1142727312 J * Aiken ~james@tooax6-173.dialup.optusnet.com.au 1142727800 Q * micah Quit: leaving 1142727850 J * mkhl ~mkhl@200-148-40-195.dsl.telesp.net.br 1142727957 J * micah ~micah@ 1142727976 Q * micah Quit: 1142728061 J * micah ~micah@ 1142728131 J * Austin_09 JavaUser@67-54-140-164.cust.wildblue.net 1142728184 P * Austin_09 1142728313 M * micah i just moved a vserver from one machine to another by using rsync -a /vservers/foo root@other.host.com:/vservers/foo, which worked great, except the ownership of files got screwed up because uid/gids on the remote host are different from the vserver, is there a way I can preserve the uids, so that in the vserver they will be identical? 1142728357 M * micah I understood rysnc's man page as saying that ownership would be preserved 1142728459 M * doener_ i what way did they get messed up? 1142728680 J * Dr4g ~Dr4g@82-40-44-47.cable.ubr06.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk 1142728712 M * micah I've only seen one problem so far, I had /var/lib/bitlbee with the permissions: bitlbee:nogroup, but after transfer they were ssh:nobody 1142728759 M * micah ssh:nobody is how the permissions appear on the original host if I look at /vservers/foo/var/lib/bitlbee 1142728780 N * Bertl_oO Bertl 1142728783 M * Bertl evening 1142728794 M * micah so to solve that I can rsync from within the vserver, but I want to be able to do it while its stopped 1142728797 M * micah evening bertl! 1142728798 M * Bertl micah: you actually want to use the numeric id option of rsync :) 1142728809 M * micah ah! 1142728813 A * micah goes to read man page 1142728829 M * micah --numeric-ids, perfect 1142728921 M * coocoon morning bertl 1142729219 M * Bertl okay, off to bed now ... back tomorrow ... 1142729226 N * Bertl Bertl_zZ 1142729524 Q * Dr4g Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142729552 Q * JimmyGulp Read error: Operation timed out 1142729631 J * fgryh dryh@ 1142729643 M * Soekris hello i wan't to install sarge on my breezy install. But i got a wrong mirror. i can't find where i can change that i use. vserver quest build -n quest.domain.com --interface eth0: -m debootstrap -- -d sarge 1142729658 P * fgryh 1142729678 M * Soekris where can i change the mirror or can i put it behind ? 1142729757 M * doener_ try appending "-- http://mirror/url" or "-m http://mirror/url", one of those should work IIRC 1142729906 M * Soekris There must be some where a file where Failed getting release file http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/sarge/Release must be standing in. 1142729992 M * doener_ hm? 1142730019 M * doener_ debootstrap is trying to use your default repository, and as that is an ubuntu repo, it fails 1142730031 M * coocoon vserver DebianSarge build -m debootstrap -- -d sarge -m ftp://ftp.at.debian.org/debian/ -- --resolve-deps 1142730059 M * coocoon have u installed debian debootstrap 1142730085 M * Soekris i have a /usr/lib/debootstrap 1142730118 M * coocoon ubunut or debian 1142730122 M * coocoon ubuntu 1142730130 M * Soekris i have a breezy install 1142730138 M * Soekris ubuntu 1142730161 M * Soekris mij host system is ubuntu 1142730202 M * coocoon i know, there must be some entries for debian, if not u need the debian debootstrap, too 1142730234 M * coocoon i mean are there entries for sarge 1142730294 M * coocoon or only for ubuntu dists 1142730296 M * Soekris at the scripts dir there are some files called sarge 1142730412 J * ntrs_ ~ntrs@68-188-37-15.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com 1142730489 M * coocoon why not trying to start it simplhave u tried my command 1142730516 M * Soekris coocoon: yes it's running 1142730559 M * Soekris is it posseble to install fc4 at a breezy host system 1142730585 M * daniel_hozac sure, if you get yum installed. 