusling@ 1164959477 J * borgfish ~bla@ 1164959477 M * borgfish re 1164959542 M * Bertl hey borgfish! 1164959983 J * Torsti76 tkurbad@gate.iwm-kmrc.de 1164960251 Q * bronson__ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164961052 J * eser ~Me@oxnard-cuda1-cable-bundle-68-69-253-79.ventca.adelphia.net 1164961472 M * eser i'm 2.6 patched vserver on a diskless host with a tmpfs ramdisk. setattr iunlink and cow does not work. does vserver support running off of a ramdisk? 1164961494 M * eser should be: 'i'm running 2.6 patched..." 1164962042 M * Bertl yes, it supports running of a ramdisk 1164962061 M * Bertl but, I assume you are not using a ramdisk, as you mentioned tmpfs 1164962119 M * Bertl for tmpfs, which is 'just' page based, there are no ext attributes defined, so the additional flags and consequently CoW does not work 1164962130 M * eser sorry. i'm trying to run vserver guests out of tmpfs 1164962173 M * Bertl but, if you are interested in testing attribute and CoW for tmpfs, we can probably arrange that in the next few days :) 1164962209 M * Bertl a solution which should work right now would be to actually use a ramdisk with ext2/3 on it 1164962233 M * eser would that be able to grow/shrink dynamically like tmpfs? 1164962305 M * Bertl no 1164962389 M * eser ok. well, i can probably work around that if I plan ahead. 1164962432 M * Bertl as I said, we can probably add the missing attributes, if you are willing to test them :) 1164962919 M * eser that would be great! i'm running a warewulf cluster, so all of my vserver-patched nodes have tmpfs filesystems on them 1164963039 M * eser so, vhashify, per-vserver disk quotas, and cow would all work in tmpfs? 1164963238 M * Bertl disk limits (what you probably mean) require xid tagging 1164963258 M * Bertl but that can be added too, should not be too hard, if somebody is testing it :) 1164963285 M * matti Morning Bertl. 1164963294 M * Bertl eser: the vhashify and CoW only depends on the attributes (same with barrier) 1164963300 M * Bertl matti: good morning! 1164963306 J * dna ~naucki@184-208-dsl.kielnet.net 1164963571 M * eser bertl: got it. yes, i was thinking of disk limits 1164963847 M * Bertl eser: so if you remember me this evening and/or tomorrow, we can arrange something ... 1164964007 M * eser ok. i'll check in tommorow at around the same time 1164964069 M * Bertl hmm, make that around 20:00 CET 1164964105 M * Bertl or at least between 18:00 CET and 4:00 am .. I'm off to bed now :) 1164964136 M * Bertl have a good one everyone ... cya later! 1164964141 M * eser oh. sorry 'bout that. i'm keeping odd hours this week. i'll try to get on earlier 1164964148 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1164964148 M * eser bye! 1164964565 J * DavidS ~david@chello062178045213.16.11.tuwien.teleweb.at 1164964643 Q * eser Read error: Connection reset by peer 1164969374 Q * sladen Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164969498 J * sladen paul@starsky.19inch.net 1164969587 Q * DavidS Quit: Leaving. 1164971253 M * Hollow can someone look over http://linux-vserver.org/CPU_Scheduler for errors? 1164972503 Q * michal` Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164972743 Q * Aiken Quit: Leaving 1164972812 J * lilalinux ~plasma@dslb-084-058-196-233.pools.arcor-ip.net 1164972849 J * michal` ~michal@www.rsbac.org 1164972849 J * dna_ ~naucki@184-208-dsl.kielnet.net 1164973270 Q * dna Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164973645 J * ms_ ~ms@arkansas.doc.ic.ac.uk 1164973648 M * ms_ mmm. 1164973652 M * ms_ I just rebooted 1164973658 M * ms_ and my vservers didn't come up 1164973660 M * ms_ they all failed 1164973667 M * ms_ with things like "/usr/lib/util-vserver/vserver.functions: line 696: popd: /tmp/vserver-init" 1164973681 M * ms_ err. 1164973682 M * ms_ Failed to start vserver 'horde' 1164973682 M * ms_ file or directory 1164973685 M * ms_ agh! 1164973699 M * ms_ Failed to start vserver 'horde' /usr/lib/util-vserver/vserver.functions: line 696: popd: /tmp/vserver-init.XB4845: No such file or directory 1164973703 M * ms_ um 1164973714 M * ms_ is this a well known issue? 