1142730591 Q * Aiken arion.oftc.net quasar.oftc.net 1142730591 Q * shedi arion.oftc.net quasar.oftc.net 1142730591 Q * Smutje arion.oftc.net quasar.oftc.net 1142730591 Q * mnemoc arion.oftc.net quasar.oftc.net 1142730591 Q * ntrs arion.oftc.net quasar.oftc.net 1142730591 Q * gerrit arion.oftc.net quasar.oftc.net 1142730591 Q * Bertl_zZ arion.oftc.net quasar.oftc.net 1142730603 M * Soekris i can't get yum running 1142730613 M * coocoon right i have tried it last days but then the system gets problems 1142730643 M * Soekris but i got a image of fc2 but i must have fc3 of fc4 1142730668 M * Soekris i have tried to update fc2 but it became a mesch 1142730689 M * coocoon but u also can isntll it with apt-rpm 1142730690 M * daniel_hozac you could install FC4 on another (virtual) computer and create the image there. 1142730730 M * daniel_hozac using apt-rpm on a Debian based system is certainly harder than installing yum and its dependencies. 1142730755 M * Soekris i have a python problem 1142730784 M * Soekris i have compiled from source 1142730784 M * coocoon daniel_hozac: yes 1142730870 M * Soekris but i'm verry new for me. 1142730898 J * mnemoc ~amery@user4-2.tutopia-dialup.ifxnw.cl 1142730898 J * gerrit ~gerrit@c-67-160-146-170.hsd1.or.comcast.net 1142730910 J * shedi ~siggi@inferno.lhi.is 1142730986 M * Soekris coocoon: and daniel_hozac thank you. i go to sleep. 1142730991 M * Soekris good day 1142730996 M * coocoon good night 1142731176 J * Smutje ~Smutje@xdsl-87-78-86-112.netcologne.de 1142731191 J * Bertl_zZ herbert@ 1142731259 J * Aiken ~james@tooax6-173.dialup.optusnet.com.au 1142732184 J * yarihm ~yarihm@84-74-23-214.dclient.hispeed.ch 1142732258 Q * mkhl Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142733429 Q * michal` Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142733688 J * michal` ~michal@www.rsbac.org 1142734269 Q * coocoon Quit: KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia' 1142734421 Q * yarihm Quit: Leaving 1142735065 Q * doener_ Quit: leaving 1142751848 J * DataCompBoy ~datacompb@ 1142751906 M * DataCompBoy Hello, all! :) 1142754349 Q * DataCompBoy Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142755530 J * DataCompBoy ~datacompb@ 1142755638 J * meandtheshell ~markus@85-125-228-17.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at 1142755659 M * DataCompBoy Welcome, meandtheshell 1142755680 M * meandtheshell DataCompBoy: hi 1142756647 J * Smutje_ ~Smutje@xdsl-87-78-1-103.netcologne.de 1142756784 Q * Smutje Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142756784 N * Smutje_ Smutje 1142757057 J * Viper0482 ~Viper0482@p54977F7B.dip.t-dialin.net 1142757838 M * DataCompBoy Welcome, Viper0482! 1142757841 M * DataCompBoy Welcome, Smutje! 1142758498 J * bonbons ~bonbons@ 1142761058 J * DataCompBoy2 ~datacompb@ 1142761269 Q * DataCompBoy Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142764262 N * DataCompBoy2 DataCompBoy 1142764294 M * DataCompBoy Anybody tried linux-vserver on LVM? 1142767381 M * romke DataCompBoy: yeah, work like charm ;) 1142767673 M * DataCompBoy ok, good:) 1142768828 J * doener ~doener@i5387CB6D.versanet.de 1142769955 M * Wonka works nice since thursday 1142769972 M * Wonka my irssi runs in one 1142769997 M * Wonka Linux chaos #6 SMP Wed Mar 15 15:13:20 CET 2006 i686 GNU/Linux 1142770022 M * Wonka lvm2 on software-raid1 1142770533 J * lilalinux ~plasma@dslb-084-058-243-136.pools.arcor-ip.net 1142770730 Q * Viper0482 Remote host closed the connection 1142770950 M * DataCompBoy any way to stick some vserver to certain CPU? 1142770975 M * DataCompBoy I have smp system, and want to have some vservers on one CPU, others on other. 1142771574 M * derjohn DataCompBoy, no that I am aware of. You can set the affinity of certain processes to a particular CPU, but I think the is no mapping context<-->cpu. But you can set cpu limits for a certain vserver (->scheduler) which makes more sense: Why let one CPU run dry and one overloaded ? 1142771648 Q * Aiken Read error: No route to host 1142771651 J * Aiken ~james@tooax6-173.dialup.optusnet.com.au 1142771682 J * Viper0482 ~Viper0482@p54977F7B.dip.t-dialin.net 1142771792 M * doener derjohn: hm, what about cpusets? wouldn't they do the trick? 1142771923 M * doener and vs2.1.x has per cpu token buckets IIRC... so you have affinity, cpusets and (on 2.1.x) the per cpu token buckets 1142771970 M * DataCompBoy hm. so, I need to move to vs 2.1? 1142771996 M * derjohn doener, cpusets? can you start a vserver guest with a cpuset? or is there a patched version that is aware of contexts? Or is there a differnet to match between guest and cpu? 1142772057 M * derjohn doener, "cpu token buckets" -> can you set on _which_ cpu it should run? 1142772201 M * doener i'd suppose the it'd never start running on CPU 1 if there are never any tokens in its bucket... 1142772250 M * DataCompBoy so, in 2.1 I can say that context have own limis on each CPU ? 1142772304 M * doener so it'll stay on CPU 0 (on a 2 cpu system) 1142772353 M * doener the cpusets would need some supporting script, as the tools have no native support for it, but that should probably be easy 1142772434 M * doener derjohn: http://www.paul.sladen.org/vserver/archives/200511/0245.html 1142772491 M * doener http://list.linux-vserver.org/archive/vserver/msg12628.html 1142772515 M * DataCompBoy ogh... one additional kernel patch 1142772520 J * coocoon ~coocoon@p54A06FFE.dip.t-dialin.net 1142772529 M * derjohn DataCompBoy, kernel? 1142772552 M * coocoon hello 1142772554 M * derjohn -> a patch for util-vserver .209 1142772595 M * DataCompBoy http://www.paul.sladen.org/vserver/archives/200511/att-0245/configuration.inc 1142772656 M * doener that's the patch for the flower page... 1142772682 M * DataCompBoy look into it -- flag virtualized 1142772684 M * derjohn DataCompBoy, ah, yes, but thats not vserver-related. The -mm kernels seem to have support anyway. 1142772707 M * derjohn DataCompBoy, did you check if the patch made it into the newstest stable? 1142772749 M * DataCompBoy i'm just reading, doing nothing right now:) 1142772760 M * DataCompBoy -- I have problems with parted now :( 1142772782 M * derjohn DataCompBoy, say goodbye to your data? 1142772803 M * DataCompBoy :) I have repartition secondary drive (and that save my life) 1142772811 M * DataCompBoy Error: Unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition. 1142772812 M * DataCompBoy You found a bug in GNU Parted. 1142772825 M * DataCompBoy :) bug reported at sourceforge at 2005th year... and still unassigned 1142772826 M * DataCompBoy :( 1142772884 M * DataCompBoy May be you can help... any other tool that can move partitions? 1142772948 M * derjohn in former times there was fips ... 1142772958 M * derjohn (assuming you ask for opensource ones....) 1142772967 M * DataCompBoy fips move FAT, afair 1142772977 M * DataCompBoy I have used it to install my first linux -- Red Hat 5.0 :) 1142772991 M * derjohn well it long ago ;) ... you have ext or reiser or what? 1142773002 M * DataCompBoy ext3, already downgraded to ext2 1142773008 Q * serving Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142773016 M * derjohn (with lvm you can shrink/enlarge ..) 1142773028 M * derjohn hm 1142773036 M * DataCompBoy i haven't currently LVM :) just prepare disks for 1142773039 M * derjohn you want to shrink ext2 ? 1142773043 M * derjohn and then move ? 1142773049 M * DataCompBoy I have already shrink all partitions 1142773062 M * derjohn LVM only shrinks the volumes not the filesystems .... 1142773063 M * DataCompBoy now need only move 1142773113 M * DataCompBoy http://pastebin.com/610502 1142773178 M * DataCompBoy i'm want to move sdb5 to end of free space, then move sdb6 to start of extended partition and finally move old sdb5 right after sdb6. 1142773246 M * DataCompBoy but when I try to "move 5 14600" i got Assertion (metadata_length > 0) at ../../libparted/disk_dos.c:2004 1142773276 M * derjohn sry, no plan :) 1142773316 M * DataCompBoy looks like I need tar FS, recreate it, untar... 1142773329 M * derjohn DataCompBoy, you may alsod DD 1142773341 M * derjohn make a new part, dd the sdb5 to there etc. 1142773362 M * DataCompBoy hm. just DD ? and that will be correct partition? 1142773394 M * derjohn if you dd if=/dev/sda5 of=/dev/sda7 bs... ? 1142773468 M * DataCompBoy ok, trying :) 1142773480 M * derjohn i never did but assuem that works ;) 1142773498 M * DataCompBoy disks not overlap, so I'm safe:) 1142773507 M * derjohn yup ... 