1164974397 J * TimG ~root@ 1164974441 Q * ensc Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ensc_)) 1164974450 J * ensc ~irc-ensc@p54B4E2DB.dip.t-dialin.net 1164975070 J * sebastian ~info@pD957E679.dip.t-dialin.net 1164975102 M * ms_ mmm. just looks like it's the init.d script 1164975109 M * ms_ manual start works ok 1164975123 M * ms_ something's broken though in the debian scripts 1164977657 J * Piet hiddenserv@tor.noreply.org 1164978334 J * DavidS ~david@vpn.uni-ak.ac.at 1164979087 Q * Torsti76 Quit: Download Gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/ 1164979838 Q * michal` Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164980082 Q * TimG Quit: TimG 1164980222 J * michal` ~michal@www.rsbac.org 1164980284 J * Adrinael adrinael@st12-127.tky.hut.fi 1164981840 M * trippeh Bertl_zZ: Not entirely sure if its due to vserver yet, but seems so; with vserver patch on 2.6.19, ext4 fails to compile 1164985194 Q * lilalinux Remote host closed the connection 1164985444 J * gerrit ~gerrit@c-67-160-146-170.hsd1.or.comcast.net 1164985874 J * lilalinux ~plasma@dslb-084-058-196-233.pools.arcor-ip.net 1164986533 J * comfrey ~comfrey@ 1164986623 Q * ruskie Read error: Connection reset by peer 1164986822 J * ruskie ~ruskie@ruskie.user.oftc.net 1164986992 Q * ruskie Read error: Connection reset by peer 1164987000 M * daniel_hozac ms_: version? 1164987121 J * ruskie ~ruskie@ruskie.user.oftc.net 1164987390 M * daniel_hozac trippeh: errors? 1164987462 M * trippeh daniel_hozac: Yes, something with quotas. I'll get a paste later today, have to go, picking up the keys to my new appartment :) 1164987482 Q * Adrinael Remote host closed the connection 1164987490 M * daniel_hozac ok, have fun! 1164987887 M * daniel_hozac Hollow: i don't see any errors, but i'm not really deep into the scheduler either :) 1164988245 M * Hollow daniel_hozac: heh, yeah.. i'm not sure if the burst thing is correct.. neither if the idle time is explained correctly, but probably bertl should confirm this ;) 1164988277 J * Adrinael adrinael@st12-127.tky.hut.fi 1164988305 M * daniel_hozac indeed. 1164988951 Q * ms_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164989063 J * jabra ~jabra@ 1164989106 M * jabra hey guys 1164989132 M * daniel_hozac hello 1164989203 M * jabra trying to setup the loopback interfaces on a few vservers 1164989209 M * jabra haven't seen any docs for that 1164989261 M * DavidS jabra: setting up lo to guests is a bad idea 1164989274 M * jabra ya 1164989275 M * DavidS use dummy interfaces instead 1164989287 M * jabra thinking like lo:1 lo:2 1164989403 M * daniel_hozac you know it doesn't matter which interface an address is assigned to, right? 1164989411 M * jabra so the idea is the vserver would have an ip but also a loopback interface of there own 1164989426 M * daniel_hozac local traffic (i.e. destined to an IP address on that machine) will always use lo. 1164989455 M * jabra what if i want a service running on loopback 1164989484 M * daniel_hozac and what does that mean? that it's not externally accessible? 1164989489 M * daniel_hozac you can easily achieve that with iptables. 1164989507 M * jabra that doesn't seem like the right way 1164989552 M * DavidS i have many "local" services on dummyX:127.0.0.X 1164989578 M * jabra ya that 1164989588 M * DavidS where the dummyX interfaces is configured into the specific guest running the service 1164989602 M * jabra right 1164989752 M * DavidS since those are "scope host" it should be save enough 1164989783 M * doener even with that address on eth0, it would be the same 1164989785 M * doener ;) 1164989893 M * DavidS i read something about guests being able to influence each other over shared interfaces (specifically lo) 1164989909 M * daniel_hozac shared IP addresses will do that. 1164989918 M * DavidS do'h 1164989935 M * DavidS i always wondered .... *lol* 1164989945 M * DavidS !trout DavidS 1164989978 J * Rich_Estill ~restill@c-24-11-195-139.hsd1.mi.comcast.net 1164990841 J * stefani ~stefani@tsipoor.banerian.org 1164990893 J * _cob ~cob@pc-csa01.science.uva.nl 1164990951 Q * ||Cobra|| Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1164991119 Q * DavidS Quit: Leaving. 