1142773537 M * DataCompBoy crossed fingers:) 1142773941 M * DataCompBoy not, after DD fs is non usable:( 1142773992 M * derjohn that is strange fsck ? 1142774030 M * DataCompBoy http://pastebin.com/610533 1142774057 M * DataCompBoy o, may be parted's "cp 5 7" will work... 1142774124 M * DataCompBoy yep:) going to cp. 1142774142 M * derjohn or rsync ;) 1142774153 M * DataCompBoy :) 1142774162 M * DataCompBoy raw copy preffered, I think :] 1142774174 M * derjohn bit i still wonder why dd doesnt do the trick. 1142774177 M * derjohn cpio ? 1142774199 M * DataCompBoy strange, dd made copy in 56 secs (20mb/sec); parted copied in 3 mins... 1142774226 M * DataCompBoy bb in 20 mins:) thanks for help 1142776679 Q * michal` Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142777453 M * DataCompBoy btw: have someone made subversion works, when apaches cascaded with proxypass & proxypassreverse? 1142777501 M * derjohn DataCompBoy, offtopic? I never uses subversion 1142777519 M * DataCompBoy not really: subversion runned in vserver :D 1142777548 M * DataCompBoy but you right, i'll go to ask where this more appropriate:) 1142777595 M * derjohn :) dont forget to to bind the apache to the right ips .... 1142777620 M * DataCompBoy I have done that -- and that on wiki :D -- every vserver have its own local ip on dummy0 iface 1142777644 M * derjohn k 1142777656 M * DataCompBoy more intresting question: have anybode already created vserver router for exim, so I can receive and filter mail by one instance? 1142778894 J * Dr4g ~Dr4g@82-40-44-47.cable.ubr06.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk 1142779674 Q * Aiken Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142780512 Q * shedi Quit: Leaving 1142781747 M * DataCompBoy what best FS for vserver limitimg? ext3? 1142782466 M * DataCompBoy aaaaa 1142782473 M * DataCompBoy my vservers died after moveing to other partition 1142782479 M * DataCompBoy vcontext: chroot(): Permission denied 1142782517 M * doener barrier set on the wrong directory? 1142782557 M * bonbons or even just forgotten to update the symbolic links from /etc/vservers/ to the individual guest's roots? 1142782597 M * DataCompBoy I have created new partition, mount it as /mnt, move * from /var/lib/vservers to /mnt, umount /mnt, mount /var/lib/vservers 1142782627 M * doener should be fine I guess... 1142782641 M * DataCompBoy and right after -- everything died 1142782655 M * DataCompBoy may be I should re-set barrier? 1142782666 M * doener what's the output of: showattr -d /var/lib/vservers 1142782671 M * doener and the same without the -d 1142782718 M * DataCompBoy http://pastebin.com/610719 1142782743 J * mkhl ~mkhl@200-148-40-129.dsl.telesp.net.br 1142782805 M * DataCompBoy re-set barrier: 1142782823 M * DataCompBoy http://pastebin.com/610721 1142782826 M * DataCompBoy still won't run:( 1142782851 M * doener no barrier at all... showattr -d /{,var{,/lib{,/vservers}}} and ls -ld /{,var{,/lib{,/vservers}}} 1142782910 M * DataCompBoy doener: here is ls's and showattr: http://pastebin.com/610722 1142782964 M * doener i guess the permissions for the vserver's root are 0755 as well? 1142783015 M * DataCompBoy of course 1142783036 M * doener the 'X' in showattr means xid-tagging, right? 1142783046 M * DataCompBoy yes, I have just enabled that 1142783052 M * DataCompBoy after move, before start 1142783062 M * DataCompBoy that is for I move its 1142783076 M * doener ok, lsxid /var/lib/vservers/ 1142783097 M * DataCompBoy everywhere !!ERR!! 1142783144 M * doener hm, shouldn't that be 0? ... better wait for someone who knows the tagging stuff 1142783166 M * DataCompBoy shit. how to remove that ? just remount without xtag ? 1142783188 M * doener might work, dunno 1142783240 M * DataCompBoy yes, then servers runs. 1142783242 M * DataCompBoy pffrr.... 1142783281 M * DataCompBoy and everything are brokes 1142783296 M * DataCompBoy Error: The cluster is owned by user id 4278190183 which does not exist any more 1142783307 M * DataCompBoy looks like rights dead =( 1142783373 M * DataCompBoy looks like because I have selected UID24/GID24 while configure kernel 1142783499 M * DataCompBoy how to specify context 0 ? 1142783525 M * DataCompBoy agh, found, removed everyxtag 1142783567 M * DataCompBoy intresting. with xtagging enabled, but all xid==0, service runs... 1142783873 M * derjohn DataCompBoy, chxid ? and: context 0 and 1 are special 1142783901 M * DataCompBoy yes, but I have thinks for a while that only name I can pass to chxid: ) 1142783905 M * DataCompBoy chxid -c 0 works find 1142783910 M * DataCompBoy and now everything running 1142783919 M * DataCompBoy but once I change xid -- it dies :( 1142783956 M * derjohn ext3 ? 1142783965 M * DataCompBoy yes 1142783971 M * derjohn you neee: user_attr (default with ext) 1142783983 M * derjohn and taxid as mount option 1142783990 M * DataCompBoy tagxid set 1142783992 M * derjohn and: YOu canot -o remount 1142784002 M * derjohn have to mount fresh 1142784002 M * DataCompBoy amount remount I know :) 1142784018 M * DataCompBoy i'm thinking: may be best recompile kernel with UID32/GID32 ? 1142784024 M * DataCompBoy or UID24/GID24 fine? 1142784043 M * derjohn I dunno, I took the default with was ... hm .. 24/24 ? 1142784051 M * DataCompBoy yes, 24/24 is default 1142784063 M * DataCompBoy Filesystem features: has_journal filetype needs_recovery sparse_super 1142784067 M * DataCompBoy need yo add user_attr? 1142784071 M * derjohn and then chxid /var/liv/vserver/myguest .... 1142784094 M * derjohn user_attr is default with ext. (no so with reiser) 1142784121 M * derjohn ah, and yes; you have to set a context if in /etc/vservers/guest 1142784147 M * DataCompBoy but... why vserver die after chxid? 1142784164 M * derjohn did you set an conext for your guest? 1142784168 M * derjohn context 1142784179 M * DataCompBoy i'm do: 1142784189 M * derjohn (i.e. dont use dynamic context) 1142784193 M * DataCompBoy chxid -c br -R /var/lib/vservers/br 1142784199 M * DataCompBoy vserver vr start 1142784201 M * DataCompBoy -- and it dies 1142784208 M * derjohn chxid is "XID" 1142784215 M * derjohn context is "context" 1142784223 M * derjohn the numbers have to be the same 1142784234 M * DataCompBoy mo... 1142784235 M * derjohn cat /etc/vservers/guest/context <--- filew 1142784262 Q * derjohn Quit: by(t)e 1142784263 M * DataCompBoy hm, nope... I was think that vcopy / vrestore allocate context id for it. 1142784310 J * derjohn ~derjohn@dslb-084-058-243-136.pools.arcor-ip.net 1142784327 M * DataCompBoy I'm tried to follow http://linux-vserver.org/Disk+Limits 1142784360 M * DataCompBoy ooops, i'm stupid:) mised one sentence :( 1142784362 M * DataCompBoy sorry, all 1142784371 M * derjohn ?hm? 1142784372 M * derjohn k 1142784373 M * derjohn :) 1142784407 M * DataCompBoy I have marked it on wiki :D 1142784517 M * coocoon datacompboy: i think the best way is to use the DiskLimit.sh, start it with the vserver guest in scripts/post-start, so it is better to not use dynamic context 1142784573 M * DataCompBoy but does it allow to share files with template ? 1142784609 M * coocoon i don't know exactly what u mean 1142784620 M * DataCompBoy hasify 1142784621 M * DataCompBoy hashify 1142784648 M * coocoon sorry i can't answer this 1142784674 M * DataCompBoy wiki said "but also much more resource intensive way (no unification possible)" 1142784697 M * coocoon if wiki say that ;-) 1142784752 M * coocoon what do u mean with template 1142784818 M * DataCompBoy I have one "template" system, that i use for make new systems -- its needs only change at 3-4 places IP and hostname, and ready. I vcopy it to needed systemname, edit, and unify after 1142784902 M * coocoon ok now i undersatnd u have the folder wit /etc/vservers/foo/* where all is placed also the disklimi.sh file, so if u copy the template into /vservers/foo , the vserver will start and also start the script 1142784917 M * coocoon so it is no problem i think i do it in this way 1142784952 M * DataCompBoy no, will then common files counts only once? 1142785022 M * coocoon have u set /dev/whatever /vservers ext3 defaults,tagxid 0 2 this in the fstab of the host 1142785032 M * DataCompBoy yes 1142785088 M * coocoon when the guest is there placed then not to need count them, i think so, if my vserver starts there appears no count 1142785099 M * daniel_hozac coocoon: DiskLimit.sh is redundant for util-vserver 0.30.210+. 