1164991761 Q * Johnnie Quit: G'bye! 1164991850 Q * ruskie Remote host closed the connection 1164992045 J * ruskie ~ruskie@ruskie.user.oftc.net 1164992292 Q * ruskie Remote host closed the connection 1164992512 J * marcfiu ~mef@aegis.CS.Princeton.EDU 1164992515 P * marcfiu 1164993196 J * bronson__ ~bronson@adsl-75-36-144-172.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net 1164993693 J * ruskie ~ruskie@ruskie.user.oftc.net 1164994327 M * trippeh http://paste.linux-vserver.org/712 1164994342 M * trippeh ext4/2.6.19 + vserver compile error 1164994365 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1164994369 M * Bertl morning folks! 1164994410 M * Bertl trippeh: yep, quota isn't patched for ext4 yet 1164994449 J * DavidS ~david@ 1164994492 M * trippeh Okay, disabling ext4 in my vserver image for now 1164994521 M * Hollow morning Bertl 1164994542 M * Bertl hey Hollow! how you're doing? 1164994563 M * Hollow fine, i have a long weekend :) 1164994573 M * Bertl how is the wiki spam protection going? 1164994630 M * Hollow someone gave ma a link to a blacklist but i can't find it anymore .. but i will look at it, i also gave daniel15 sysop rights, he is always cleaning spam.. 1164994661 M * Bertl yeah, same would be the case with powerfox, if you contact him 1164994662 Q * ntrs Read error: Connection reset by peer 1164994666 M * Hollow but apropos wiki, could you take a look at http://linux-vserver.org/CPU_Scheduler and especially verify the formulas i tried to give? 1164994673 M * Hollow ok, will do so 1164994676 J * ntrs ~ntrs@68-188-55-120.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com 1164994683 J * shuri ~shuri@ 1164994710 M * Bertl but the history looks awfull, couldn't find a single meaningful change yesterday, all spam removals ... 1164994745 M * shuri Ola Bertl 1164994746 M * Hollow yeah, there was a real attack on one page yesterday 1164994761 M * Bertl what about the word blacklist we had with tavi? what about the 'simple' ip blacklists? 1164994762 M * Hollow but i have added namespaces for util-vserver and vcd 1164994769 M * Hollow so we can seperate the documentation of both 1164994782 M * Hollow and only put generic doc and theory in the main namespace 1164994815 M * Bertl okay, for that we need the wiki notification to work 1164994826 M * Bertl so that folks get an email if something is changed 1164994861 M * Bertl note: those are all regressions we currently have over tavi ... so we should bring that up to date again 1164994879 M * Hollow yeah, it's time to do that .. ;) 1164995608 M * lilalinux secure-mount: chdir("/tmp"): No such file or directory 1164995611 M * lilalinux help :) 1164995633 M * DavidS mkdir /var/lib/vservers/BLAH/tmp # probably 1164995674 M * DavidS ^^ lilalinux 1164995680 J * ms_ ~ms@arkansas.doc.ic.ac.uk 1164995694 M * DavidS (where BLAH is the vserver you're starting, obviously) 1164995821 M * lilalinux I am copying a running vserver, wonder why that doesn't exist 1164995828 M * lilalinux s/running/working 1164995833 M * daniel_hozac lilalinux: copying how? 1164995836 M * daniel_hozac ms_: what version? 1164995842 M * lilalinux rsync -azvH 1164995873 M * lilalinux forget that 1164995876 M * lilalinux :) 1164996027 M * Hollow Bertl: ok, the mailing list problem is solved, what is the address of the list? 1164996106 Q * k3mper Quit: Lost terminal 1164997105 M * Hollow Remote host said: 550 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table 1164997388 M * Bertl hrmpf, well, you can contact Martin or simply setup a distribution point 1164997399 M * Bertl i.e. a mail box with an alias list 1164997539 M * Hollow well, i can simply add the email addresses to rss2email 1164998958 M * Bertl hmm? 1165000522 M * trippeh WARNING: "register_vroot_grb" [drivers/block/vroot.ko] undefined! 1165000523 M * trippeh WARNING: "unregister_vroot_grb" [drivers/block/vroot.ko] undefined! 