1142785117 M * daniel_hozac DataCompBoy: unficiation will set the xids correctly (i.e. to 0) 1142785131 M * coocoon really 1142785135 M * coocoon hm 1142785192 M * DataCompBoy ok, what I need to do, so disk limits start working? 1142785196 M * coocoon daniel_hozac: but it works here so can i let it be or should i change it 1142785215 M * daniel_hozac i didn't say it wouldn't work, i said it was redundant. 1142785228 M * DataCompBoy I have created dlimits/0/directory and dlimits/0/space_total and restarted guest 1142785229 M * daniel_hozac DataCompBoy: just following the wiki page should do. 1142785229 M * coocoon ok 1142785232 M * DataCompBoy it still see whole drive 1142785242 M * daniel_hozac DataCompBoy: you need inodes_total and reserved too. 1142785269 M * DataCompBoy hm. how to calculate realistic idnodes limit ? 1142785334 M * Hollow daniel_hozac: i wonder if it's worth to make all that stuff with diet.. shouldn't we just strip all the diet things and let the user decide (CC="diet gcc" ./configure ...) 1142785338 M * daniel_hozac if you don't care about limiting inodes, just set it to the amount of inodes on the file system. 1142785367 M * daniel_hozac Hollow: hmm? 1142785402 M * Hollow well, all the static libs, and strict checkings for diet... 1142785411 M * daniel_hozac in vserver-utils? 1142785415 M * Hollow *nod* 1142785430 M * daniel_hozac i guess going the util-vserver route may be feasible. 1142785465 M * daniel_hozac i.e. with the syscall wrapper library dynamically linked to glibc. 1142785483 M * daniel_hozac even if it's configured for diet. 1142785499 M * daniel_hozac (IIRC, it's been a while since i looked at the build scripts) 1142785516 M * Hollow hm.. i thought util-vserver was linked against diet (by default) 1142785556 M * daniel_hozac not the syscall wrapper library. 1142785586 M * daniel_hozac the rest is linked against diet though. 1142785607 M * DataCompBoy daniel_hozac: strange... I have set up reserved and inodescount, and now it shows total MORE than real system :/ 1142785608 M * daniel_hozac (so the syscall wrapper library is usable from other applications) 1142785637 M * Hollow so, it is possible to link one lib with both diet and glibc? 1142785644 M * daniel_hozac i guess so. 1142785674 M * Hollow hm 1142785675 M * daniel_hozac i'm not quite sure how that works. 1142785688 M * DataCompBoy and it doesn't count "used" by that xid 1142785704 M * daniel_hozac or maybe the shared library that util-vserver produces isn't used by util-vserver itself. 1142785718 M * daniel_hozac but rather is just the exported interface. 1142785751 M * daniel_hozac DataCompBoy: grep -Hr . /etc/vservers//dlimits 1142785757 M * daniel_hozac paste it at phpfi.com 1142785819 M * DataCompBoy daniel_hozac: http://pastebin.com/610807 1142785882 M * daniel_hozac DataCompBoy: so you want to limit it to 150 million inodes, and 614 MiB? 1142785902 M * DataCompBoy 150 thousands 1142785909 M * DataCompBoy and 614 MiB. 1142785920 M * daniel_hozac umm, yeah, sorry. 1142785935 M * DataCompBoy daniel_hozac: but see http://pastebin.com/610810 1142785958 M * DataCompBoy in real, /var/lib/vservers have max 4.9GiB, and 1.7 used. 1142786020 M * daniel_hozac could you paste vserver-info too? 1142786149 M * DataCompBoy that is standard util-vserver, shipped with debian-etch: http://pastebin.com/610817 1142786176 M * daniel_hozac well, your version of util-vserver doesn't support disk limits in the configuration. 1142786193 M * daniel_hozac click on the older version of this howto link on http://linux-vserver.org/Disk+Limits 1142786211 M * DataCompBoy agh, then, i'll upgrade util-vserver 1142786266 M * DataCompBoy but, why I see after that more free space, than device really have?! 1142786268 J * serving ~serving@ 1142786317 N * Bertl_zZ Bertl 1142786321 M * Bertl morning folks! 1142786337 M * DataCompBoy Morning, Bertl! :) 1142786389 M * DataCompBoy pff... the only bad: vserver-info doesn't print configure options used when build util-vserver. 1142786395 M * daniel_hozac does it say the right thing on the host? 1142786411 M * DataCompBoy yes, on host it says 4.9GiB 1142786422 M * daniel_hozac for that filesystem? 1142786428 M * DataCompBoy yes 1142786484 M * DataCompBoy stop, i'm stupid again. 1142786497 M * DataCompBoy 4.9 is free, not all :( pffr, may be I should go to sleep... 1142786504 M * DataCompBoy already late here 1142786803 M * DataCompBoy don't know why debian doesn't ship latest util-vserver: i have just applied their patch for 209, and dpkg-buildpackage produced for me correct package:) 1142786905 M * DataCompBoy vdlimit: vc_get_dlimit(): No such process 1142786910 M * DataCompBoy um? 1142786933 M * DataCompBoy wow! fine, after restart of guest limits are here:) 1142787090 M * DataCompBoy ok, now I need to say that again: many thanks, all! :) 1142787457 M * DataCompBoy bye, all! 1142787458 Q * DataCompBoy Quit: Õðÿï 1142787694 J * lilalinux_ ~plasma@dslb-084-058-244-051.pools.arcor-ip.net 1142788123 Q * derjohn Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142788133 Q * lilalinux Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142788134 J * derjohn ~derjohn@dslb-084-058-244-051.pools.arcor-ip.net 1142788166 J * Maddnes Djboss@ 1142788404 J * [be88-5443 ~g6602@pat.george.k12.ms.us 1142788404 J * [be88-2401 ~g5394@ 1142788404 J * [be88-2449 ~j7255@ 1142788404 J * [be88-9801 ~v8959@ 1142788405 J * [be88-6691 ~l3877@cache1-2.ruh.isu.net.sa 1142788407 M * [be88-6691 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-5443 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-2401 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-6691 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-2449 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-5443 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-9801 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-5443 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-6691 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-2401 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-2401 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-6691 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-5443 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-2401 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-9801 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-9801 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-2449 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-2449 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-6691 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-2401 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-5443 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-9801 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788408 M * [be88-5443 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788409 M * [be88-9801 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788409 M * [be88-6691 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788409 M * [be88-2449 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788409 M * [be88-2449 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788409 M * [be88-2401 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788409 M * [be88-9801 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788409 M * [be88-6691 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788409 M * [be88-5443 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788409 M * [be88-2401 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788410 M * [be88-2449 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788410 M * [be88-2449 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788410 M * [be88-9801 Join US ! WwW.Gamers-Zone.info ! Warez POWER ! 1142788410 P * [be88-5443 1142788411 P * [be88-6691 1142788411 P * [be88-2401 1142788411 P * [be88-9801 1142788412 P * [be88-2449 1142788568 Q * Maddnes Quit: www.TuTuTe-cr3w.tk 1142789162 M * FaUl idiots :-) 1142789165 M * cmantito -_- 1142790101 M * romke ddos them! :P 1142790178 M * daniel_hozac Hollow: vserver-utils has a configuration library, right? 