1165000523 M * trippeh make[1]: *** [__modpost] Error 1 1165000523 M * trippeh make: *** [modules] Error 2 1165000539 M * trippeh Still the same patch :) 1165000541 M * Bertl ah, nice, that is a bug 1165000582 M * trippeh amd64, could post the config somewhere 1165000588 M * trippeh If interested 1165000629 M * Bertl nah, probably not required, just tell me the VROOT/QUOTA related options 1165000699 M * Guy- any chance of vserver working with suspend2, or is it no use trying? 1165000703 M * trippeh Turned out to be simpler to post ;) 1165000705 M * trippeh http://tomt.net/temp/.config 1165001009 M * Guy- some french dude tried it in january... let's see if I can read what he said 1165001090 M * Bertl I'd give it a try, if something breaks, we can fix it up I guess 1165001188 M * Guy- http://tinyurl.com/yxngks - this is what the canadian bloke blogged 1165001225 M * Guy- he said he added #include to power/power.h to get it to compile 1165001679 M * Bertl ah, those are addon patches, yes? 1165001736 M * Guy- it's a single patch 1165001738 M * Guy- www.suspend2.net 1165001760 Q * shuri Remote host closed the connection 1165001763 M * Hollow Bertl: i have found a program rss2email, which converts the recent changes rss file of mediawiki to an email for each entry in the rss 1165001764 M * Guy- but I'll give it a spin 1165001798 M * Bertl Hollow: ah, sounds good, send it to me for now (the email) I'll do the redistribution 1165001849 M * Bertl (or if you can specify more than one email, add powerfox and daniel15 too) 1165001897 M * Hollow Bertl: do have powerfox' email at hand? 1165001909 M * Bertl Guy-: with recent patch versions (read you should not need to change anything 1165001914 M * Bertl Hollow: yep,sec 1165002225 M * Guy- Bertl: I got a couple of rejects but they were trivial 1165002239 M * Guy- Bertl: will try to compile now 1165002288 Q * gerrit Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1165002397 M * Bertl Hollow: daniel_hozac said we investigated the ulimit-exec issue and came to some? conclusion there 1165002415 M * Bertl Hollow: unfortunately I cannot remember that at all, do you have any clues for me? 1165002427 M * Hollow sec .. 1165002474 M * Hollow https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138468 1165002496 M * neuralis Bertl: hi there, just sent you an e-mail 1165002498 M * Hollow unfortunately i don't remember which fix it was 1165002519 M * Hollow but afaik it had sth to do with stackgap/ssp & friends 1165002546 M * Bertl neuralis: hey, just answered one :) 1165002592 M * Bertl Hollow: thing is, same happens on Mandriva x86_64 1165002606 M * Bertl Hollow: and I'm pretty sure there is no special gcc option used 1165002684 M * Hollow iirc it somehow worked after cleaning up some patches or so.. it was rather strange all the time 1165002719 M * Bertl I'm going to dissect exec-ulimit now, to fix that somehow, so any ideas are appreciated 1165002745 M * Hollow i only have the info in that bug, probably the gdb traces are interesting... 1165002834 M * Bertl okay, and nobody knows how it was fixed, right? 1165002870 M * Hollow guess so 1165002910 M * Hollow maybe http://dev.croup.de/repos/gentoo-vps/dietlibc/patches/0.30-r2/ helps 1165002916 M * Hollow these are all patches we currently apply 1165002955 M * Hollow for util-vserver all patches have been merged to 0.30.211 1165002983 M * Hollow and it still seems to work, as nobody has complained ;) 1165003015 M * Bertl well, I tried 0.30.212-rc2 from daniel, and it fails on Mandriva 2007 x86_64 1165003042 M * Bertl so unless there is some magic fix in gentoo, it will come back for sure :) 1165003082 J * Schaka schak@dslc-082-082-068-094.pools.arcor-ip.net 1165003092 M * Bertl welcome Schaka! 1165003216 M * daniel_hozac Hollow: so what did you add for 0.30-r1? :) 1165003388 M * daniel_hozac http://dev.croup.de/proj/gentoo-vps/changeset/466 ? 1165003709 M * Hollow the stackgap patch is so aweful 1165003727 M * Hollow but i saw in dietlibc cvs some fixes for ssp 1165003736 M * Hollow guess 0.31 will support gcc4 ssp 1165003739 M * neuralis Bertl: ah, okay, it's being held up by greylisting 1165003777 M * Bertl Hollow: so you suspect dietlibc, right? 1165003785 M * Hollow yep 1165003800 M * Bertl do you know pending patches? 1165003809 M * Bertl should the changes be in cvs/svn? 1165003820 M * Hollow no, but i did not backport changes from dietlibc cvs 1165003839 Q * comfrey Remote host closed the connection 1165003842 M * Hollow but i saw in the commit messages that felix has made some gcc4 ssp changes 1165003905 M * Bertl okay, will check that, thanks for the hint 1165003938 J * comfrey ~comfrey@ 1165004002 M * Bertl wb comfrey! 1165004012 M * Bertl Hollow: looks good with the wiki mails 1165004058 Q * michal` Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1165004213 M * neuralis Bertl: what's the airport nearest to you? 1165004247 M * Bertl it's the Vienna International Airport (Schwechat) 1165004282 M * neuralis Bertl: okay, and is there a hotel you recommend that's reasonably close by? 1165004291 M * Bertl it's about 100km from my locations 1165004328 M * neuralis okay, so i'd fly in and take a train/bus? 1165004331 M * Bertl we have a hotel right in my town, which is quite nice if you like 1165004344 M * Bertl let me get you an url ... 1165004386 J * michal` ~michal@www.rsbac.org 1165004525 J * gerrit ~gerrit@bi01p1.co.us.ibm.com 1165004654 J * bonbons ~bonbons@ 1165004916 Q * comfrey Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1165005311 M * Bertl wb michal`! gerrit! bonbons! 1165005347 M * gerrit rehi bertl :) 1165005738 Q * DavidS Quit: Leaving. 1165006022 J * comfrey ~comfrey@ 1165006408 M * Guy- huh? ipc namespaces aren't default? I mean, vservers are not isolated from each other ipc-wise? 1165006424 M * Guy- or what does IPC_NS do exactly? 1165006569 M * Guy- and what is UTS? probably not universal timesharing system, right? :) 1165006571 Q * comfrey Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1165006743 Q * jabra Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1165006984 M * micah daniel_hozac: thanks for the answer to the bug report 1165007096 M * daniel_hozac micah: thank you for including the patch :) 1165007104 M * daniel_hozac (that is, the -rc1 patch) 1165007188 M * daniel_hozac Guy-: yes, IPC and UTS namespaces are used by default (with util-vserver 0.30.212-rc1+). 1165007286 M * Guy- daniel_hozac: I was just amazed that they are configurable options in the kernel, with the recommended value being N 1165007312 M * Guy- daniel_hozac: either I don't understand what these options do, or I don't understand why I wouldn't want them enabled :) 1165007325 M * daniel_hozac well... they're mainline options. 1165007342 M * daniel_hozac but you're right, the patch should force enable them. 1165007394 Q * gerrit Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1165007408 M * Guy- oh, so this is the context support that appeared in mainline 1165007478 M * Bertl yes, the next version will force them 1165007493 M * Bertl discovered that shortly after the patch release 1165007578 J * Aiken ~james@tooax6-103.dialup.optusnet.com.au 1165007656 J * DreamerC_ ~dreamerc@59-115-48-61.dynamic.hinet.net 1165007678 M * Bertl morning Aiken! 1165007716 M * Aiken hi Bertl 1165007790 M * Guy- what is uts, though? I only know about IPC 1165007904 M * daniel_hozac uname -a 1165007905 M * Bertl uts is the system information 1165007906 M * daniel_hozac basically. 1165008021 J * gerrit ~gerrit@bi01p1.co.us.ibm.com 1165008046 Q * DreamerC Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1165008088 M * Guy- ah 1165008165 M * Bertl no idea what UTS stands for though 1165008208 M * Bertl the syscall was sys_uname and now is sys_newuname 1165008223 M * hardwire who wants to help me bark up a tree? 1165008226 M * hardwire anyone? 1165008241 M * Aiken Bertl what is the link to the tools needed for 2.6.19? 