1142790823 Q * mkhl Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142791470 Q * rs Quit: rs 1142791823 Q * derjohn Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142791834 J * derjohn ~derjohn@ 1142791951 J * shedi ~siggi@inferno.lhi.is 1142791952 M * Bertl k, off for dinner now ... back shortly ... 1142791958 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1142792933 J * mkhl ~mkhl@200-148-41-156.dsl.telesp.net.br 1142793312 Q * Dr4g Read error: Connection reset by peer 1142793335 J * Dr4g ~Dr4g@82-40-44-47.cable.ubr06.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk 1142795122 N * Bertl_oO Bertl 1142795128 M * Bertl back now ... 1142795868 Q * mkhl Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142797079 M * Bertl off for a while, back later ... 1142797085 N * Bertl Bertl_oO 1142797283 Q * Skram Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142798257 J * mkhl ~mkhl@200-148-41-221.dsl.telesp.net.br 1142799624 J * serving- ~serving@ 1142800009 Q * serving Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142800151 Q * doener Quit: leaving 1142800160 J * doener ~doener@i5387CB6D.versanet.de 1142800774 J * Plux whatuwant@c-69-180-60-135.hsd1.ga.comcast.net 1142801064 J * Smutje_ ~Smutje@xdsl-87-78-57-146.netcologne.de 1142801322 Q * Viper0482 Remote host closed the connection 1142801399 Q * Smutje Ping timeout: 480 seconds 1142801399 N * Smutje_ Smutje 1142801728 Q * Smutje Quit: leaving 1142801781 Q * eyck Quit: Lost terminal 1142801930 P * meandtheshell 1142802668 Q * mugwump Read error: Connection reset by peer 1142802746 Q * coocoon Quit: KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia' 1142802801 J * eyck eyck@ 1142803673 Q * lilalinux_ Remote host closed the connection 1142805322 J * Smutje ~Smutje@xdsl-84-44-185-12.netcologne.de 1142805512 Q * daniel_hozac Quit: bbiab 1142806270 J * mugwump ~samv@watts.utsl.gen.nz 1142806403 J * ebacve icechat5@dynamic-oit-vapornet-b-1029.Princeton.EDU 1142806502 J * daniel_hozac ~daniel@c-2d1472d5.010-230-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se 1142807077 Q * bonbons Quit: Leaving 1142807590 Q * daniel_hozac Quit: bbiab again 1142808709 J * Aiken ~james@tooax8-188.dialup.optusnet.com.au 1142809584 J * ebacve_ icechat5@dynamic-oit-vapornet-b-1029.Princeton.EDU 1142809584 Q * ebacve Read error: Connection reset by peer 1142811112 J * matta ~matta@c-68-81-35-243.hsd1.pa.comcast.net 1142811125 M * derjohn hat does a process state "S" and "Ss" mean? The particular processes ist in capital letters - is this a Zombie? (or a Trojan camoflageing itself badly) ? 1142811623 J * daniel_hozac ~daniel@c-2d1472d5.010-230-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se 1142811867 M * doener derjohn: a zombie is Z... S is interruptible sleep and s is session leader... man ps ;) 1142811982 Q * monrad Quit: leaving 1142811994 M * derjohn doener, current one host has lots of /USR/SBIN/CRON (capital letters). I'm a little afraid, so I didnt man ps :) 1142812098 M * [PUPPETS]Gonzo chicken :) 1142812114 M * derjohn man chicken 1142812143 M * derjohn [PUPPETS]Gonzo, try: %blow on the shell 1142812167 M * doener derjohn: that's vixie cron behaviour (maybe other crons do that, too) 1142812197 M * derjohn doener, which cron would you recommend ? 1142812200 M * doener to distinguish the forked crons from the original cron or sth. like that 1142812232 M * [PUPPETS]Gonzo doener, could you change your nick? I get hungry... :( 1142812239 M * doener i never really bothered with choosing a cron daemon... on gentoo vixie was the default, so I used that... I don't even know what cron daemon i'm running now 1142812346 M * derjohn [PUPPETS]Gonzo, I hope you can meet him in person on Linuxtag ... so please dont come hungry there. 1142812441 M * doener well, i hope my visual appearance does not match my nick, so I feel safe in any case 1142812459 M * daniel_hozac lol 1142812461 M * [PUPPETS]Gonzo I prefer chicken doener ;)