1165008286 M * daniel_hozac http://people.linux-vserver.org/~dhozac/p/uv/experimental/util-vserver-0.30.212-rc2.tar.bz2 1165008292 M * Bertl tx 1165008305 M * Aiken thanks, another link to record 1165008348 M * daniel_hozac 0.30.212 should be released some time tomorrow, unless something pops up. 1165008601 M * daniel_hozac Bertl: drivers/char/sysrq.c:267: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘dump_vx_info_inactive’ 1165008621 M * daniel_hozac (when building 2.6.19-vs2.1.x-t1) 1165008736 M * Bertl vserver/debug.h is missing 1165008741 J * DavidS ~david@chello062178045213.16.11.tuwien.teleweb.at 1165008766 Q * sebastian 1165008785 M * daniel_hozac right. 1165008794 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: which reminds me, could you adjust/run your scripts regarding includes on that? 1165008813 M * daniel_hozac for vserver/debug.h? sure. 1165008856 M * Bertl well, best for the following includes: 1165008874 M * Bertl vs_* vserver/debug.h and vserver/history.h 1165008905 M * Bertl the aim is to avoid all non vs_* includes in non vserver files in the future, except for the debug and history 1165008938 M * Aiken this yours? http://paste.linux-vserver.org/716 or has mainline stuffed alpha YET again? 1165008944 M * daniel_hozac okay. 1165008968 M * daniel_hozac Aiken: hmm, it dies from a warning? 1165008974 M * Bertl Aiken: that looks somewhat mainline ... 1165008996 M * Aiken I just commented out that variable declaration 1165009028 M * Aiken it looks like it dies with warnings 1165009040 M * daniel_hozac ah, are you building with -Werror? 1165009067 M * Bertl Aiken: please give mainline a try to make sure 1165009097 M * Bertl in any case, I'll fix it up ... 1165009108 M * daniel_hozac Bertl: hmm, that looks like a variable we introduce without using it. 1165009144 M * Bertl could as well be, I still have to go through the 2.6.19 patches and remove garbage 1165009158 M * daniel_hozac it's added by the patch, at least :) 1165009171 M * Bertl that's a good sign then :) 1165009267 M * sannes So, with the *spaces in 2.6.19, what does this mean for vserver, I mean, these things has been supported before right? does it make the vserver patch smaller or easier? 1165009300 M * Bertl yes 1165009315 M * daniel_hozac somewhat easier, somewhat harder :) 1165009333 M * Bertl for example the uts virtualization is almost identical to the one used in Linux-VServer for more than 2 years now 1165009367 M * Aiken it is vserver related 1165009386 M * Bertl sannes: but the interfaces are different, so tools need to be upgraded 1165009407 M * Bertl Aiken: okay, tx, IMHO just removing that line should work 1165009440 M * sannes I think I read an email answering your annoncement of a vserver patch available for 2.6.19 that said openvz had supported this for over a month, and here I thought that 2.6.19 just came out the other day.. :P 1165009455 M * Aiken commenting it out before and the compile made it past that point, it is just an unused variable 1165009479 M * Bertl sannes: yeah well, I couldn't find a version for 2.6.19 on their page, so they probably did some time travel and secret development :) 1165009519 M * sannes yip, that is what I figured .. heh, I wish I had a time machine so that I could go back one hour each day making my days 25h long.. that would be nice :) 1165009525 M * Bertl sannes: but seriously, what do you expect from a big company, when a few folks like us are first again :) 1165009570 M * sannes hehe, true .. but I got this "troll" feeling when I read it .. 1165009636 M * Aiken the compile does not die on all warnings 1165009682 M * sannes so, what happened with the next gen vserver network virtualization thing that was going on, is it still going on? 1165009707 M * Bertl yep, and better than ever 1165009738 M * sannes cool :) 1165009774 M * daniel_hozac Aiken: did you get warnings for arch/alpha/kernel/ptrace.c? 1165009786 M * daniel_hozac Aiken: about linux/vs_base.h being included multiple times? 1165009811 M * Aiken no 1165009830 M * Aiken at least not yet 1165009834 M * daniel_hozac hmm, i must've messed something up then. 1165009849 M * Aiken I'll report all warning when the compile has finished 1165009860 M * daniel_hozac ok, thanks. 1165009917 M * sannes I wish I had some more time to play around with vservers, now I just look at it when something is wrong instead of focusing on new and exciting features .. heh 1165009936 M * Bertl sannes: what's wrong right now? 1165009972 M * sannes Bertl: ah, nothing right now, it's just that I should be studying :P (or sleeping) 1165009990 J * Blissex ~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk 1165010027 M * sannes What support do you need to implement in each filesystem? (what do you mean by full support in the changelog f.ex.) 1165010039 M * micah daniel_hozac: looks like that patch worked, i'm just leaving for the weekend, but when I get back I'll get an upload in to fix that 1165010112 M * daniel_hozac micah: okay, sounds good. 1165010288 M * Aiken getting a few warning duplicate inclusion 1165010327 M * hardwire meh.. 1165010524 M * Aiken no warning for arch/alpha/kernel/ptrace.c 1165010701 M * Aiken warning list http://paste.linux-vserver.org/717 1165010750 M * daniel_hozac i saw those duplicates too. 1165010923 M * Aiken the 1st 3 warnings seem to be mainline 1165010961 Q * ms_ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1165010962 Q * Vudumen Read error: Connection reset by peer 1165010972 M * daniel_hozac yep.. 1165011004 M * Aiken and as happens every new kernel the resulting vmlinux is too big 1165011050 M * daniel_hozac lol 1165011051 J * Vudumen 70e06f044b@perverz.hu 1165011066 M * Aiken my alpha won't boot if vmlinux > 4 meg 1165011078 M * daniel_hozac vmlinux, really? 1165011084 M * daniel_hozac i guess you strip it, right? 1165011091 M * Aiken yes to both 1165011092 M * daniel_hozac because mine usually end up around 50 MiB. 1165011098 M * sannes -Os ? :P 1165011117 M * daniel_hozac Aiken: ok, my script was faulty, thanks. 1165011131 M * daniel_hozac (re arch/alpha/kernel/ptrace.c) 1165011167 M * Aiken daniel_hozac that is the stipped vmlinux 1165011232 M * Aiken doing another compile with the optimize for size option aka -Os 1165011369 M * daniel_hozac humm, i wish i had a ramdisk for the kernel tree... 1165011416 M * Bertl hmm? should get into the cache, no? 1165011419 Q * Blissex Read error: Connection reset by peer 1165011435 M * daniel_hozac well, i guess the real problem is that i don't have enough RAM :) 1165011467 M * Bertl yeah, probably :) 1165011479 M * Bertl but memory modules are cheap nowadays 1165011505 M * daniel_hozac that's true. 1165011758 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1165012825 M * Aiken should have picked this up before http://paste.linux-vserver.org/718 1165012891 M * daniel_hozac hehe, yeah, that's known. 1165012917 M * Bertl daniel_hozac: do you ahve a patch for me, regarding includes? or suggestions? 1165013057 M * daniel_hozac the script just finished, i'll be cleaning up whatever things it found that are legit. 1165013071 M * Bertl excellent, TIA! 1165013086 M * Bertl test compiling the second test version for 2.6.19 as we speak 1165013177 J * chaotika chaotika@ccc2.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de 1165013179 M * chaotika helo 1165013200 M * Bertl welcome chaotika! 1165013210 M * chaotika i have sucsessfully installed linux-vserver on my notebook 1165013212 M * chaotika gentoo 1165013219 M * chaotika and i have a ubuntu child 1165013222 M * Bertl congrats! 1165013223 M * chaotika x works! :-) 1165013231 M * chaotika but alsa not :-( 1165013244 M * Bertl audio? 1165013247 M * chaotika yes 1165013252 M * daniel_hozac inside the guest, you mean? 1165013260 M * Bertl chaotika: what's the problem there? 1165013261 M * chaotika yes, outside it works 1165013273 M * Bertl ah, you want to copy the devices inside 1165013280 M * chaotika what devices? 1165013288 M * Bertl the 'audio' devices 1165013317 M * chaotika they are there 1165013335 M * chaotika i have also mapped /dev/snd/ into the child 1165013346 M * Bertl sure? let's start with something simple, e.g. ogg123 1165013387 M * Bertl run that through 'strace -fF ...' for inside and outside, and upload the traces to paste.linux-vserver.org 1165013696 M * chaotika http://paste.linux-vserver.org/719 1165013727 M * chaotika outside i can't paste because the console isn't available in x at the moment 1165013811 M * chaotika but in the basesystem there are no errors, there it just works 1165013880 M * Bertl chaotika: okay, let's use strace -fF on that as suggested 1165014111 Q * bronson__ Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1165014556 M * daniel_hozac Bertl: http://people.linux-vserver.org/~dhozac/p/k/delta-headers-fix89.diff 1165014587 M * daniel_hozac the script needs a bit more tweaking to catch the multiple includes though. 1165014694 M * Bertl ok, np 1165014696 M * chaotika http://paste.linux-vserver.org/720 1165014783 M * doener fix89? wow! 1165014872 M * chaotika see line 418 1165014883 M * chaotika 418. open("/dev/snd/controlC0", O_RDONLY) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied) 1165014907 M * Bertl yep, looks like 1165014930 M * chaotika and now? justchange permissions? 1165014945 M * daniel_hozac doener: some auto-generation went bad, so i restarted them at 83 ;) 1165014982 M * chaotika http://paste.linux-vserver.org/721 1165015001 M * Bertl chaotika: I don't think that this is a permission check you can change that easily 1165015019 M * Bertl more likely it requires some capability .. will check that shortly 1165015100 M * chaotika http://paste.linux-vserver.org/722 1165015305 M * chaotika maybe it ist that mapping of divecedirectories isn't good 1165015321 M * chaotika i did it with binding in fstab 1165015348 M * Bertl hmm .. 1165015358 M * Bertl that is indeed a problem 1165015365 M * Bertl as it will get an additional nodev 1165015389 M * Bertl try to 'cp -va' the device nodes 1165015401 M * Bertl and then remove the CAPs you do not need 1165015717 M * chaotika hey, alsamixer works 1165015742 M * chaotika and mpg321 too :-) 1165015762 M * chaotika now i just hve to change the permissions that the user can access the sounddevices 1165015767 M * chaotika thank you :-) 1165015768 Q * Aiken Quit: Leaving 1165015798 M * Guy- Bertl: fwiw, suspend2+vserver+2.6.19 seems to crash on resume, but I haven't tried vanilla 2.6.19+suspend2 yet 1165015815 M * chaotika suspend works great for me :-) 1165015858 M * DavidS I'm using uswsusp (from the debian vserver kernel) and also having troubles resuming sometimes 1165015859 M * Guy- chaotika: 2.6.19, suspend2, with vserver patch? 1165015887 M * Guy- DavidS: what is this uswsusp? I only just noticed it, and its description is rather terse 1165015913 M * chaotika no 2.6.17 on gentoo 1165015957 M * chaotika i only had to patch some hardwarespecific things in acpi for my laptop 1165015993 M * Bertl Guy-: a) please try with vanilla, b) if it crashes, try to capture the dump (serial console, for example) 1165016197 M * Guy- Bertl: that's going to be problematic, the notebook has no serial port 1165016205 M * Bertl IR? 1165016217 M * Guy- Bertl: and it's a spectacular crash, with the screen messed up and an imminent reboot 1165016221 M * Guy- no IR either 1165016225 M * DavidS Bertl: it hangs on the suspend/resume vt; sysrq showPc only shows the cpuidle 1165016226 M * Guy- but I will now try with vanilla 1165016236 M * DavidS .. task 1165016253 M * Bertl interesting ... 1165016293 M * DavidS printable keypresses go to the console, but no reaction on ALT+FX or similar 1165016345 M * DavidS Guy-: uswsusp does the reading/writing of the suspend image in userspace, which promises easier development of advanced features (like encryption, etc ..) *shurg* 1165016398 M * Guy- DavidS: is it an extension to swsusp, or an alternative? how does it play with suspend2? 1165016464 M * DavidS alternative, i just use it because it's mainline kernel 1165016513 M * Guy- thanks 1165016548 M * Bertl DavidS: does the issue only appear with Linux-VServer patched kernels? 1165016731 M * DavidS Bertl: i have to admit i haven't tested it intensively and i have given up on suspend again ... 1165016744 M * DavidS and i have to go to bed now .. i can't type straight anymore 1165016857 Q * DavidS Quit: Leaving. 1165017019 Q * derjohn Quit: by(t)e 1165017214 Q * lilalinux Remote host closed the connection